

Max was used used to having terrible days . But on that particular day things were different .He was of to school from the orphanage like always . He was used to walking alone to school ,that is when his hellish fate came to pass causing him and some others to loose their lives instantly .But what Max didn't know that it was only the start of the next chapter of his life. In the next life he gets a system and works his way to being stronger.

Jaisen_Raiker · Fantasía
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8 Chs

True power .

Alec was actually enjoying the moment when the boys thought they could beat him. He quickly took his stance and awaited their attacks . '' I'd like to see you try '' He exclaimed to their leader . The leader threw a kick which Alec was seeing in slow motion because of his enhanced speed . normal humans had a speed of about 13 or so making him crazy fast . But he didn't want to end the fight too quickly , not yet at ;least not like that anyway .

With a step to the side ,the flying kick fell on another boy on the group who was behind Alec .'' You'll pay for that you bastard . '' Mike yelled , the leader of the group of boys . ''But you were clearly the one who hit him .'' Alec said with a slight smile , a mocking one .

Two more boys attacked throwing their punches . Alec chuckled ,'You just never learn .' Alec said inwardly . He simply bent backwards making the two boys to miss and continue with the same force to knock out Mike . 

The remaining boys then looked at each other before launching an attack all at once . Alec the smiled 'Finally ' he said he jumped up to prepare his own attack when suddenly all the boys started vanishing one after the other from his field of view.

He already had a good idea of who it was . The bodies of the passed out boys were pilled up . '' Hey sis what brings you here .'' Alec said maintaining his smile . Behind him was a red head ,half elf , she was twenty four of age but looked seventeen . Clery had stopped her aging making her seventeen for the rest of her life .

She was the definition of an hour glass .With a smile so seductive it could make any man loose his balance . ''Are you trying to talk me out of this . cause if you are...you win '' She said .'' Come on now trouble maker , let's go back before Henry finds us . '' She said . The two were walking and chatting as they ,made their way back to the house up hill in the forest . 

They were hardly in the compound when they had swords clashing .They rushed into the house where they found knights dressed in grey armor dead all over the floor . ''What the heck is going on ...'' Clery said barely finishing her statement when Henry came in . In his hands he had two bags . Just then some three knights came down from the roof . With their swords held high ready to strike . But they never got the chance to as the temperature of the room suddenly dropped .The knights' movements slowed down to a complete stop. They fell down and shattered to pieces revealing a 1.5 meter tall,2 meter long beast with ice spikes on it .

''Good job frost .'' Alec said as he began petting Frost .'' Quickly grab your bags more of them are on their way here ''Henry said to the two who within the next second were all set and the group was off .They set the place on fire to avoid leaving traces behind .''Up there ! Fire !'' Ordered the commander of the knights .Multiple arrows were then launched at the four but they easily avoided them giving them a successful escape from their hunters .

''That was a close call .You guys should be more aware .'' Henry said as he smiled .They flew for some hours before coming to a stop in small village . Henry didn't tell them why he came to this village and they didn't bother to ask knowing it wouldn't matter in the end anyway .The three followed Henry closely as he entered a small adventurer's guild .Although small the place was packed with weapons monster items such as their fangs and claws. 

Henry walked straight to the counter where their was a middle aged man . The group was careful to not allow being caught .'' If it isn't my dear old friend . How long has it been 13 ,14 years after we last met ?'' The man said as he averted his gaze from the cash register to them .''Yeah i suppose it's been long .'' Henry paused for a moment before continuing ,''I need your help Alberto .''

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