
The Kingdom Of The Black Sun

In the far, far northeen land lived four, technically five but that was never really the case. Nevertheless Four kingdom ! The first one being the most poverful, the kindom of Fire, with Red Flamme as its leader. The second, the clan of Steel, with Magnum Iron as its leader and son ColdTide as second in command. The third, the kingdom of crystal, with Jade Carnage as its leader. And finally the last kingdom, the clan of Ice, with Artic Heart as its leader. Note that what I just told you is not important since they all are dead and we follow just a guy name Codi, but trust me, his going to have a very "interesting" adventure thats for sure.

Urusome · Fantasía
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On the run

The moon shine on all of the north, watching everything from above, like a guardian. The mountain, like spike on a spear, they stand proudly as a frontier, a barrier keeping people from the outside region away from the beautiful land of north, they also work the way around. The snow, did not change a bit, still as white as the stars, but a bit of red do give it a nice color to ad.

The forest in itself is not that fabulous, tree as dence as a crowd of hungry wolf, the spike on their branch, ready to impale anyone to unfortunate to walk or run right on them. The wind, blow fast, the tree were barely able to say still, just like the ground, the wind was cold and the snow didn't help either. Oh and the life ? Pretty calm that night, usely they scream a lot more.

In the forest, only a bit of noice was heard, only a bit of smell could be sent, and only one could come out on top.

Yes, in the mix of all that splendid greenery, they is a little guy, well not really. No he was not small, nor weak, he was a warrior, a pround one, his name ? Codi. Fearsume, strong and good runner Codi. And running he was, this warrior, never forgot the quote from her mum

" You need to keep going, do not stop until arrive, because life is not going to wait for you like I do. Now get your butt out off the house and go hunt ! " She alway had a way to break those moment.

But Codi wasn't waiting, why would he ? He didn't want to deal with what is behind him, well actually, who is behind him.

A warrior, no a legend amongs every living and dead warrior off the north, the strongest from a long way, the most loyal, the greatest in combat, a living mountain. The soul destroyer they call him, well he prefere to be call Leviathan, the first commander of the now NEW ruling kingdom, more on that later. 

The Leviathan was chasing down Codi for a reason, unknow but a reason nontheless. Codi didn't know it tho, and I won't say it. 

Codi keep running, not stoping for a second, he had someone to fear on his tales and he beter not trip or fall his escape. He run between trees, rock even jump over a little crater on the way. He was about to look behind him when he sent a heavy glance behind his back. Then he could feel the air moving behind him, which made him run even faster. 

Codi could hear the breathing from Leviathan, a very rough and heavy breath, that say " I'm a fucking moving castle !! " But just how much was he ?

Codi could answer the question since he could loose his life so he prefere to just do the old siblings tactic, he went behind a rock, a when Leviathan tried to go to one side he went to the other, but it didn't last very long since the sould destroyer grab the rock and trew it at Codi who barely dodge it and start running again.

He would need something better than a rock too get himself out of that situation.