

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 347

Dahlia shook her head fervently with a bewildered expression. "Mr.

Langford, we'd be more than thankful if you didn't find any faults with

us. We would never dare blame you for anything!"

"Exactly! Please get up, Mr. Langford. Look at you! You're bleeding

so much! I'll go get you a Band- Aid!" Florence quickly went into the

bedroom to get the first-aid kit.

"A Band-Aid?" Luis could not believe his ears. He'd severed two of

his fingers, for goodness sake! What use did he have for Band-Aids?

"Why don't you go to the hospital, Mr. Langford? Your bleeding

doesn't seem to be stopping," Dahlia suggested cautiously.

"Have you forgiven me, Ms. Nicholson?" Luis asked expectantly.

"I guess so. As long as you don't come and bother me anymore, you're

forgiven." Dahlia nodded.

"No problem at all! I'll make myself scarce now and never bother you

again!" Luis was elated. He nodded at both Dustin and Dahlia as a sign of

apology before he made a run for it with his men in


"Hey, Mr. Langford! Your Band-Aid!" Florence raised the bandage in

her hand and waved it around, but Luis did not even turn back at all. If

anything, he picked up his speed.

"Dahlia Nicholson, just you wait! I'm not done with you yet!" Dakota

saw that the situation wasn't favorable for her, so she escaped too. What

happened today was nothing but peculiar. Why did the great Mr. Langford

apologize to Dahlia? And he even got down on his knees! How unbelievable.

How absurd! She had to thoroughly investigate what exactly was the reason

behind all this. "Say, Dahlia, what exactly came over Luis Langford? Has

he gone cuckoo?" When everyone had left, Florence couldn't hold back her

curiosity. From how she saw it, the only plausible reasoning behind

everything was that Luis had lost his mind Why else would he apologize to

them? He even went to such lengths as to amputate himself! Which person

in their sane mind would do something like that?

"I have no idea either." Dahlia shook her head. Then, her gaze

swiftly fell on Dustin. "Did you do something?"

"Truth be told, I did nothing. It was Luis himself who offended a big

shot, so he had to atone for his actions today." Dustin shrugged.

"Is that so?" Dahlia had her doubts. Dustin had told her before that

if she faced any sort of difficulty, he would be able to straighten

things out for her. And now he really did clear things out for her. She

refused to believe that there wasn't anything fishy going on behind the

scenes. "Alright, alright, I'll admit, I'm acquainted with an influential

person." Seeing that he could not hide things any further, Dustin decided

to come clean.

"Do you remember the man I had dinner with the other night? He's the

scion of the prestigious Spanner family. Both his power and his status

greatly exceed those of Luis Langford. He was the one who helped me out."

Mr. Spanner?" Dahlia immediately recalled Adam Spanner.

"How do you know such a prominent person?" She asked dubiously.

"I helped him before, so I guess he's just repaying me a favor."

Dustin chuckled.

Adam had been a sickly kid who had constantly been bullied, so Dustin

would stand up against those rich and arrogant youths of Stonia for him

and often taught them a lesson for messing with Adam. Because of that,

Dustin even earned himself the nickname "vile demon".

"I never would have guessed that you'd be affiliated with such an

important person. How did I not know this before?" Dahlia asked, curious.

"These are old-time stories. No point bringing them up." Dustin shook

his head.

"Alright then. I will not probe too much into your past. But in the

future, please do not act rashly," Dahlia warned in all earnestness.

"It's not every day you get favors from people like him. If you bother

him too often, Mr. Spanner won't want to help you all the time. You have

to rely on yourself.

"You don't have to worry. I know what I'm doing." Dustin smiled.

As they spoke, a hunched, middle-aged man with gray hair knocked on

the door and made his way in. It was none other than Rufus Rhys, the King

of Theswe!