
Chapter 630: Unbelievable Existence

"Qin, go freshen up and leave. I'll stay here and wait until everyone gets off the plane, then I'll leave."

Shikon Qin paused for a moment, then asked, "Zhongnan, are you going to stay here the whole time?"

Li Zhongnan gave a slight smile and replied, "It's okay. Just a couple of hours."

"Um, thank you." Shikon Qin gave him a quick peck and then took her leave.

He did this, naturally, to protect her reputation. It touched her.

"What a thrill!"

Li Zhongnan lit a cigarette and began to savour the moment. This unique sensation, he had only experienced once in his life.

It would surely be memorable throughout his life.

With little conversation on the flight, the plane soon landed at an airport in London.

After a short layover, they boarded another flight to Shenzhen in the Country Hua.

Upon leaving the airport, they briefly exchanged courtesies and then separated.

Before leaving, Shikon Qin gave him a parting glance followed by a smile.