

Samar was very pleased with the power of his teammates after their Tier 2 advancement. However, he also noticed a huge problem; Most of them were still unfamiliar with their skills and spells, causing them to mess up. 

'They can bully any mob as they please, but they are not ready enough to challenge the Boss of [Rajni City's Lost Fortune] Quest.' Samar thought, as he carefully watched his team fight another pair of Ghost Wolves by themselves. 

They were relaxed and felt no pressure, causing their movements to become even more sloppy. Stivi was becoming overly reliant on Fire Rune Combo, ignoring the variation part of her Swordsmanship that made it truly powerful.

Romero was not even trying to parry, deflect or dodge the Wolf claws! Due to his poor judgment, he suffered the bleeding effect multiple times and was only saved from the brink of death due to timely heals.