
The Guild Base

"This is not an obstacle course but training for siege war!" As Samar scaled the rocky walls under the barrage of arrows and magic spells, this thought grew stronger in his heart. 

He dodged as many arrows and spells as he could by hiding in the depressions in the rocky wall. The moment there was a gap in their barrage, he quickly climbed towards the next shelter near him and healed his wounds, ready to face the next barrage. 

Samar showed incredible celerity as he moved from one shelter to another. Within a matter of minutes, Samar had scaled the entire 30 feet high wall and he faced the last challenge of the gauntlet, sprinting to the finish line within 30 seconds.

This was not a simple dash of 100 meters with the last burst of strength but a gruesome test of skill and agility. Numerous wooden dummies of Warblades and Natureguards stood in his way and as soon as Samar stepped a foot on the wall, the dummies came to life.