
the King of Knight After link the Fire

After Lucifer last fight with Gwyn and rekindles the First Flame. He offers himself as kindling to the fire. Sacrificing all of souls souls, the Chosen Undead is consumed by the flames and the Age of Fire is extended, as life is breathed into the First Flame once more. when lucifer opened his eyes he was confused by what he saw, not the afterlife he was aiming for but the alley. he looked around and saw a lot of people passing by, he wanted to stand up but fell down because he was still injured from his last fight. while he was thinking what about his fate, someone blocked his view who turned out to be a beautiful girl "sir, are you okay?" ======================== Author: Joyful Interest i am just translating this for fun and training my writing skill, this novel doesn't belong to me and the cover also not mine.

Lotus79 · Cómic
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70 Chs

Chapter 57 Loving Is Talent

No matter how many times I look at the girl's presence, it won't make people feel bored.

As if feeling Lucifer's sight, Altria's face gradually showed a hint of red. Although there is no secret in their minds and bodies, she will unconsciously lower her head when facing Lucifer's eyes, and the girl's unique expression will appear on her face.

They used to laugh at Gawain with this expression, and then... and then Gawain lost his position as the head of the round table. That was also the first time that other round tables saw the strength of the king's right hand, Altria.

"If the master wishes, I can walk with you at any time."

"Let's go then! Go and take a look at this piece of land that has just been recovered!" Without continuing to tease the girl in front of her, Lucifer took her hand and walked towards the avenue down the hillside.

When they walked down the hill, a ray of magic flashed over their bodies, and the silver armor turned into magic and disappeared into the air, replaced by the casual clothes of lovers that they would wear together when they secretly dated.

While strolling, they saw some French and Britain communicating normally. This scene surprised Altria somewhat, and her face was more of a smile.

"The boundary between the French and the Britain on the border is not as clear as in the royal city."

"This is probably because the border has always been in a zone where wars are concentrated. In many cases, a ruler may be changed in a few days. Although the war is terrible, it can also accelerate the integration of culture and ethnicity in a sense." Lucifer calmly talked about a certain possibility.

In the war, perhaps even the first to be able to integrate with each other is the people on the border. Although they endured the pain of war, they also learned the wisdom to survive in war. Just like in the royal city, French people, even French merchants, will be treated with prejudice.

Here, people from two countries can become friends. People will change with changes in the living environment.

"But this heavy price has been borne by everyone."

"If possible, we prefer to be able to complete the integration in a peaceful way."

"After two years of getting along with Lucy, I have gradually realized that a gentle way seems to be beautiful, but it may never be realistic."

Although the girl is a true knight and possesses the virtues of a knight, she is not a pure in the traditional sense, and she has never been naive.

And her pure truth that she still maintains after experiencing the war and purgatory is Lucifer's favorite place.

"Don't think too much, thinking too much of some things will only make yourself a headache. You are my sword, as long as you fight for me, as for the people and the country, that is my scope. This was decided long ago. Is it not?" During the words, Lucifer grabbed the girl's hand and couldn't help but strengthen a little.

He looked at the girl knight beside him, and Altria was also looking at him right now. As they looked at each other, they all saw each other's hearts.

"Well. I always thought that the luckiest thing in my life was to meet Lucy. I have always thought of it this way."

"Maybe you should use the word happiness."

"Yes, happiness."

For a time, invisible silence filled them. The smell of mud in the breeze, the familiar touch between the fingers, the number of repeated walks, the usual conversations, the sights that can be seen everywhere, I should have been used to it, but everything in front of them is so clear and unique.

After a while, Lucifer gradually awakened from the fairy-tale atmosphere.

"Altria, you really don't want to be a queen, but instead want to stay by my side as a knight?" He asked a question that had been asked many times before.

And the answer this time is not surprising.

"Lucy has asked a lot about this question. My answer is still the same as before. Please don't continue to ask, this is my only desire as a knight."

Altria also knows Lucifer's mind very well. In the past two years, many people have actually suggested that Lucifer take a concubine or queen first. Even before, the old aristocracy would introduce their daughter to Lucifer. Well, even hold a dance party or something.

In this regard, Lucifer pushed off because the country has not stabilized. Now that the country is basically stable, Lucifer's marriage will once again be put in front of everyone. And this is also the last chance for Altria.

Altria wanted to serve Lucifer as a knight, rather than staying in the harem as a good girl. She also subconsciously thought in her heart that whether the knight should be the mistress, this is arrogant.

"Is the knight reserved? This is also one of Altria's lovely places." Lucifer didn't insist on saying anything.

She wanted to live as a knight forever, and she didn't want to dim her light. Although she would definitely accept it now with words like commands, it's better to think about it.

"It's cute, I don't have any..." Altria's voice became a little quieter.

"Well, now the slightly shy expression because of shyness is also very cute, it is better to say that it is because you usually have a serious expression on your face, so the relaxed girly style is especially charming."

"Um... Um, Lucy, which one do you prefer?"

"Me? Altria, have you heard a word?"


"Children only make choices. Of course, adults must like them. When serious, you have a stern and heroic beauty. Girlish Altria is more like an innocent dearly lady. By the way the question you have just now looks like a girl in love!"

Lucifer's final teasing made Altria very happy.


"Of course."

"Great. Actually, I had no confidence in the love with Lucy before. Before I met Lucy, I didn't even think that I could like someone, and I never thought that I would still be in love. Ability. Just before, I had been wondering if I was a qualified love partner."

Altria has never lacked confidence in herself, whether it is swordsmanship or the ability to lead, or even the ability to handle affairs. But when facing Lucifer, she still subconsciously felt a little guilty.

"You know, Altria. It is an innate talent, either born or never."

Lucifer raised the overlapping hands of the two of them, his actions have already explained the type of Altria. Altria looked at their hands, and finally fell on the pair of silver rings on their ring fingers.

"I used to think that being in love was a bit luxury for myself."

"Luxury? Hey, when it comes to this, I'm suddenly a little curious."

Lucifer suddenly thought of something interesting. The look in his eyes towards Altria changed slightly.