

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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600 Chs

Chapter 143

  In an office of the Hummers Hospital, Edwin was resting

with his eyes closed on a chair. Suddenly, a knock was heard. "Come in."

Edwin opened his eyes and saw Fletcher walk in with a grave expression.

"What's wrong?" Edwin asked, worried. "Sir Hummer, we received news last

night that Dracor was severely injured." Fletcher reported. "What? Dracor

was beaten up? Who was the perpetrator?" Edwin's face twitched. "It was

Dustin!" "Dustin again? How could that punk have such overwhelming

powers?' Edwin frowned. Dracor was his right–hand man. Being the best

martial artist in Swinton, no one could withstand his attacks. Merely the

mention of his name was enough to strike fear into the hearts of his

opponents. Usually, Dracor could easily unravel any sticky situation that

Edwin had assigned him to. How could such a capable fighter like him fall

into Dustin's hands? It was incomprehensible! "Sir Hummer, Dustin told

Dracor to send you a message," Fletcher continued hesitantly. "What is

it?" "Dustin insisted that Ms. Hummer had to apologize to him personally.

Otherwise, he would pay you a visit!" "That punk had the nerve to

threaten me? He must have a death wish! Edwin slammed his fist on the

table in anger. He was the one who beat Tina up. Now, he expected the

Hummers to apologize to him? Dustin was going too far! "Sir Hummer,

please calm down. His abilities are far superior to any of ours, so it is

best not to fight with him head–on." Fletcher reasoned with Edwin. "Then

should we just let him go?" Edwin demanded. "Of course not!" Fletcher

shook his head. "Although Dustin is a formidable martial artist, he is

but one man. We can use our influence to drive him out of Swinton,"

"Continue." Edwin nodded to Fletcher to continue. "Eternumax, the

medicine produced by our company, is sought after by many families,

especially the Harmon family! We can use this to negotiate and get their

cooperation. With their support, we can take Dustin on!" Fletcher

smirked. 1/3 "That makes sense. Il Natasha agrees to abandon him, dealing

with Dustin alone would be a piece of cake!" A smile played on Edwin's

lips. – "That's what I thought! Nonetheless, the prescription of

Eternumax is still in our control. After we are settled with that punk,

it would make things easier for us to turn against the Harmon family as

well. Fletcher cackled gleefully. "Good idea. I'll contact Natasha right

away!" Without any delay, Edwin took out his phone and dialed Natasha's

number. "Hello, is this Ms. Harmon? I'm calling about a business deal."

"Yes, yes! This is about the Elernumax!" "If both parties could reach an

agreement, this would be a huge boost to our wealth and reputation!"

"Regarding my conditions—it's very simple. As long as you turn your back

on Dustin, we can be loyal business partners!" As the conversation

continued, Edwin's expression turned sour. His face was livid when he

ended the call, "Sir Hummer, how is it? What did Natasha say?" Fletcher

asked out of curiosity. "She told me to get lost!" Edwin answered.

"What?" Fletcher was speechless at her reply. "This woman must be blindly

in love with that punk! What foolishness to forsake such a lucrative deal

for a man!" Edwin gritted his teeth in anger. "Women tend to be

emotional. She will regret it once Eternumax takes the world by storm!"

Fletcher chimed in. Edwin didn't reply, as he had too many things on his

mind. These few days, nothing seemed to be going right for him. "Sir

Hummer, terrible news!" At this moment, a doctor ran into the room

hurriedly. "Ms. Hummer's condition has suddenly taken a turn for the

worse!" "What do you mean? She's in danger? How could this have happened?

Wasn't she fine yesterday?" Edwin Jumped up from his chair. He grabbed

the doctor by the collar and roared. "Ms. Hummer is suffering from a

strange condition that can't be cured medically. Y–You would understand

once you see it for yoursell," The doctor stammered. "Show me!" Edwin

growled. He followed the doctor all the way to the intensive care unit.

Tina was lying on the hospital bed. Her face was twisted with agony, and

she appeared very weak. "Tina, how are you feeling?" Edwin knelt beside

her bed, his face filled with worry. Chapter 143 "Dad—I don't feel so

good, it hurts Tina whispered weakly, as it her life was hanging on a

thread. "What the hell happened? Why would my daughter deteriorate into

such a poor state?" Edwin glared at the doctor. "Sir Hummer, we have

fixed the fractures on Ms. Hummer. Her injuries should be healed in a few

days. However, she has other injuries that we can't fix." "What other

injuries?" Edwin furrowed his brows. "Sir Hummer, please have a look."

The doctor removed the blankets from Tina's body. On her abdomen, there

were a few purple bruises. It seemed like she was hurt by a heavy object.

The size of the bruises was at least 3 inches long and slightly sunken

inward. "Isn't that just a bruise? What's there to be worried about?"

Edwin asked, puzzled. "Sir Hummer, this isn't a normal bruise. It's a

symptom of a rare curse. The person who left the curse has. blocked Ms.

Hummer's blood circulation. If this continues, the organs in her body

will malfunction and die. According to my experience. Ms. Hummer's life

would be in serious danger!" The doctor explained gravely. "What?! How

could this be? Is there no cure?" Edwin was taken aback at the startling

news. "Unless the person who placed the curse lifted it, there's no

cure!" The doctor sighed and shook his head.