
The Killer's Wife

Layla was kidnapped after getting heavily drunk when her father died . She realises that her kidnapper is no other than the country's most wanted Serial killer and Persian prince Eldar. Eldar couldn't resist those blue orbs , so once he got her vulnerable , he kidnapped her and is ready to kill anyone or anything that dtands in his way of getting her to love him back. Even if he has to force her to love him back !

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Chapter Five

Layla's POV

I have locked myself up in this room for two weeks with no proper food . I've drank a lot of water and some cookies that some of the maids secretly hand over to me.

It's not like I've been deprived of food. I just don't want to eat. The maids actually force me before I eat.

Eldar fingered me two weeks ago in a hospital and I have been grumpy since.

Even though I was a bad b*tch, I was still a virgin. I never wanted to give out my virginity to anyone at all. I was waiting for the right person.

Now here comes the stupid Mr. Sexy, he fingered me without my consent. He has been making efforts to let me forget, but I can't.

What did I ever do to him ?

I like Suleiman ,Malik , Zaroon and Kamal. They are very nice as compared to Mr. Most High Rule Eldar .

What Malik told me when I first met him , when he came to my room to introduce himself was funny and wise

~~~~~~Flashback ~~~~~~

Knock knock

It must be Eldar , but Eldar never knocks reminded myself. I walked to the door to see one of those beautiful men Eldar was talking to the other time.

"Hello there . I'm Malik " he introduced himself.

He was a gentleman as compared to that Casanova Eldar.

"Hi , I'm Layla. Please do come inside " I responded as polite as I could.

He came inside and sat in the couch.

"So what brings you here?" I asked him.

He sighed and said

"Layla,look. I know you don't like Eldar but trust me he likes you so much. He's a dickhead sometimes. No! He's a dickhead always. But he's a good person.

I know he took you away without your consent but he's trying to keep you safe. Safe for himself , yourself and all of us.

So pelase don't mind anything he does to you. Just please come with me and let's go hang out with the others.

You can decide not to talk to Eldar if you want to ". I couldn't help it but hug him.

He spoke like a big brother to me.

"Thank you "

I felt safe around him and his friends.

I wish their not monsters like Eldar

I got dressed and walked downstairs  with him .

I hated Eldar so much. He was just so bossy.

He was so domineering and a jerk.

But he  looked like he was interested in me in a different way apart from sex.

I don't care. But when he got that fucking call and they all had to leave , I somehow felt insecure.

Me being the bitch I am and will always be, I spoke harshly to Eldar when he tried to talk to me when they were leaving.

He just sighed and left. I felt bad for him but he deserves it.

Now I had my very own responsibility in the form of a kitten.

"Your soo cute Siya" I called my Kitten . Siya is the short form of Shamsiya.

She purred and it made me giggle. I took her to the bathroom and gave her a bath. I fed her with some milk and some few leftovers I found.

I wrapped her in a small towel and spoke to her

"Now Shamsiya , if we're going to be staying together, you have to make sure to be clean and never poop on anyplace or anyone in this house. You can do that in the bushes. You must not scratch anyone or steal any food.

Just ask me like a good girl if you are hungry. Have you heard me ?"

I know it was a crazy thing to do and to expect that a kitten answers me.

But surprisingly, Shamsiya purred at me.

"I'll take that as an Okay "

I said , as I heard giggles behind me.

It was the maid Carla.

She was staring at me.

"Hi Carla ? Can I do something for you?" I asked her.

"Not really Ma'am, Sir Eldar said I should make sure that you're alright " she said.

I just rolled my eyes at that statement.

"Just forget about him Carla. I don't care if he wants me to be safe " I responded as polite as I could.

She sighed and said


"Carla call me Layla" I interrupted.

"Yes sorry, Ma-.., Layla. Sir Eldar is not so bad. He has his own issues. But he's a kind man. He has been through alot in the past that's why he is somehow aggressive, but trust me he's a good person.

He has taken special interest in you, which he has never done before. And trust me , he takes me as an elder sister and I'm the only person, he has neen so nice to. He's not even that nice to his friends.

But for you , I've never seen this character in him. The way he smirks and the name calling. He really likes you Layla"

After all this that Carla told me, I started wondering if I was being  bitchy to him.

But when I remember what he did to me in the hospital, my grudge against him becomes more.

I just look at Carla intensely as she looks at me. I just sigh and shake my head.

I pick up Shamsiya and I head outside. We sit in the kitchen, while I regret what I've done in the past.

'If I hadn't gone to that bar , I wouldn't be here ' I thought.

Another voice said in my head

'And you probably,wouldn't have met Suleiman,Zaroon,Malik and Kamal , Carla or even had Shamsiya' .

I just shook my head.

It was prater time. I walked to my room and said my prayers.

I know that I was a stubborn girl but I liked to pray.

I prayed the Zuhr prayers and waited for Asr prayers.

After praying Asr, I decided to take a nap before Maghreb prayers arrived.

3 hours later...

I woke up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Carla was cooking.

"Whatcha cooking Carla " I asked her.

She smiled and said "Some mashed potatoes"

"Okay but I hate those, let me help you cook" I offered.

She politely refused. But I insisted.

She finally gave in. I was a very good chef and almost all the ingredients I needed were here.

I prepared some fried rice, some roasted chicken and some chicken nuggets. I went on to prepare some smoothies and some cookies for dessert.  I cut some vegetables and fruits.

I made a vegetable and fruit salad.

I did all this within 2 hours.

Carla was very surprised.

"I've never made food,this good before" she complimented.

I smiled at her.

Suddenly the door to the house opened , revealing the guyys and Eldar .

The guys rushed to me and hugged me.

"Weeee missseeeedddd yyyooouuuu" they squealed like girls.

I just giggled to the disapproval of Eldar.

"Wowww what's cooking , it smells so good " they asked while sniffing the air.

"I made dinner. I don't like the idea of y'all eating Mashed potatoes like cavemen" I said teasingly.

They followed me to the kitchen.

Carla had already served them , their foods.

After one taste , they all including Eldar looked at me .

Was the food bad ? Was there too much salt ? Too little salt ?

"What's wrong?" I asked.

They continued to look at me with a blank face.

I guess my cooking didn't impress them.

I had already fed Shamsiya and she was in my room sleeping in her tiny bed.

"You can give the leftovers to Shamsiya" I said sadly as I walked away.

They all got up suddenly and rushed to me and hugged me.

"This is the best food ever!"

I was truly surprised.

I just smiled and it became a giggle, then a big laugh.

They also joined in, we laughed for a while.

Eldar wasn't there with them. He got up and walked away.

I didn't really care.

I walked to my room and he was hiding behind the door. Once I was in the room, he closed the gate quickly and locked it.

I was so scared but I kept a straight face.

"What do you want?!" I snapped.

"You know how to cook?" He asked.

WTH ?! Is he saying I don't look like someone who can cook ?

"Yeah why ?" I frowned at him.

"Nothing , the food was great though " he complimented.

I didn't look at him as I mumbled a 'Thank you ' from my nose.

If you know what I mean...

I looked at him intensely and realised that he had a scar on his cheek. It was a new scar.

I held his cheek and looked at the wound. I sighed and asked him to sit down.

I went to the bathroom and brought some painkillers, a bowl of water and a towel and a first aid kit.

I dressed his wound and gave him rome painkillers. I didn't even look him in the eye. But I knew he was staring at me.

After I was done, I walked him out. He shamelessly, took my hand and pecked it before walking away.

I just stared at my hand and just washed his kiss away.

I hated this man and nothing's gonna stop me.

I hope y'all liked this chapter. I love y'all and I promise the next chapter will be better. I love y'all 💝