
The Killing Artist : Badass Revenger

Nikhil_Basnet · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 : "The birth of the Killing Artist"

It's the early 90s and the world was on a evolution,the people around the world seek power and the rise of gangsters was on a peak on a country called zodlaye, Gangsters from all around the world went on a war and only one gang can rule the whole underworld mafia.

The government around the world were on a breakdown, they didn't have any solution. The presidents around the world held a meeting and came on a areement that they high power weapons to finish the whole mafia syndicate. In order to stop them, the government around the world formed an alliance known power - "Grand Justice". To end the cruelty of the gangsters they made a special task force known as A. O. W(Army of Warious) which have top soldiers around the world selected and approved by the presidents and members of world government (Grand Justice).

The A. O. W took down half of the gangsters around the whole but the number increased in just weeks. They were unable to stop this world crisis, then the Grand Justice gathered world renowned scientists to invent biggest weapon that could destroy them easily.

The Grand Justice tried hard to clam the people and assured them that they are in power and dominance against any powerful gangs. The people around the world world trusted the organization but corruption was also increasing and turns out many police were helping the gangsters in exchange of money and support.

The people were doomed and the 90s ended but the war between Gangsters and Grand Justice continued for years. Scientists tried hard to make biggest weapons for mass destruction, it didn't matter where it's a nuclear or biological, they even created missiles that could never miss it's target once it's target was set, they modified guns and also created powerful suits, modified armors and tanks but the gangsters were invincible.

The scientists and the word government couldn't understand and were hopeless until a undercover A. O. W officer gave them a useful information, he informed that the gangsters were unbeatable because they use some kind of advance drugs that give superhuman stamina,strength, speed and visibility. They have more power than tanks. Some of them can even create fire and use it as weapons where some can turn in animals. They can easy disguise themselves as well as attack any well trained soldier without even making them realise about there presence. Their superhuman speed give them high advantage.

But there is one catch, a blunder that made the drug very risky to use. The drugs causes the human heart rate beat fast and rapidly, the drug user cannot control his body, the drug takes over their whole nervous system. But the most important and interesting blunder is they don't have healing factor which means that they are not immortal. The drug's name is ES-WD0 (Experiment Success - Weapon of Destruction 0) the 0 in the drug refers to 0 chances of losing. The undercover officer sends the drug samples to the Grand Justice headquarters, but in order to do so he gets killed for betraying the mafia, the scientists were speechless and approved all the things on their test. The powerful nations came on a majority that no weapons can defeat them except one and that is the enemies own weapon the drug ES-WD0. So they decide to modify the drug by the help of the scientists and make the healing factor available for the drug user. They want the drug to be more powerful to win, they want the drug to be their ultimate weapon againts the mafias.

When the scientists tried to modify and test the drug to human top soldiers of A. O. W the soldiers failed and died. The healing power on the drug seem a failure. The underworld mafia had a team of scientists who made that rare drug. Arfter decades and decades the scientists of Grand Justice couldn't modify it properly, there couldn't figure out the most of the formula of the drug but A. O. W used the same drug made by the scientists which had less power and risk compared to the original.

After decades passed a era where people live happily started as the world world government was winning against the mafias because even the A. O. W had less power of the drug but they had more numbers. People started living in peace.

People start to celebrate festivals and working for good cause. A teenage boy whose is just 18 years old whose name is Josep, is a talented student which has a crush on a girl who is the most popular girl of the college. He gets rejected many times by the girl but tries hard to impress her, the girl's name is Maria who is same age, gorgeous outstanding beauty attracts every boy around her. Josep loves dancing and tries really hard, he's dance is magical, he's dance is famous around the world. Despite his age he made a great name in the entertainment industry. Maria also loves dance and singing but she is too afraid to be on a stage. When she watches Josep from audience, she gets jealous of him. They both study at a expensive college. Maria is from powerful family who are the members of Grand Justice. She is a daughter of The commander in chief of A. O. W whose name is Michael l. Johnson. Where as Josep is a son of one of the most powerful memeber of the worldmafia. He's father has control over 50 countries and his name is Josep G. Stark senior. He is the most wanted on the list of World government. Josep ran away from his house and wanted to be free so he changed his name as Josep fury.

Joseph enjoyed his life alot being free but soon he's father recognises his son after 12 years on a newspaper. He wants a new leader for his gang because he is getting old he can't use the drugs to his benefit. The drug can only be used by the humans which can take the pain from using the drug. His old body can't take it so he orders to kidnap his son so that his legacy, power and money go to his own blood. Josep helps out to throw away Maria's fears from the stage. They pratice dancing and singing together. They were favourite duo around the country. People loved their performances. Maria starts to like Josep for helping her out soon they become couples at the age of 20. The commander in chief finds out about the truth of Josep so he tries to kill him but the mafia gang saves him. Josep doesn't understand anything he is going to meet his girlfriend's parents but then he got attacked and the one he hates the most- the mafia saves him, this was unbelievable. When Josep enters the house of Johnson he sees many soldiers and the commander in chief is there too. From 2 years, Josep's father ordered to keep an eye on his son for perfect moment to make his son join the gang because kidnapping him wouldn't give him any advantage and this was a perfect opportunity. The commander in chief wants to use Josep as a bait so that he could capture Josep's father and then kill both of them. Maria's heart get broken and she tries to stop her father, the gang and the soldiers fight and Josep's father gets killed by the officers then when they try to kill Josep, Maria tries to save him by becoming a shield to protect him but as a commander in chief he can't hold so he shoots his own daughter and the officers try to capture Josep and take him to kill but Maria is dead yet so Josep feels happy but Maria's father feels betrayed and disgusted that even knowing about Josep's past, his mental health and trauma which he suffered during his childhood when Josep's father made his life hell, his father killed his mother and didn't care about his sick brother, his father use to beat him and make him a slave which haunts Josep still now, he gets angry fast and become uncontrollable.

Maria's father gets mad about this and shoots her again and again until she is dead infront of Josep. He becomes angry and tries to kill Maria's father by running away from the officers but Maria's father shoots him too and says die sick bastard, you insect are not allowed to live.The officers check his pulse and he is dead. It turns out that Maria's father is also corrupted and seeks world power over his duty, the main reason he killed Josep was to be ruler of Josep's gang and rule as powerful mafia around the world. For power and money he can kill anyone, he betrayed the world government.

The scientists who were suppose to meet Maria's father arrive at his house to collect some documents related to the formula of the drug but the commander in chief is no where to be found, Josep wakes up and ask help with the scientists. He scientists calls a team of doctor and help Josep recover but they were shocked because he doesn't have heart beat. The scientists were surprised, they ask Josep about it and turns out Josep was injected by the same drug when he was a child but the drug didn't show any reaction to his body at that time but now it seems the drug helped him to survive, the scientists then comeout with an idea to use him as a test subject for their drug modification, the drug the scientists prepared was not that powerful but they made the drugs as same as the original drug by decoding the formula and experimenting day and night but still it's not more powerful enough because the scientists were making those drugs to modify it to win not to tie so the healing factor was still an impossible task.

Before testing Josep others failed and died, Josep whose body already had drug powers as well he has no risk, he becomes the most suitable person for the experiment. Josep gets injected by the drug but it seems he gets uncontrollable, Josep remembers the memories he spend with Maria, they were about to start a family together. Despite knowing about Josep's truth as well as his mental illness she still loved her. Josep cries alot in the experiment room, soon he transforms into totally new person, big 10 packs, superhuman strength and all the abilities from the drugs as well as the healing factor he has all of the them.

Just like that the most powerful human being, a ultimate and most powerful weapon of the Grand Justice as well as the deadlist Revenger was born. People around the world called him The killing artist.