
The King Of Liberation


KingV_43 · Fantasía
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1 Chs

The Easy Escape

Author: Black_King_616

Word count: 1,570+

Chapter 1:Prologue


In this world people at birth are gifted with amazing abilities that are now used a lot in everyday life.

That also means wars are constantly going on with the other countries fighting for domination over the others and to achieve that many people loose their lives even some innocent are lost but not many people are brave enough to stand up or say anything about this in fear of the possible consequences that may follow.

With all of this happening people who do not have abilities that are capable of doing anything worthwhile or that can be useful in a fight are basically just regular people some can live with it all but others are not so lucky and often people end up on the streets because of this

There are many organizations that fight against the law in order to help the people in getting food, money, clothes etc. and getting some of these things may include breaking some laws that will stand in their way.

This may also include many assassination attempts against some of the many corrupt world leaders hoping that it will help the world in some way.

But because of how dangerous it can get and with the possibility of death only some of the organizations that are more well known around the world can do this without much problem and without having to fear the downside of being captured for example like the possibility of being tested or experimented on to find out how some of their powers may work or some may be sold as a slave for some of the more wicked people.


In a all white room with nothing but a small bed and a small window in the center of that room sat a man strapped down to a chair tightly wearing orange prison clothes.

He was in one of the most well known organizations in the world as an assassination team leader until they all were found out and caught on one of their missions because one of their own had rat them out when their main base was found out by some of the law they were taken in quickly.

This man was named Nate Jordan a Bahamian man he was one of the best at their organization.

The only reason he was alive at this time was because of his ability being unknown to them and nothing was found out about it on his records and they were very curious about it.

What they also didn't know was how dangerous his ability really was with his ability he was able to take over someone's mind and control them like his own puppets and he was able to make them do whatever he commanded of them and to activate it someone needed to answer him.

[ Image ]

He had his head down as the door to his room slowly opened the one that opened it quickly walked in front of Nate and started talking with his hands behind his back in a calm and collected way.

"Hmmm nice files you got here Mr. Jordan trained in marksmanship, and has high combat ability born and raised in Nassau Bahamas very good we could have used someone like you" said the man in a firm voice.

He only received a nod from the man that was chained down from making any movements at all.

"All rightly now I will be asking you some questions and you will answer them yo the best of your ability unfortunately we do not have much time on our hands to talk much today so let's make this quick and easy" Alan stated.

Nate nodded his head for the man to continue.

"Ok great now it says here that you were the captain of an assassination team in your organization is that correct?" Alan asked him once more receiving a nod from that man.

"Ok next question it says here that you and a few other people are involved with the murder of a politician that was doing some inappropriate stuff to some of the people in that area is that right" Alan asked.

This time the man that looked like he was unable to move spoke in a deep voice.

"Yes we did and we were happy we could stop all of the terrible things that he was doing to all those innocent people and I'd gladly do it again" Nate finished speaking to him.

"Ok next question and our final one for the day your ability can you tell me anything about it or how does it work the men upstairs wants to know" Alan asked him.

"I am sorry but I don't think I can tell you all of that just yet sir maybe some other time tho I'm guessing you won't stop asking until I tell you so how about I tell you at another time" Nate said.

"Ok now I'll be on my way see you tomorrow" before Alan left Nate spoke up.

"Yes but I have one question for you mister Alan just a yes or no would do" Nate asked the aging man.

"Ok I guess so why not" Alan decided to hear him out.

"But do you mind letting me out of these chains my arms kinda hurt" The chained up man asked with a smile.

"No-" as the white male finished speaking he lost all light in his eyes as he became still and unmoving.

"Good now come here and untie me I know you have the key" as Nate said that Alan went up to him and began to untie him.

This was a good show of Nate's ability but a downside to this is that the effect will only last up to 5 hours.

As he was freed from his restraints he started to crack his neck and arms making an audible snapping sound.

He turned to The now Alan puppet and walked to him and took out the gun that was in his pocket and pointed it to Alan's head.

"Well thanks for the gun" then he pulled the trigger killing the man with out a trace of remorse on his face for just taking a life.

As Alan's body dropped limply to the ground Nate started to check his pockets finding a wallet with 556 dollars in it.

" Well that should be all" as he said that he looked up and down the now dead body.

"Not bad don't mind if I do" Nate said.


Nate walkout the room wearing black pants with a White dress shirt and over that a black vest and black shoes.

When he was out he made quick work killing anyone in his way who came to stone him with a knife he found as not to make noise and alert anyone.

He then walked up to an agent and grabbed them from behind he demanded for the exist.

"Ok buddy hi my name is none of your business and can you tell me were the exit is I seemed a bit lost " The man what was struggling to breath quickly pointed to a direction.

"Thanks whatever your name is hope you make it to see the golden gates" was all he said before he slit the mans throat.

He dusted himself off and rushed for the exit.

Once he made his way out of the building he looked for the nearest bus.

When he found one he quickly got on and took a seat in the back while trying to hide his face as best he could without making a scene or making anyone suspicious of him.


As soon as the bus stopped he quickly paid the bus driver the money and made his way out not showing his face to anyone who he came across once as he made his way out he looked for the nearest house that looked like a good place to hide for the time being.

He knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer him.

Who opened the door was a unlucky man because as soon as he opened the door he was met with Nate's fist knocking him out for a for a while.

Nate took time in training his body as so he didn't need to rely on his power all the time.

Nate then pulled him in side the house and closed the door he placed the man behind a table were he won't be seen he quickly locked the door as not to have anyone disturb him.

He then looked around the house he broke into finding only pictures of the man alone leading him to take a guess that the man was alone without a woman or kids.

he then went around the while house and made sure that all of the windows blinds were close and made sure all of the doors were locked.

he found some rope and he used it to tie the man up and use some tape to cover his mouth and eyes and he punched him down in the mans basement behind some boxes.

once all that was done he made sure that it was locked and found a bedroom with a bed, a nightstand and a window which he immediately covered if with some curtains and after that he went to sleep to try and regain some energy.