
The King of Gossip

His singing voice is addictive, his acting is enchanting, and his dance moves are absolutely electrifying. He is the KING of the entertainment world! However, this guy, with his god-like perfect looks and physique, is primarily known for his constant scandals, present everywhere and at all times. Reporter: You say it's just a rumor, but our people caught you spending a night at Avril's house? Man: I was just there to discuss some concert matters with her, and we ended up talking about life and dreams... Reporter: And what about the kiss with Emma Roberts? Man: Everyone knows I'm a great actor; I was just discussing with her how to perform a kissing scene. Reporter: But what about the Christmas Eve party with Scarlett Johansson, Taylor Swift, and seven other female celebrities... Man: Hey, buddy, I told you those are just rumors. We were just playing CS that night, 1V7, oh, NO, it was 4V4. Yes, all of that is just gossip!

OCTOBER456 · Ciudad
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38 Chs

Chapter 5: Battle with the Great White Shark (Part 1)

Being an agent is not as simple as it seems. It requires extensive connections and an in-depth understanding of the entertainment industry, something that can't be grasped just by watching movies, listening to music, and reading newspapers. The hidden rules are numerous and complex. Zhang Weixiong, with his limited life experience, as an agent?

If Chen Jin were a superstar, he might have been able to slowly transition his resources to Zhang Weixiong, allowing him to gradually familiarize himself with the role. But Chen Jin was just an unknown, not a renowned figure like Zhuge Liang in his thatched cottage. Using Zhang Weixiong as an agent would spell disaster for both of them.

Chen Jin, having been an insider, was acutely aware of some key aspects of the industry. Perhaps, if he really made it big, having Zhang Weixiong start as an assistant to gradually get to know the ropes might work.

However, considering Zhang Weixiong's enthusiasm and good nature, Chen Jin didn't outright reject his offer. "But I'm just good-looking. I can't sing, dance, or act. I'm just a pretty face. Why would anyone want me?"

Before Zhang Weixiong could answer, Chen Jin, still doubtful, asked, "Weixiong, since you love the idea of being a star so much, why haven't you tried it yourself? Honestly, you do have a certain charisma."

Zhang Weihao couldn't help but laugh, "You think he hasn't tried? In high school, he went to audition repeatedly, more than a dozen times. But do you know how many people in Hong Kong dream of becoming a star?"

Zhang Weixiong's face turned red, but he retorted, "Big bro, I once ranked fifth in the Southern District at the Hong Kong New Talent Singing Awards!"

Their brotherly bond was evident as Zhang Weihao teased, "Sure, Hong Kong is so big, divided into sixteen districts, and you only got fifth place in the South. Plus, that was after participating five times. It was practically a consolation prize."

With the New Talent Singing Awards divided into sixteen districts and only the top two from each district progressing to the semi-finals, the third place in any district was meaningless, let alone the fifth, which Chen Jin wasn't even sure existed.

Embarrassed, Zhang Weixiong threw a pillow at Zhang Weihao but turned to Chen Jin, "Ah Jin, don't worry, you'll definitely make it. If you can learn Cantonese this quickly, you have great potential!"

Chen Jin, amused by Zhang Weixiong's earnest yet somewhat naïve assurance, hesitated before asking, "Weixiong, but what if someone finds out about my fake ID?"

"Don't worry, it's not easy to spot a well-faked ID," Zhang Weixiong confidently reassured, patting Chen Jin's shoulder. "And even if it's discovered, once you're famous, your signing company will sort it out."

"What if people dislike me for being a mainlander once they find out?" Chen Jin was still uneasy.

Zhang Weixiong scoffed, "Nonsense. Once you make a name for yourself, you're one of us. How many of Hong Kong's wealthy and famous are born and bred here?" He patted Chen Jin's shoulder again, like a wise elder, "Ah Jin, only those who hide in the shadows and do evil are despised. We Hongkongers believe that as long as you're upright and hardworking, you'll find your place here and be accepted."

Zhang Weixiong's smooth talk showed his good intentions, but Chen Jin could only hope that if Zhang Weixiong became an agent and saw more of the world, he would retain his pure heart.

They chatted through dinner and afterward. Chen Jin seemed to agree to Zhang Weixiong's proposal half-heartedly, which excited Zhang Weixiong, who dreamed of using his position as an agent to meet more stars and befriend them.

Hopefully, after becoming an agent and witnessing the complexities of human nature, he would still maintain his pure heart.

The next morning at 3 AM, they still went out to sea to fish. Zhang Weixiong joined them, persuading Zhang Jiacong to stay home, "Dad, with the three of us, it's enough. You should rest at home!"

Filial piety is a commendable trait, but Zhang Jiacong seemed reluctant to let his pampered second son go fishing, "Why go fishing? Just stay home and study. That's the best use of your time."

A typical indulgent attitude, fortunately not spoiling Zhang Weixiong. "Dad, haven't I gone fishing with you and brother before?" Chen Jin added, "Uncle Zhang, you know I'm skilled now. I won't let Weixiong get tired."

Finally, Zhang Jiacong relented but reminded Zhang Weihao, "Ah Hao, take good care of Ah Jin and your brother!" His inclusive mention of Chen Jin was heartwarming.

Zhang Weihao, slightly impatient or perhaps feeling his father's bias, replied, "Dad, I know. They're adults, too."

Still, the three rode two bikes to the sea, Chen Jin accompanying Zhang Weixiong, familiar with the route by now. Everything ready, they set sail.

Watching the dark sky ahead, a sleepy Zhang Weixiong muttered, "The first time might be novel, but doing this every day is tiresome. Besides, except for the closed fishing season, we never get a good night's sleep..."

Zhang Weihao snorted, "You've already escaped this life, haven't you?" Zhang Weixiong shook his head, "Big bro, don't you understand my intentions? It's only a true escape if the whole family gets out. Dad's getting old; he needs rest. And you, you shouldn't waste your youth here."

His words, though emotionless, were touching. Zhang Weihao turned away to steer the boat, his expression hidden.

Chen Jin, moved by the moment, patted Zhang Weixiong's shoulder and smiled, "I hope I really become a big star. Then, I can also contribute." This wasn't just rhetoric. The Zhang family was kind and had even saved his life, akin to a second birth. It was only natural for him to help if he had the capability.

Zhang Weixiong returned the gesture, "Then we must work hard."

After a silent moment, the boat continued towards the open sea, the three chatting intermittently. Zhang Weixiong, struggling to stay awake, eventually perked up at the sight of a sunrise at sea – a common fisherman's ritual, perhaps for good luck. By the time the sun rose higher, they had already made a decent catch.

During a break from hauling in the nets, Chen Jin, seeing Zhang Weixiong exhausted and panting, made a mocking gesture. Zhang Weixiong, too tired to speak, just rolled his eyes.

Chen Jin shrugged, jokingly asking Zhang Weihao, "Have you ever encountered whales or sharks while out at sea?" He had been curious for a while but didn't dare ask in front of Zhang Jiacong.

Zhang Weihao turned and smiled, "Yes, we've seen them from afar. But don't worry, most whales and sharks don't attack us." Zhang Weixiong, however, seemed less convinced, "That's not always the case. There have been several accidents in our village in recent years..."

As they were laughing, Zhang Weihao suddenly widened his eyes, pointing ahead, "Look, there's a big one right there!"

The sun had risen about ten meters above the sea level, the glistening surface shimmering like gold. Following Zhang Weihao's direction, Chen Jin's sharp eyes immediately spotted the large dorsal fin protruding from the water – it was huge.

The next moment, Zhang Weihao exclaimed in alarm, "No good, that's a great white shark." He acted quickly, turning the rudder to escape.