

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 169

Looking at the crowd in the hall, Edwin couldn't help but smile broadly.

As expected, everything was going smoothly. Once the product launch was d

one by today, Eternumax's reputation would be spread far and wide!

When that time came, his aim wouldn't be limited to Swinton but to market

Eternumax throughout the thirteen cities of the South!

"Sir Hummer! Congratulations on your launch!" Quentin and his men came up

to Edwin, whose face was beaming.

"Oh, it's Mr. Harmon. Please, have a seat," Edwin said pleasantly.

"Sir Hummer, Eternumax is really a precious herb! Everyone has been talki

ng about how great it is. Look at the crowd here after hearing about its

effects! It's already become so popular that people are coming in droves!

" Quentin flattered.

"If the product is good, customers will naturally return. Mr. Harmon, you

also stocked up quite a bit, it seems like you're going to make a big pr

ofit this time." Edwin smiled.

"It's all thanks to you, Sir Hummer. We're all working together to get ri

ch!" Quentin laughed heartily.

"Oh, by the way, have you heard

any news from Natasha?" Edwin asked suddenly.

Quentin's lips curled into a playful smirk. "Speaking of which, there is

a bit of news. I just heard that Natasha was going to hold a press confer

ence at the same time and place as you."

"Oh? Is she trying to provoke me? But how come I didn't know about this?"

Edwin was surprised.

"Not only you, but I don't think anyone in Swinton knows about it. I've a

lready checked into it, and her press conference has no one in attendance

! What a joke!" Quentin sneered.

"If there is no one there, then what's the point of her holding a press c

onference?" Edwin asked.

"She probably was frustrated by you, that's why she intentionally pulled

this stunt to try and stir up trouble. But now it seems like it's just ba

ckfiring on her." Quentin replied.

"Heh! I never expected Natasha to resort to such a foolish move. Does she

really think that she can restore

everything just by relying on the Harmon family's reputation? How naive!"

Edwin shook his head.

In his heart, he couldn't help but look down on Natasha. Natasha Harmon,

the so–called queen of the business

world, didn't seem so impressive after all.

*Sir Hummer, how about we go over and witness the mockery for ourselves?"

Quentin extended an invitation.

"I have many important guests coming later, so I can't leave for now. You

go ahead, and please say hello to Natasha for me," Edwin replied calmly.

"Okay, I'll go have some fun then. I'll let you know the details later, Q

uentin said and left without further ado.

Soon, Quentin and Mr. Wangley arrived at the Harmon family's press confer

ence. When they walked in, they

found the hall empty, with only a few people present.

"Cousin, I didn't expect you to really hold a press conference. But why i

s no one here? What the hell are you doing?" Quentin teased as he walked


"Did you not come here? Aren't you a human?" Natasha replied coldly.

Quentin's lips twitched, but he continued sarcastically, "I see it's real

ly empty here. Should I bring some friends over to liven up the atmospher


Despite his words, the sneer on his lips could not be concealed.

"Thank you for your kindness, but it's unnecessary. My guests will arrive

soon," Natasha smiled faintly.

"Cousin, I think you shouldn't be too stubborn. How can you compete with

Edwin with such a poor showing? In my opinion, I think you should just ad

mit your defeat," Quentin said with a smirk.

"Well, it seems like you're having a lot of fun!" Ruth piped in angrily.

"Ruth, I'm doing this for your sister's own good. Rather than making an e

mbarrassment of ourselves, we should stop our losses while we can. Like m

e, I've bought a ton of Eternumax so that I can make a fortune later." Qu

entin said confidently.

"You bought the Eternumax? How many did you buy?" Ruth was surprised and

asked tentatively.

"I invested all my money and took out many loans to purchase the stocks.

This time, I'm going to make a killing!" Quentin raised his chin proudly,

waiting for them to rain praise on his intelligence and prowess.

After hearing this, Ruth slapped her forehead and sighed. "It's all over!


Eternumax was complete garbage!

It was pure stupidity for Quentin to buy so much Eternumax, moreover with

money that he didn't have!

What an idiot Quentin was!