
The Kingdom Shall Not Fall

5 Kingdoms. 8 races. A dragon boy who was cheated by the system is rank a 2 in the Spades Kingdom and creates an army to take down the dictator ship. The Kingdom shall not fall but will get stronger. The story involves LGBTQ+ representation (not drastic and the story doesn't revolve around it. Just saying it so people don't complain I didn't give a warning.) i upload one new chapter every monday EST

Raven_Reaper666 · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Life Becomes Undone

Our story begins with two children. The young prince and princess of Àite Sàbhailte. Their names are Cinaed and Crya. They are twins and the bestest of friends. Everyone in the kingdom loved and adored the children and were excited to see them take over. Cinaed was the young prince and the future king of the Diamond kingdom. His sister was always there to help him and guide him. She taught him everything she knew and how to be the best he can be. Their parents, Coleth and Salana were not only amazing parents but an amazing king and queen. They always had their citizen's best interests at hand and kept the peace.

Today is the twin's birthday. They turn 5 years old today and everyone in the kingdom was invited to the party. Cinaed and Crya were in their room playing with dolls and giggling. 

"Hey Cin! I made something for you!" Crya said, standing up and waddling to her bed.

"Really? What is it, Rya?" Cinaed asked, craning his neck to try and see what Crya was getting from under her pillow. 

Crya grabbed something from under her pillow and waddled back over to Cinaed.

 "Tada! I made this for you!" Crya hands over a fabric doll to Cinaed. The doll was of Cinaed as a bunny, his favorite animal. Cinaed's eyes light up in surprise and he smiles brightly as his eyes and hair color change to different colors of the rainbow before finally stopping on his original eye and hair color again. 

"Oh my gods! Rya, I love it!" Cinaed said, taking the doll and hugging it tightly. "Wait! I got something for you too!" He giggles and gets up, waddling over to his toy chest and opened it. 

Crya watches and cranes her neck to try and see. She giggles and waits patiently as Cinaed retrieves his gift from the toy box. Once Cinaed found his gift he giggles and waddles over to her and moves her hair out of her face and places a hair pin shaped like a heart,covered in diamonds, in her hair. 

"Tada! I hope you like it, I made it myself!" Cinaed said, giggling as he sat next to her. 

"It's so pretty! I love it! It matches my eyes hehehe" Crya said, giggling. 

The two hugged each other and their tails wagged as their scales flashed into different colors of the rainbow. Cinaed smiles and plays with his doll and Crya was admiring her new head piece when their parents walked into the room.

"Mama! papa! " They cheered and ran into their parents arms. Their mother picks them both up and spins them around. 

"Ah my little kindlings. How are you, my lights?" Salana asked, handing Cinaed to Coleth. 

"We're good hehehe" The twins said giggling. 

Cinaed squeals happily as Coleth places him on his shoulder.

"Well, our little rulers, today is your special day! The whole Kingdom has come to celebrate you two!" Coleth said, with a loud thundering laugh. 

The twins giggle and clap happily as their parents carry them to the guest ballroom. Once they got there, music started playing and everyone was wishing the twin's a very happy birthday. The twins stuck together as they went to play with the other kids while the adults spoke and joked around, enjoying the festivities and refreshments of the party. 

The party lasted through the day and night before the twins finally grew tired. Finally as per tradition, the twins conjured their blue fire and together they lit the giant torch in the center of the kingdom to show the kingdom's prosperity and life. The Kindlerians gathered round and their scales all shimmer and glow, illuminating the kingdom in a blue and green glow. The kingdom hums a rhythmic tune as the twin's birthday song. The twins smile and yawn before Salana picks them up and Coleth sends up a firework into the sky. Once it exploded in the sky, it marked the end of the event and everyone in the kingdom returned to their homes, including the royal family. 

Salana tucked the twins in their beds and kissed them on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams, my dear firelights. May lord Kinota watch over you as you sleep." Salana said softly before heading out of the room with Coleth quietly as to not disturb the children. 

Cinaed looks over at his sister and smiles as he hugs his bunny doll.

"Today was perfect…I love everything.." Cinaed whispers to himself before finally drifting off to sleep. 

Little did they know, things were about to take a turn for the worse. Within the darkness, a figure lurked, watching their every move. Once the lights were out, the figure moved in the shadows and to the castle gardens. With a swift move, the figure lit the gardens aflame. The fire spread rapidly to the castle and the figure laughed evilly. While the castle guards and staff hurried to try and put the fire out, the figure snuck past and spread the fire more rapidly until they eventually ran into Coleth and Salana.

"You! Leave now and your life will be spared!" Coleth shouted, spawning fire in his hands. 

The figure chuckled deeply in response. "Foolish King." 

With that, the figure charged and swiftly kicked Coleth in the chest. Coleth had his air knocked out of him and was sent flying back into a wall. 

"Coleth!" Salana shouted in concern and worry, running to him.

"Salana! Get the kids!" Coleth bellowed, gasping for air.

Salana hesitated but then quickly ran into the kids room. Cinaed and Crya were looking around, confused by all the smoke in the room.

"Mama…what's going on?" Crya asked, trembling a little.

"We're scared…" Cinaed said, holding on tightly to his bunny doll.

Without saying anything, Salana scooped both of them up and carried them out before their room started engulfing in flames.

"The castle is under attack, I need to get you both out of here." Salana said, looking around.

Suddenly, Coleth busted through the wall and grunted. He was badly injured and the figure laughed emerging from the hole in the wall. 

"Run! Get them out of here!" Coleth bellowed and got up, shooting fire at the figure.

Salana started running off with the kids in her arms when Cinaed dropped his doll.

"My doll!" Cinaed shouted, jumping out of his mom's arms and running to get his doll.

"Cinaed no!" Salana said, going to get him again.

The figure saw Cinaed and threw a sword in his direction. 

"NO!" Coleth shouted, rushing to Cinaed. 

Coleth jumped and blocked the sword from hitting Cinaed but in the process got stabbed through the stomach. Cinaed gasped and looked in horror as his dad stood there impaled in front of him.

"PAPA!!!" Cinaed screamed as his mother grabbed him and ran with him in her arms.

Coleth pulled the sword out of his abdomen and stumbled up and tried to continue fighting. Salana, Crya and Cinaed all had tears in their eyes but Salana kept running till they were in the escape pod room. A room there for emergencies but…there was only one pod left. Salana quickly put the kids in the pod and they struggled and cried.

"Mama! Mama! I didn't mean too! Mama!" Cinaed shouts, sobbing with his sister.

"I know! I know sweetheart! It's gonna be ok! Protect your sister ok? Keep each other safe! Stay strong my children!…" Salana went to close the pod when Coleth got thrown through the wall again, in even worse condition and hit the launch button. 

The pod immediately launched and the kids were about to fly out but Cinaed grabbed onto the belt strap and grabbed Crya's hand. 

"Crya!! Hang on!" Cinaed shouted desperately, trying to keep hold of both the pod and his sister but because of the speed they were flying at, they started losing grip.

"No no no no…! Cinaed!!!" Crya shouted before losing grip and falling behind.

"Crya!!!!" Cinaed shouted.

Cinaed was panicking. He grunts as he tries pulling himself back into the pod and buckles himself in. He succeeded and in a matter of time, the pod hit the ground. He grunted, bouncing before the pod finally comes to a stop. 

Once the pod stops, Cinaed crawls out and looks around before realizing he's in the middle of Silva Magicae.