
The Kingdom Shall Not Fall

5 Kingdoms. 8 races. A dragon boy who was cheated by the system is rank a 2 in the Spades Kingdom and creates an army to take down the dictator ship. The Kingdom shall not fall but will get stronger. The story involves LGBTQ+ representation (not drastic and the story doesn't revolve around it. Just saying it so people don't complain I didn't give a warning.) i upload one new chapter every monday EST

Raven_Reaper666 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Where it all begins

Fairness. Peace. Tranquility. Respect. Freedom and above all, Safety… These are the things that all kingdoms strive for, yet very few manage to achieve. The land is divided into 5. 

The Heart Kingdom, formally known as Cnoc Órga, which resides in the mountains is where the Satyr's live. Mountain Goat warriors that are descendants from the original Satyr's who used to train the gods. Their traits managed to stay but they now have more human features. 

The Club Kingdom, formally known as Talamh Teine, which resides inside volcano systems is where the Talamhians live. Dragon people who are blacksmiths and respect the art of forging. They are immune to fire and can shift their nails into claws to cut through anything. They are strong both physically and mentally.

The Spade Kingdom, formally known as Lumea Iadului, which is built with a wall around it so the royals can keep track of the Nevinovat's. Wolf people who get their magic from the alignment of the Moon and the Stars, however the Spades have put rules in place to ban the Nevinavat's from using magic. They are an evil kingdom under a dictatorship.

The Clover Kingdom, formally known as Ealam Alzili, is within an eternal night and cloaked by darkness to protect the Umbras who live there. Shadow shifters who have demon-like appearances and can only thrive in the dark. While they are incredibly intelligent, they can only shift into shadow creatures of their choice which unfortunately leads to them being the weakest of the creatures.

Last but not least, The Diamond Kingdom, formally known as Àite Sàbhailte, is the sister kingdom of Talamh Teine. They are also dragon people but unlike the Talamhians, the Kindlerians live in the desert instead of the volcano system. The Kindlerians are also immune to fire however, they are not physically strong. They instead can breathe and throw fire, as well as camouflage by shifting their scales. What they don't have in physical strength, they make up for with intelligence. The Diamond kingdom is known as the most peaceful and fairest kingdom in the land. This is where our story begins.