
The Killing Curse Survivors( Webnovel Spirit Awards 2022)

Iris has seen and faced many bad things in her life; the death of her parents, seeing her parents' killer before her eyes from a young age. But in her upcoming future she will face worse. Before her parents died, her mother asked her to protect her brother, Harry. Can she really keep that promise? Ever since her parents died, Iris automatically became over protective over Harry. Never hesitating to take the blame for the things he did. But she soon learns that taking the blame isn't always the best. Numerous individuals accepted that Iris resembled her mom: Lily Potter.. This is mainly because she has her mother's eyes and brilliant vibrant red hair. However, looks can be misdirecting. At the point when you became acquainted with her, she is actually similar to her dad. She was known as the female form of him. Always being brave and adventurous and never hesitating to stand up for what she believed Nonetheless, her parents consistently revealed to her a similar story. There was a shrewd man out there and he was after his murder. She didn't realise until it was too late that this man's slaughter and target would be her family. And his name was The Dark Lord.

MeganFitz2410 · Fantasía
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39 Chs

Chapter 20 - Not accepted

(30th September 1991 )

As soon as I arrived to the Gryffindor Dorm, I quickly said the password to the 'Fat Lady' and ran inside. Taking large strides, I finally make it to the red velvety couch and threw myself onto it. The past following weeks have just been horrendous. One of the boys, who is soon learned to be called Seamus Finnigan, stole my small bottle of foundation that I took from Aunt Petunia's Make-Up bag. This meant that for the past 4 weeks my scar has been on view for everyone to see. I can't even approach someone without them being disgusted in me. Lucky for Harry, he can just cover his with his fringe. I've had a view small interaction with other students but they just seem interested in my scar and not with anything else.

" Hey Buttercup!" A cheery voice said from behind me. The person took slow cautious steps towards the couch that I was laid on. The person then bent down in front of me. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. With a sigh I turned my head in the direction of the person, my eyes met a pair of glistening chocolate irises.

" Bad day?" The voice says.

"You have no idea, Fredo." I reply back in a quiet whisper.

" What have I told you about calling me that?" Fred lets out a laugh.

" You started it by calling me 'Buttercup'," I tell him as I hide my face into one of the pillows. Fred stands up and sits himself down on the arm of the chair.

"Come on tell me, why did Snape give you detention again?" He asks curiously. For the past week now, Professor Snape has managed to give me detention almost every day. It's for the silliest things as well. The first time I did kind of deserve it, I was passing notes to Tesha. But the others were stupid reasons. Hand writing needs improving. Work is not to standards. Not paying attention in class. Lucky enough I wasn't the only one that this has happened to. Professor Snape has been acting the same way towards Harry and Ron.

" Apparently this time my work was not to 'his' standards," I say sarcastically and I do air quotes to emphasize the word 'his'.

" The old man could have a little crush on you," Fred suggests as he throws his arm on the back on the chair behind me.

" No way!" I say quickly.

" What else could it be?" He laughs and throws his hands up in the air. I stand up and pace the room trying to think of the actual reason why he's targeting my brother and I so much. That's when it hit me.

" I know this sounds crazy but I think he knew my parents and I think he is the man that rescued my brother and I that night of their killing." I blurt out as I stop pacing the room.

" How can we be so certain?" Fred questions and walks towards me.

" I know this sounds crazy but -"

" What on earth are you guys doing down here so late?!" A voice says from the staircase behind us. Hesitatingly, Fred and I turned around to see who the mystery person is.

" No need to get all worked up, Percy." Fred said whilst he walked to my side in a protective matter. The Prefect blocked the stairway up to the dorms so we couldn't flee the scene.

" You!" Percy shouted as he had his finger pointing in my direction. " Because of you and your brother we have dropped 40 points. 40! Ever since you Potters came to Hogwarts, our reputation has gone down. You have had a detention everyday so far this week with Professor Snape and your brother is not that far behind."

Percy's voice grew louder with every word and each time it felt as if I was stabbed with a knife. Percy took a few more steps towards me before continuing.

" Let me just be honest here because nobody else will if any guy is interested in you beyond just using you for your reputation is full of crap! I don't see why you came here; you've missed you first few years so you're not going to make it pretty far! You are worthless. Nothing!" At this point Percy's scream managed to wake up everybody in the Gryffindor house. The students surrounded the room. Tesha ran down the stairs with the other girls and ran towards me. Lillian and Avery stood behind me and Cherry and Tesha stood either side with me.

" Bloody hell," a young voice said. I looked to see who it was that said it and my eyes landed on the small frame of Ron and standing next to him was my brother Harry.

" Ron, Haz. You guys just go upstairs alright, you won't want to see and hear this." I tell them both. My eyes then move and land back on Percy's.

" Get the hell away from her!" Two voices demanded at the same time. Turning my head to the side, my eyes landed on two figures.

George and Oliver Wood.

The both of them stride towards me and stand in front of me, blocking me from Percy. All of a sudden, I feel a hand being placed onto my shoulder.

" Let the Big Boys handle this one," Fred's voice said in my ear before walking in front of me and taking his place next to his brother and Oliver Wood. This is the first time I've seen them all on the same page for once. A tug on my cloak took my attention away from the three males in front of me. I look down as I am welcomed by a massive grin that belongs to the second youngest Weasley brother and standing close to him was once again Harry. Both of them having bright smiles on their faces.

" Didn't I tell the both of you to go back upstairs to bed?" I question them.

" You did but I decided to take a lesson from my older brothers for once," Ron informs me.

" She's done nothing wrong!" Oliver shouts to Percy.

" I would lower your tone if I was you. I mean if you still want to be Captain of Gryffindor's Quidditch team." Percy warns Oliver.

" I would lower your voice instead brother, everyone in this house has witnessed what you have said to Iris." Fred implies whilst taking a step towards his brother. " And if you dare saying something like that to Iris again, in my presence or not, I will make you regret that you was even born!" He shouts in Percy's face.

" We both will," George chips in as he takes a few steps to stand next to his brother.

" No... the three of us will." Oliver adds as he takes his place next to the twins.

" Is that a threat?" Percy questions.

" Only if you want it to be," I speak up. Eyes then turn and land on me. I start walking up towards Percy but the three guys still stand in the way and block me, as if they believe Percy was going to hurt me.

" Guys move," I whisper to them. They soon listen and move to side of me, just in case Percy does try to do something.

" I order you to get the hell out of my way," Percy demands.

" You order me?" I ask clearly surprised. " You order me, I order you to take a long walk out of that door. You know what? Today I'm feeling kind of generous, would you like me to hold it open for you so it doesn't hit you on the way out?"

I cross my arms over my chest and wait to see if I am going to get a response out of Percy but nothing happens.

" You see Percy, don't expect me to stand here and remain silent. You have no right to tell them things to women, to anyone. They might be males here that like the way I look or the way I dress or maybe even the power I hold. But the thing is they don't know a bloody thing about me, they don't know the pain I had to endure growing up."

I walk towards the staircase that leads to the dorms upstairs. But before I make my way up I turn around and look to everyone in the room.

" Most importantly, I don't want my name coming out of anyone's mouth that I don't know: in my opinion that's fan behavior. And I can't be taking autographs for ever."

I then walk upstairs to my dorm leaving not just Percy speechless but everyone else in the room at that current moment of time.