

Dahlia Nicholson and Dustin Rhys had been married for three years. After Dahlia’s meteoric rise to success, she abandons the useless dead weight that’s Dustin, proposing divorce. Unbeknownst to her, everything she had ever achieved was only because of him. An Understated Dominance

LOGAN2023 · Ciudad
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Chapter 121

  "Why are you here?" Dahlia was surprised to see Dustin.

When she saw the pretty lady standing beside him, she couldn't help but

frown. Her heart clenched in jealousy. "Was Natasha not enough for him?

He still wanted more women?" Dahlia wondered to herself. "Men are all

playboys after all!" She concluded in her mind. "Dustin, you guys know

each other?" Ruth looked between the two of them, feeling a little

awkward. "We do. She's the president of Quine Group, Miss Dahlia." Dustin

explained. "So it's her!" Ruth's gaze immediately turned hostile. This

woman in front of her was her sister's greatest love rival. She certainly

has to keep an eye on her. She must not let the two of them rekindle

their love! "Humph! How do we keep running into each other? How unlucky

of us!" Florence's face was full of contempt." "Dustin! How impressive! I

can't believe you got another girl with you so soon! You really are a

gigolo!" James mocked. At the same time, he was envious of him. "Damn it!

I'm much more incredible and yet I still don't have a girlfriend. And

yet, this piece of trash changes his girls every time I meet him. First,

it was the queen of business, Natasha. Now he has this new pretty girl!

The world is so unfair!" James thought to himself. "Oi! Was it the two of

you making a ruckus?!" Julie scanned Dustin and Ruth, looking annoyed.

"It was me." Ruth stepped forward and chirped, "Boss, This Lumianth Root

is ours. Name a price." "Humph! Do you think it's yours if you say so?

Who do you think you are?" Julie said in an unfriendly tone, "Let me tell

you, I already paid five million dollars for this Lumianth Root!" "Pretty

lady, we need this Luminianth Root urgently. I hope you can do us a

favor." Ruth asked kindly. "Who are you to be asking me for a favor?

Scram!" Julie was stubborn and ruthless. "Hm? Boss, she offered five

million dollars, right? I'll give you eight million dollars!" Ruth

frowned and declared boldly. "Eight million dollars?!" Everyone was

shocked at the number. Especially the shop owner. His eyes were sparkling

with excitement. The other customers were also watching the scene,

amused. "Hey! What are you doing? You're picking a fight on purpose,

aren't you?!" Julie's face darkened. "This precious treasure deserves

such a high price. Do you have a problem with that?" Ruth was only doing

what she thought was right. Chapter 121 "Bitch! You

want to play this game? Fine! I'll pay ten million dollars!" Julie

yelled. Florence's face turned as pale as a ghost as she heard that. Five

million dollars was already her limit. Ten million dollars would cost

more than her fortune. Without hesitation, Ruth replied, "I'll pay 12

million dollars then." "15 million dollars! End this deal now! Boss! You

know the first come first serve policy. This Luminianth Root is already

mine. If you dare to sell it to someone else, I'll destroy this shop of

yours!" Julie roared and snatched the wooden box before everyone could

say a word. "Alright, alright. Luminianth Root is yours!" The shop owner

agreed reluctantly. But the truth was, he was extremely happy. "Boss, why

are you selling it to her? I can give you 12 million dollars!" Ruth was

not pleased with the outcome. "It's not about the money. Business is

about credibility. This lady ordered the Luminianth Root first, so it

should be hers." The shop owner played along with Julie. "Did you hear

that? So what if you have money? What's mine is mine, you can't take it

from me!"Julie smiled joyfully as if she had won a battle. On the other

hand, Florence who was standing behind Julie was devastated. 15 million

dollars! She was going to be broke!