
The kings beloved wife

Esther is a soon to be queen with a great anger and love

Daoistaj50jA · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The fiancee stealer

Esther was shocked she said,"how can you be inlove with me". Lea said, " from the moment you invited me to drink tea with you i fell for you" but now is no use because your the king's fiancee. Esther could not belive what she was hearing, she said Lea if i was not the King's fiancee i would have fallen for you but i am going to be the queen so try and fight your feelings for me. With that she left,Lea kept thinking about what she said and soon developed feelings for another girl. Kelvin told Esther that she is to attend a ball in the evening, Esther told Kelvin that she did not want to attend the ball. Kelvin told her that if she is to be queen she has to attend balls with no hesitation and Esther agreed. In the evening she found herself in the ball dancing with Kelvin. When she was in Italy her mother taught her how to dance so she danced gracefully,till the princess from England came and asked Kelvin for a dance. When the princesss was dancing with Kelvin, she was blushing and Esther was burning with anger,she was trying to take Kelvin away from her she thought. So Esther went up to the stage and announced that the wedding is next week everyone gasped. The princess was so angry that she stepped on stage and slapped Esther so hard she fell on the ground,everyone rushed to help Esther while gaurds held the England princess and threw her out. Kelvin asked Esther if she was fine but Esther kept quiet,stood up and went. Kelvin rushed after her but she locked herself in her room,Kelvin asked her to open the door but she refused saying"i haven't been humiliated like this in her life" Kelvin left her till the next day.


Esther came out the next day and saw the princess taking to her fiancee and was blushing and Esther to her and slapped her that she fell down the stair and broke her leg. Esther did not fell sorry at all and jumped over her and went to the town's bakery, the princess cried and looked at kelvin and kelvin had no choice to carry her to the hospital. The Princess broke her arm and could not do anything else, Kelvin rushed to Esther and scolded her saying "how could you do that to the princess of England". Esther told him that she humiliated her the way she did to her,with that Esther walked off and left Kelvin there speechless. Esther arranged the wedding plans and her wedding dress, her wedding dress was to be made out of ble silk with white gems and blue earings.


Esther was dressed in her wedding dress,while staring at her mirror her mother came in and Esther threw herself into her arms while crying she said "i thought you would not come to my wedding" her mother replyed "how could i miss my child's wedding". She walked down the isle while holding her father's hand,She reached where the groom was and said the words "i do" and kissed the groom. It was the most magical moment of Esther's life. The reception was being held and the one carraige was holding the bride and the groom,while the other was holding the perents. The day came to a end and Kelvin with Esther went to their room and went to bed.


Esther was crowned the Queen of Turkey and every one was happy with his wife, Esther recieved many beautiful gifts from the noble ladies and one was a ring which was made with the finest ruby. It was from duke Lea, Esther was handling imperial affaires when one said "You should not have married the king when you know you don't know how to handle imperial affaires" Esther got so Angry and got the man executed. Esther was glaring at the others and said "I am the Queen if you talk to me any how you will be beheaded understand?" The others answered her and left Kelvin looked at Esther with love. Esther saw Kelvin and ran to hug him she said,the imperial affaires are so hard can i please take a break? Kelvin agreed and Esther went out with her bestie Peace to the nearby bakery andthey saw duke Lea. Peace fell inlove with Lea and begged Esther to introduce her to him and she agreed, They went over to Lea and Esther introduced Peace to Lea and the two friends started talking. Esther left them and went out when she suddenly tripped and almost fell when a Prince caught her. The prince asked if she was ok and she said yes, Esther looked into the prince mysterous brown eyes and Esther's heart almost jumped out of her chest,she found herself blushing like a red tomato. She quickly got a hold of herself and thanked the prince, she asked him his name and the prince replyed"Benedict my lady" and Esther saw the prince blushing at her and the prince took her hand and kissed the back saying"See you at 5pm my lady" And he left. What in the world,did he just ask me out, then her friend Peace came out with Lea, Esther's vision became blury and she fainted. She found herself back in the palace with Kelvin beside her,Kelvin kissed Esther's forehead and left she regained her vision,dressed up and went to meet Prince Benedict. She saw him waiting with flowers,Benedict gave her the flowers and they sat down at the cafe they orderd campane and Benedict was staring at her the whole time and Esther felt umcomfortable. She then told Benedict that she was the King's wife and that he had no right to be hitting on her. Benedict said "The king does not have to know" Esther felt irritated and slapped him hard on his face she said "I am the Queen anyone who tries this with me shall be beheaded" and she left.

What a love triangle

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