
The King's Lady

Zoe Elizabeth has the King's head.  In her hands.  Under her skirt.   Everywhere you could imagine. It's shocking because four months ago, the whole of OO1 swore the King would have Zoe Elizabeth's head. Zoe is an enigma with the destiny of death. Chased out by her family, she finds mercy in the eyes of Maximus, the same man that ruined her life. She has vowed to make his life hell, but Maximus has other plans for her.  Maximus is a quasimodo with a painful past. A sadistic powerful monster whose life mission is to steal Zoes power and make himself the most powerful man on earth. But when he discovers new feelings towards the dainty priestess, he is forced to face the monsters of his past.  With mysteries surrounding their families, dark secrets are unveiled, Maximus' betrayal is out in the open and Zoe finds out an even bigger legend that could bring chaos to all they have worked for.  Could Zoe and Maximus embrace their love in a world filled with danger, scheming creatures and betrayal?  Or will they drift apart the more they find out the dirty secrets surrounding them?

Loneliest_Empress · Fantasía
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12 Chs


Last Thursday was better than this one. At least her legs weren't numb, and she didn't feel the

need to throw a punch to Maximus' face. Last Thursday, she painted. As Maximus had commanded her to make a painting of him in shades of black and hue, a perfect representation of what his mood would

be like on that Thursday. When he had asked her- commanded her, she had just gossiped with the

workers of the east palace and was returning to her room after a good meal. 

"You paint?" He had questioned, walking towards her room, his row of court ladies and bodyguards

stood at a distance and let him walk further to her. Her hands on the doorknob froze, and she turned

her back to the door, almost as if she was telling him, he was not allowed to enter her room.

She felt the swish of air his golden thread coat brought and the faint smell of sandalwood accompanied by a sweet strong mint scent that she thought came from her. "Yes. So?" She raised her brow, her arms folded and leaned on one of her legs.

Maximus adjusted the collar of his coat and informs. "You will paint me tomorrow. Shades of black and

hue." He immediately turns around to leave but Zoe stops him by appearing in front. The guards

attempted to move, but he raised a hand to stop them.

"How do you know I paint? Who said I would paint you?" Staring at his face, Zoe told herself there was

no way she would ever get along with him, even if he knelt and pleaded to her and thanked her for

saving his life. She felt that the man and she were born to be arch enemies. After all, there has to be a

reason why her family and his made a truce and did not interfere in others' business.

A truce?

Does that mean, by keeping her here at OO1, Maximus had broken the truce made by their ancestors?

If it was, would that not mean he would be punished for it? A gleam of gladness crept up on her face

causing a faint smile to rise on it, but it was soon replaced by a look of realization. She hated to admit it, but Maximus had only broken the truce because of her. Although, she was only in this position

because of him. To be blunt, they were like the end of each other. But if one were to look at this matter

from a realist perspective, the one at loss would be her. Maximus has enough power to keep himself

safe and out of the danger zone. If the pressure becomes too much, he just had to return her to

Greece, and move on with his life. While she, would be slaughtered like her life meant nothing, he

would be here enjoying his Thursdays and an array of women.

A surge of newly found hatred pulled up in her and she glared at him.

Maximus didn't like the girl either. She was like a pest he had to keep under his wings even though he

did not want to and for now, she did him no harm. Their relationship is symbiotic. He needed her to

stay here to figure out how to execute his plans of taking whatever powers she has, and she needed to be

here to avoid being killed. They were like a remora fish and shark. Currently, they weren't hurting each

other and were just benefiting. Even though he didn't think he got the good end of the benefit.

She had a faint smile on her face and the next, her expression changed. A minute later she was

glaring at him with hatred in her eyes. This creature is quite difficult to understand. Zoe to him was

like a blank page. Everyone else, he could read their minds except for the ones who had a strong will. 

Even the strong-willed ones would break if he applied his methodical pressure, but Zoe, not for once

had he caught the lowest decibel of her thoughts. And that made the young lady more dangerous to


He had to act fast. For all he knows, she could have the same motive as him. After all, her family had

also been eyeing his powers for a long time now. There is the possibility that Zoe was the tool they sent to get to him. And she might succeed—if he doesn't kill her out of anger.

"As the King, you shall listen to my commands. It is common sense, should in case the Athena family

did not instill that in you." He attempts to leave but suddenly stops. The hem of his coat was

slowly touching her silk dress, something Madam Cardboard must have taken care of. However she

dressed, was none of his business. "Make it pretty. I would hate to stain my hands on such a good day."

Maximus had continued his journey, ready to retire to his room. Just as he was about to make his way out

of her hallway, Zoe shouted at him.

"I am a painter, not a plastic surgeon. I can't make something that isn't pretty, pretty." Before he could

look back to reprimand her for her outburst, she had slammed the door to her room and he heard the

clicking sound of the bolt being applied. 

Perhaps she was scared that he would break down the door, Zoe quickly moved the couch over to block the door. Still glaring at the door, she took in deep breaths trying to calm herself.

There is no way she would survive here for long, it was simply impossible. Not with how rude and

inconsiderate he was towards her. She thought of her family. Of her sister. Her mother's saddened and teary face. Zoe took herself back to the day she had been cast out of the temple.

Mellisa was behind her mother, a blank look on her face. Her twin cousins and aunt looked smug, glad

she was finally out of the way. Her mother was thrashing in the same spot and Mellisa who had a blank look was now smirking at the ground, the corners of her lips, curled ever so slightly in what seemed to me an evil look.