

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 167

Two days later, the Hummers' held the official press conference for the l

aunch of Eternumax at the Hillview Hotel.

News about it had spread for several days, and with the Hummers' unceasin

g effort to promote it, there was a great deal of discussion surrounding

it. Such an amazing drug with beautifying properties that could also impr

ove longevity drew the attention of countless people.

So the press conference, which was grandly decorated, bustled with activi

ty. There was a never–ending stream of guests that made their way in.

Right around noon, a silver Bentley pulled up at the entrance of the Hill

view Hotel. When the car door opened. Natasha slowly made her way out of

the car, her arms around Dustin's.

As always, she was the center of attention wherever she went. It was hard

for anyone to take their eyes off her shapely figure and alluring face.

Dustin, who was clad in a three–

piece suit, seemed to have gone through a thorough makeover. He looked ha

ndsome and suave, and carried himself with great poise.

"Natasha, why are you here?" Quentin and Mr. Wangley caught sight of them

and approached.

"If you can be here, then so can I." Natasha answered nonchalantly.

"We're here because

we received an invitation from Sir Hummer. Did you receive an invitation

too?" Quentin asked with a faint, sardonic smile.

Of course, he knew that Edwin would never have given Natasha an invitatio


"I'm not here for Edwin's press conference, so naturally, I do not need a

n invitation." Natasha shrugged.

"If you're not here for the press conference, then why are you here?" Que

ntin didn't quite get the idea.

"Oh, it totally slipped my mind to inform you that I'm having a press con

ference for a new drug launch today too. Same day and

location as Edwin Hummer's, but his is on Basement Level 3, while mine's

on the third floor. I've made sure to steer

clear of him." Natasha dropped the shocking news on him.

"What? You're having a press conference too?" Quentin was startled.

He had sent men to keep an eye on Natasha for

the past few days, and they had not reported any action on

her end.

Why was she suddenly having a press conference? And at the same date and

location as Edwin's! Was that

not a blatant sign of provocation?

"Natasha Harmon! What exactly are you up to? You have nothing to your nam

e, so where on earth do you get your courage to challenge Edwin Hummer?"

Quentin was equally shocked and suspicious.

"This isn't something that you should be worried about, Quentin. If you'v

e got time to spare, you should consider more for yourself," Natasha said


"What's that supposed to mean?" Quentin frowned.

"I heard that you've purchased Eternumax in bulk, and plan to resell it a

t a higher price to earn some quick

cash?" Natasha asked.

"So what if I have? You can't forbid me from making money just because yo

u refuse to do so!" Quentin argued.

"Just because we're from the same family, I'd advise you to do yourself a

favor and sell off those Eternumax at a low price before the press confe

rence starts. If you don't, you'll lose everything you have before you ev


know it!" Natasha smiled profoundly.

"Utter nonsense! Eternumax is selling like hotcakes right now! There are

a whole lot of people out there who

are willing to pay good money for it and yet are unable to get their hand

s on them! I think that's just your

jealousy talking!" Quentin scoffed.

"It's up to you to heed my advice." Natasha couldn't be bothered to tell

him more. She hooked her arm around Dustin's, and they both made their wa

y into the hotel.

"Hmph! She really doesn't know where she stands!" Quentin sneered as he w

atched them leave. From the way he saw it, Natasha was simply trying to c

omplicate the situation in a final attempt to save herself.

As time went on, more and more people of the elite class entered Hillview

Hotel. The Hummer's press conference was filled with distinguished guest

s and was brimming with activity and excitement.

The Harmons' press conference, however, painted a completely different pi

cture. It was one of desolation and emptiness, with hardly any attendees.

Apart from the staff and several bodyguards, there was basically no one

else present.

But Natasha wasn't bothered by the low turn–

up. She sat there with Dustin, leisurely sipping on wine.

"Natasha! What are you up to?" Two people rushed in. It was Jessica and R


"Why would you hold a press conference so suddenly without any prior prep

aration! Are you messing around?" Jessica demanded the moment she walked


"I know what I'm doing." Natasha said calmly.

"You know what you're doing? What do you mean you know what you're doing?

Have you seen the Hummers' press conference? The place is jam–

packed with people! And look at what you have here? Not a person in sight

! If word

got out about this, what would people out there think about us Harmons?"

Jessica exclaimed out of frustration.

Not only was the prescription formula for Eternumax stolen, but Natasha w

as also publicly challenging the Hummers at such a critical moment when s

he should have kept a low profile and laid low for the time being!

Wasn't she just inviting humiliation upon herself? How ridiculous!

"Natasha, I don't get it. You have always been one to make plans in advan

ce and are always in control of the situation, why have you made such a f

oolish move today?" Ruth was puzzled.

Since they had Immortunol, all Natasha needed to do was advertise and giv

e it some publicity, and they would easily be able to go against the Humm


So out of

everything that she could have done, why did she pick the course of actio

n that was most arduous and least promising?

"Let's not get all worked up. Here, have a seat and something to drink. Y

ou'll find out soon enough." Natasha was still full of confidence.

"Hmph! I'd like to see what tricks you have up your sleeves! Jessica huff

ed as she sat down.

Right now, all she hoped for was that nobody would show up. At least then

, no one would spread the news. about this. If any word about the press c

onference got out, Harmon Pharmaceuticals would end up as a laughing stoc


"Hmm Is this the Harmons' press conference? Why don't I see anyone here a

t all?" Just then, an obese elderly man walked in, his face full of doubt


"Dr–Dr. Shane?" Jessica was so astonished.

Dr. Shane was a person who rarely appeared in public. What was he doing h


After all, Dr. Shane was someone who would even disregard a prime ministe

r's invitation if he so wished.

"Dr. Shane, what brings you here?" Jessica immediately got up to welcome


However, he did not even spare her a glance and walked right past her.

He jogged enthusiastically over to Dustin with a huge smile on his face.

"Mr. Rhys! You're here too! That ancient manuscript that you gave me was

absolutely wonderful. It's just that there is some information in there t

hat I'm struggling to grasp. Do you think you could shed some light on th

em, please?"

Jessica was struck dumb on the spot.

A legendary figure in the medical field, the great Dr. Shane, was actuall


seeking advice from a poor fellow like Dustin. What? What on earth was go

ing on?