

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 382

The next day, back at Swinton, a convoy of luxury cars drove into Park Pa

lace in a grandiose display. As their procession moved through the street

s, it left a lasting impression of power and splendor.

By the entrance, the entire Harmon family had been waiting, with Jessica

in the lead.

As the vehicles came to a stop, Jayla, who was dressed in luxurious cloth

ing, was the first to disembark with an arrogant look on her face.

"Jayla, you're here! Please, come in." Jessica greeted her with a smile a

nd a welcoming attitude. The person she was greeting was Tyler's sister.

Her standing among the entire Grant family was not to be taken lightly.

Jayla nodded in response. "Jessica, long time no see. Where's Natasha? Wh

y don't I see her?"

"She's inside getting ready. She won't take much longer," Jessica explain

ed with a smile.

"Jayla, I prepared something for you when I found out you were visiting.

Have a look." At that moment, Quentin, who was standing beside them, took

out a sapphire the size of an egg and passed it to her with both hands.

Jayla was not only gorgeous, but she also came from a powerful family. Th

at was why he knew she was the best match

for him. Naturally, he wouldn't give up the chance to leave a good impres


It was his belief that every woman was weak against jewelry.

Jayla glanced at it. "Thanks." However, instead of receiving it herself,

she had the maid take it and put it away.

"Uh…" As he took in her disinterested look, the corners of his mouth twit

ched. He purchased that sapphire from some Amberson woman for

more than a hundred million dollars. He had spent quite a fortune to impr

ess the gorgeous woman and was aggrieved at her reaction.

"I should have gotten something cheaper," Quentin silently mumbled.

"Jayla, tea is almost ready. Let's head in first." Jessica smoothed thing

s over and invited the entourage inside. After they took

their seats, she asked, "Jayla, may I know what brings you to Swinton thi

s time?

"Jessica, in truth, I'm here regarding my brother's wedding." She drank a

sip of tea and continued, According to the marriage agreement, there are

around 20 days left before the union between the Harmons and the Grants.

I'm just wondering how the preparations are going."

"There is no need to worry. The Harmons' annual family gathering will be

in a few days. We'll be making arrangements during the gathering," Jessic

a replied with a smile.


would be the best." Jayla nodded and changed the subject. "However, I've

been hearing rumors lately that Natasha has a boyfriend. I wonder if they

are true."

Jessica's expression froze slightly with her words before she dismissed t

he idea with a wave of her hand. "That's not true, of course. You shouldn

't listen to gossip like that. Besides, who could compare to your brother

in the entire seven provinces of Balerno?

"That's good to hear. You

should be aware that my brother is deeply devoted to Natasha, and he

also has strict principles and doesn't tolerate betrayals. With his perso

nality, if he heard about the rumors, there's no guarantee how he would r

etaliate." Her words carried a hint of threat as she


"Please don't worry. It is inevitable for our families to come together.

I have faith the wedding will be held according to schedule." Jessica smi

led assuringly.

"Great!" Jayla raised her brows. "My brother will be back in two days. He

will also be personally attending the Harmons' annual gathering to ask f

or the bride's hand. I'm here to inform you of this

in advance."

"No problem. We will make all the necessary arrangements." Jessica nodded

with a smile.

While they were talking, Natasha, who had finally finished getting ready,

walked out of her bedroom.

"Natasha, you're here. Sit down. We were just discussing your marriage wi

th Tyler-"

Natasha raised her hand and interrupted her. "I heard everything. Jayla,

my apologies in advance. I'm afraid we won't be able to go through with

this marriage."