
The king of the vampires.

A war between Vampires, humans dragons, and werewolves began. No one knew about them until a few weeks ago when everything started. It was a fantasy, just a folklore. But became real. And worst of all. I got dragged into it.

wps1234 · Fantasía
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41 Chs

A new Steven's house's girl.

Steven opened the door.

''Finally, you,'' Cecilia, stopped talking while looking at them with widened eyes.

Lara, Tania, and Stella were also surprised.

''Hi, everyone.'' Samia said greeting them.

They answered Samia, a little bewildered and stunned to see her there.

''Sorry guys, but she had a problem with her dad, and she was in front of the bakery, and it was raining. So.'' Steven said to them.

''Don't need to say that,'' Samia said to him, ashamed.

''I see,'' lasra answered him.

Tania got up from her place and said: ''I will see if I can find some clothes for her. You can take a bath in my room.'' 

''Don't need to worry,'' Samia said to her.

''Come on; you will get sick if you stay like this; even we vampires, werewolves, or whatever, get sick. so you're not different.'' Tania said to Samia while she grabbed her hands, taking her upstairs.

''But,''... Samia said while she looked at Steven as Tania dragged her upstairs.

Then, Tania and Samia left.

''What the heck are you doing bringing her here?'' Cecilia said to Steven.

''What Should I do? She was outside in the rain, which was very cold. I couldn't let her out there like that.'' Steven answered Cecilia.

''But She tried to kill us. Don't you think she can try again sooner or later?'' Cecilia asked Steven.

''Do you think she could still try to do something? But the strangest thing is that circle on her; that means she is one of us, so why is she a werewolf?'' Stella said to them.

''I wonder the same; a relationship between a werewolf and a vampire is forbidden, and from what we can see, her father surely broke this law. She certainly has vampire blood; I do not doubt that.'' Lara said to them.

''I think so. I felt something strange when I saw her for the first time, like a kind of connection I don't know.'' Steven said to them.

''I see; a beautiful girl like her, for sure you would feel a connection,'' Cecilia said to him.

''You're closer to having your harem each day, don't you, Steven? I'm sure you're happy '' Stella said to him.

''What?'' Steven asked her, ashamed.

''You're, aren't you? Me, Cecilia, Stella, Tania, and now this girl Samia, who is also very beautiful. Have you ever imagined doing something lewd with us? Lara said to Steven. ''That day you said my name sleeping, why did you say that?'' Lara asked him.

''I don't know what you are talking about,'' Steven said to her, trying to be disguised.

She smiled.

''We didn't find her Sr. We looked everywhere, but she disappeared.'' The man said to Oliver.

''I understand. Call all her friends to see if she is with one of them.'' Oliver said to the man.

''We already did it, Sr., and she is not with any of them.'' The man answered Oliver.

''I see. Where can she be right now?'' Oliver said while thinking.

He widened his eyes, ''Yeah, that boy, I'm sure he said something to her that made her react like that over her past. It's all his fault. This boy obfuscated her; I'm sure something is happening between them lately, but what?'' Oliver said to the man who was standing in front of him.

''We will investigate that Sr. and discover what is happening quickly.'' The man said to Oliver.

''Okay, do that,'' and keep me informed. Oliver said to the man.

''Okay, Sir,'' The man said before leaving.

''Everything is so quiet.'' Lately, the king of the dragons said, lying on a beach bed drinking wine.

The girls around him were also drinking while lying on their beds.

One of them got up and went towards the king.

''Do you want some adrenaline? Hum.'' A blonde girl said to him as she leaned forward, kissing him.

He smiled and said: ''I think so.

So she sat on his side, caressing his head, and said: ''So, why don't we destroy everything? The world belongs to us.''

He lowered his black eyes, allowing him to see her beautiful face.

''Have I ever told you that you're a bad girl?'' he asked her while laughing.

''Yes, you did,'' she answered, leaning above him.

''I think it's time to come back and put fire on that country.'' He said to the blonde girl as he kissed her.

''What do we do now?'' Steven asked the girls.

''There is nothing to do.'' But we need to be cautious about her; we don't know if she truly argued with her father or if she is trying to do something.''

Lara said to Steven.

''I agree with her.'' Cecilia said to Steven.

''The same do I.'' Stella said.

''Here it is; this is the bakery where she saw that boy for the first time.'' The driver said to the three men with him in the car.

Lara looked through the windows and saw the car stopped in front of the bakery. She hid herself, crouching.

''What's going on?'' Steven asked her as he saw her crouching.

''Look!'' Lara said to Steven.

He carefully looked through the windows and saw the same car as Samia; her driver was looking for her, and she wasn't lying to them.

''Who is there?'' Cecilia and Stella asked them. They also went to see what was going on.

Meanwhile, Samia and Tania were coming upstairs.

''Your driver is looking for you; some men are with him.'' Stella said to Samia.

''What?'' She asked while she looked through the windows.

''You're right,'' Samia said as she hid.

''So, what will you do?'' Steven asked her.

Samia thought momentarily for a few seconds and said: ''I won't go if this doesn't bother you and the others. I prefer to stay here for at least a few days.'' Samia said to them.

Steven looked at the girls; ''so? Are you girls okay with this? For me, it's okay,'' Steven said to them.

The girls looked at each other while thinking, anyway, sooner or later, she would need to join them. Steven couldn't become the king of the vampires, so they allowed her to stay there.

They went upstairs to Steven's room while they were talking. Steven carefully looked through the windows, and the car and the men were still there.

''I think she is not over here, or maybe that boy is with her; we can't invade house for a house to find her; this would call much attention; let's leave for now, the driver said to the men.

''They left,'' Steven whispered to them.

''So, she will stay with us from now on. Where will she stay?'' Lara said to the girls.

''She can stay with me; I don't care,'' Tania told them.

''I see. So she will stay in Tania's room from now on, but we need to buy one more bed.'' Lara said to them.

''Are you okay with this, Samia?'' Lara asked her.

''Yeah, thank you,'' Samia answered her.

Samia saw Stella and Steven entering a room.

''Stella and Steven sleeping in the same room won't work,'' Tania said.

''Are you jealous? Did you want to be in her place?'' Lara asked her, laughing.

''Of course not,'' Tania answered her.

''But are you girls okay with it? I don't know, but it seems that all of you have some feelings for him.'' Samia said to them.

''For me, it's okay,'' Tania answered her.

''And you?'' Samia asked Lara.

''I think so, maybe,'' Lara answered her.

''I also wanted to sleep in the same room as him occasionally,'' Cecilia answered her.

''So why don't we do this? Each day, one of you sleeps in the same room as him.'' Samia said to them.

''If you agree, today is my first day here, and I do not want to intrude. It's just an idea.'' Samia said to them.

''But, this makes sense,'' Cecilia said while thinking.

''We looked for her everywhere, and we didn't find her.'' The driver said to Oliver.

''I'm sure she's with that boy. I want you to find out where he lives and bring him to me. I will break his neck if he is to blame for what happened.''Oliver said to them.