
The kings beloved wife

Esther is a soon to be queen with a great anger and love

Daoistaj50jA · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The marriage proposal

Esther is a beautiful African girl,she came from the west. She has black hair with brown eyes

Her mother who is an Italian queen married her father from west African. Which makes Esther half Italian and half African.

Esther woke up, took her bath, wore her dress and went to greet her parents in the throne room(Esther lives in Italy). Her parents greeted her back and told her they had gotten a proposel from the king of Turkey. Esther was shocked that the king of turkey was asking her hand in marriage. Esther could not think and went to meet her friend Peace. She asked her if it was a good idea and Peace said "i don't know". Her parents were putting a lot of trust in her so she had no choice but to say yes to the proposal. The next day the King of Turkey came to see his fiancee, he was handsome (he had a light shade of blue hair and dark brown eyes) He introduced himself as Kelvin the King of Turkey. He asked if she was ready to leave Italy and she said after you take me shopping and he agreed. Esther bought a lot of expensive dresses and bags with shoes and makeup. The price was 1million dollars and he agreed. Esther thought he would say no but he said yes, Esther was shocked after he said yes. The next day they were off to Turkey when they arrived,they were greeted by palace maids. The maids took off Kelvin's jacket and were giving her dead stares, Kelvin told them to show her to her room, the maids reluctantly said yes. When they were walking down the corridores one of the maid's said to Esther that the King only wanted her because she was pretty and nothing else, "i have beauty and brain, I bet you don't have a brain", Esther got really angry and slapped her and she fell down. Esther told her that she is the King's fiancee and she can have her executed. The maid immidently started begging her and showed her the room and Esther picked the maid who was rude and her name was Nova. Esther asked for a cup of tea, she said she wants it at 95 degrees and a milk design on top, Nova got her the worng tea made for the King. Esther sipped the tea and threw it up on her, after that Esther threw the whole tea on her, took a cane and flogged her till marks filled with blood showed on her back. She ordered her gaurd to take her to the maids residence once they left she shut her door and took her bath, wore an expensive dress. She went to the throne room and saw the maid complaining about her to the King then the king turned to her and asked her if it was true. Esther did not hesitate and told him it was true but she talked disrespectfully to me and got me the worng temperature of tea making me to throw up.

The King said all her punishment is in your hands, Esther thanked Kelvin and ordered the gaurds to make her kneel down in the sun for 4houres. The gaurds took her outside and after they left Kelvin told her that she should go to the garden, that the sight there was beautiful. Esther went to the garden and sat down when she saw the Duke. The duke was a young man and extremely handsome Esther could not help but talk to the Duke. The Duke called Esther my lady and told her his name is Lea and that he is one of the most powerful Duke in the palace. Esther introduced herself as the King's fiancee and that the wedding is in one month and that she is inviting him to the wedding. Lea gave her the most beautiful smile anyone could imagine and Esther's heart mealted, to her he was still a child so she invited him inside and the Duke told her that the King does not want any man to interact with his woman or else he will be killed. So Esther told Lea to wait and raced to her fiancee to tell him to allow Lea in, Kelvin looked hesitant but agreed and both Esther and Lea chatted and drank tea. When it was dawn Lea said it was time for him to leave and Esther let him go. Esther called Nova her maid to arrange her bath water with sented roses and Esther took her bath and went to bed smiling. The next day she recived a half diamond and ruby ring that costed 10billion dollars from Lea the Duke and wore it with her blue silked dress. She saw Nova crying in front of another princess, it turns out she slapped Nova and when Esther came closer the princess bowed and Esther said annoyed, why did you hit my maid? The princess said humbly that Nova had threw a whole cup of black coffee on her and Esther asked her maid if it was true and Nova said it was a mistake and she said sorry and Esther turned to the princess and told her that she should get lost and Esther helped Nova get back on her feet and treated her wounds on her back and face. Esther went to the throne room when Kelvin took her by the waist and started slow dancing when the princess who Esther told to get lost came in and looked at Esther with fire in her eyes and went out, Kelvin stopped dancing and sighed heavily and thanked her for her time. Esther laughed her heart out when she saw Kelvin sigh loudly. Kelvin saw Esther laugh for the first time and his heart melted. When Esther went out she saw Lea there and Lea sighed saying so you are truly the King's fiancee. Esther asked why he was sad and Lea told her he had fallen in love with her.

Our gal Esther is getting proposed to.

My other story let me take you dancing i lost my account so pls this is a new account pls bare with me

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