

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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Chapter 139

  "What?" Julie's mind went blank when a pair of swords

were held at her neck. She was unable to process what was happening. From

the assassins' forced entry to Dustin framing her, everything happened

too quickly. When she finally regained her composure, she was already in

danger. "Rhys! How could you do this to me!" Seeing as she was about to

be held hostage, Julie panicked. "Wait, it's a mistake! I'm not Dahlia,

you've got the wrong person!" "Do you think we are stupid? This man told

us you are Dahlia Nicholson!" The assassins' leader retorted. "He's

spouting nonsense! Don't believe him!" Julie said, cold sweat running

down her forehead. She never expected Dustin to exact his revenge on her

in such a despicable manner! "According to our intel, Dahlia is in this

hospital room. If you aren't Dahlia; why would you be here?" The leader

demanded fiercely. "I–I was just passing by-!" Julie stammered. "Fuck!

How dare you lie to me? You must be tired of living!" Julie was violently

slapped on the cheek by the leader, making her ears ring. "What are all

of you doing? Take her away!" He ordered. Some of his men immediately

dragged Julie towards the door. "It's not me! It's really not me! Rhys,

you asshole, you framed me! Are you even human?" Julle burst into tears

and wailed loudly. She knew that if she were to be taken away, she would

definitely suffer inhumane abuse. "Dustin! I'm sorry! Please save me, I'm

begging you! I've learned my lesson! On account of Dahlia and Old Mr.

Nicholson, you can't sit back and do nothing! You have to save mel" Julle

broke down and apologized profusely. At this moment, only Dustin could

save her. "Shut the hell up, you bitch!" Julie's cries for help got on

the nerves of the assassin leader. He gave her a few more slaps on the

face. Julie staggered and fell to the ground, blood flowing from her

lips. When Dustin felt that Julle had been punished enough, he spoke up,

saying, "Guys, I'm sorry for the confusion. I've made a mistake, she is

not Dahlia." "What did you say?" When they heard this, the assassins

froze. *Punk! How dare you trick me?" The leader narrowed his eyes

threateningly. Chapter 139 "I guess you could say that." Dustin nodded.

"You bastard!" The leader was furious. He rushed towards Dustin with his

heavy blade and swung it using his full strength. By the agility and

power of his movements, the leader was obviously a martial artist. His

skills were far superior to those of a normal person. However, Dustin did

not dodge. He blocked the attack with his bare hands and landed a kick on

his opponent's abdomen. The leader screamed in agony as he flew out the

door. "How dare you hurt our leader? You are dead meat!" The other three

assassins threw Julie aside as they turned to attack Dustin

simultaneously. However, before they could get close enough, Dustin gave

all three of them a flying kick and knocked their heads together. Without

another word, they fainted on impact. "Fuck, who is this monster?" The

last assassin, who was guarding the door, saw what happened to his

teammates. Fearful for his life, he ran away as fast as his legs could

take him. Four of his friends were dead. He wasn't sticking around to

find out what was going to happen to him. "Dustin, you…" Julie's eyes

were as wide as saucers. She never knew that Dustin was such a good

fighter. In the blink of an eye, he single–handedly defeated four

assassins. She breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Dustin was around

to save her. On second thought, she remembered that it was because of

Dustin that she was mistaken for Dahlia. Julie's anger blazed to life

again. "Confess to Dahlia regarding today's incident. Remember, there is

no next time," Dustin said with a condescending glare. "I'll let you off

today, Rhys! However, don't be too proud! Edwin will come after you now

that you have beaten up Ms. Hummer! You will be hounded out of Swinton!"

Julie gritted her teeth in anger. "You must be sorely mistaken. It's not

the Hummers" who will be coming after me, but me going after them. The

Hummers' must issue a public apology regarding the assauli," Dustin said

breezily "Public apology? You must have lost your mind! What right do you

have to demand an apology from the Hummer family?" Julie scoffed.

"Whatever, it's up to you whether to belleve it or not. Dustin shrugged.

"Let's see how long you can fake it! Hopefully, you won't be wetting your

pants in front of Edwin Hummer!" Julie scoffed again and turned around to

leave. Chanter 13 Dustin couldn't care less about her. He dragged the

leader of the assassins into the hospital room. "Did Edwin send you?"

"What's it to you?" Through gritted teeth, the leader answered rudely.

"How many of you are there?" Dustin continued calmly. "The White Dragon

guild is full of skilled lighters and martial artists. Five of us were

sent to scout ahead. If you desire to live, it would be best to surrender

immediately!" The leader threatened. "Ive never heard of the White Dragon

guild." Dustin shook his head. "That's because you're being ignorant! The

leader smirked. "Punk, if I were you, I would flee Swinton right now.

Otherwise, you will be sitting ducks when our guild master arrives

personally!" "Really? I'll be waiting for him, then." Dustin smiled. With

a loud crack, he twisted the assassin's leader's neck. He died on the

spot. At this moment, a group of menacing bodyguards appeared at the end

of the corridor. Stephan was leading the way! "Greetings, Mr. Rhys!"

Stephan walked up to Dustin and bowed slightly.. "Ms. Harmon ordered us

to assist you. If you need our help, just ask for it." "Thanks for the

kind thought, Mr. Chapman." Dustin nodded in return. "There are a few

unconscious assassins. here who have been defeated. Please dispose of

their bodies." "No problem." Stephan gestured to his men, and they

quickly carried the bodies off. "By the way, what do you know about the

White Dragon guild? Custin questioned. "The White Dragon guild is

regarded as one of the top three guilds in Swinton. Their guild members

are mainly ruffians and scoundrels from the underworld. They take orders

from Edwin and conduct illegal operations. Their infamous reputation

precedes them," Stephan explained. "Oh, I see." Dustin nodded. "The White

Dragon guild has many skilled lighters, especially the guild master.

Dracor Millroy. He is one of the best martial artists in Swinton. It is

said that his skin is impenetrable to a sword or blade as he has attained

the highest tier of martial artistry. The wise thing to do would be to

escape instead of challenging him." Stephan wa med. 1 *Thanks for your

advice. I know what to do," Dustin replied nonchalantly. He was curious

to see what it would be like to spar against the best martial artist in
