
The King Elementalist: The Sun

Two worlds trying to protect themselves from invaders but turned out to be invading themselves. How can they fight the super villain?

Yan_Pauls · Fantasía
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73 Chs

The Balance Of Worlds

Earth and Gaia are two parallel worlds in different dimensions, Earth civilizations aim for technological advancement while Gaia focus on magical development. Those two are needed to be on the same state as one affects the other's destiny.

Archandia Mann is Earth's queen and she ruled for almost 100 years, she is blessed with great health and wealth to maintain the balance between Earth and Gaia by protecting Earth as her main priority. On the other hand, Gaia is protected by great King Vladimir Stanford who is a Blood attuned.

Earth is flourished by technology without magic while Gaia is showered by magic without technology. In order to maintain both worlds out of jeopardy, Queen Archandia and King Vladimir gathered warriors to defend the worlds from intruders and constantly secure the safety of their people.