
The Killer's View

"Life can be a tool...only if we use it wisely. Everyone is just a small part that forms this simple machine. If you can bend people to your will, you'll be able to bend life itself" -Reaper As the city of Manhattan slumbers, a dark specter haunts the nocturnal streets, leaving a trail of death in its wake. The enigmatic assassin known only as The Reaper, a maestro of shadows and chaos, emerges as a force to be reckoned with. In a narrative where paths and destinies weave an intricate tapestry, we follow Ethan, an audacious 18-year-old high schooler, who, driven by the daring pursuit of his family's safety, thrusts himself into the perilous crossroads of fate. [Disclaimer: All characters, places, and organizations in this tale are purely fictional and conjured from imagination. Any resemblance in description to real entities is entirely coincidental.] **Releases every Friday**

LordBlack16 · Ciudad
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Ethan Drake

In the heart of the Drake Household, the sun gently creeps into Ethan Drake's room, an 18-year-old teenage boy. He stirs from his slumber, running his fingers through his silky brown hair, revealing a pair of striking emerald green eyes. A gentle knock interrupts the stillness.

"Come in," Ethan calls out.

The door swings open, revealing Elaine Drake, Ethan's mother, impeccably dressed in a suit with her brown hair gracefully tied in a bun.

"Good morning, sweetie," Elaine greets him.

"Morning, mom," Ethan replies, his voice still laced with sleepiness.

"I'll be leaving for work early today, so your sister will be making breakfast. And don't forget to catch the bus on time," Elaine reminds him.

"Alright," Ethan nods.

Elaine smiles warmly. "Love you, sweetie."

With a quiet closing of the door, Elaine leaves the room. Ethan rises from his bed, makes his way into the bathroom, and stands before the mirror, reflecting on his determined smile.

"Alright, Ethan. It's going to be another great day," he reassures himself.

He brushes his teeth, bathes, and then dresses in his school uniform—a chestnut brown blazer and pants, a crisp white shirt, and a tie adorned with blue and orange stripes, all embroidered with the school logo. As he combs his hair, he rushes downstairs, hoping not to arrive late to the bus-stop.

In the living room, Ethan spots his older sister, Rebecca Drake, sitting on the sofa, engrossed in the TV. Rebecca, a 21-year-old college student, shares the same physical attributes as their mother but has dyed the tips of her hair black.

"Oh, what's up, nerd?" Rebecca teasingly calls out as she catches sight of Ethan.

Ethan glances, vexed at his sister and replies, "And a good morning to you too, sister."

Rebecca turns her attention briefly from the TV to remind him, "Breakfast is in the kitchen. Eat quickly and catch the bus."

Sighing inwardly, Ethan enters the kitchen and emerges seconds later with a plate of delectable omelets in hand. Taking a bite, he can't help but exclaim, "Mmmh, so good."

"I'm glad you appreciate my cooking," Rebecca comments, her tone tinged with satisfaction.

Ethan rolls his eyes, retorting, "Whatever, aren't you supposed to be at college?"

"My class doesn't start for a few hours, so I have some time to kill at home," Rebecca shrugs nonchalantly, turning her attention back to the TV.

Rebecca finds herself growing tired of the mindless TV programs and decides to switch to the news. As she flips through the channels, she stumbles upon a familiar news anchor with a grave expression.

The News Reporter's voice fills the room:

"Welcome to NYCN. Our top story tonight revolves around a shocking automobile accident at St. Sinclair Street around 9:40pm. The victim is none other than Dr. Trevor Nicolas, a highly regarded professor and staff member at ARK&co. However, investigators have uncovered a sinister twist. Contrary to initial assumptions, it appears that Dr. Nicolas did not solely succumb to the accident. His body bears the chilling hallmark of a serial killer known as 'The Reaper'."

Rebecca's heart skips a beat, her mind racing to process the unsettling revelation. Ethan glances hastily at his watch, his excitement quickly transforming into panic.

"Oh man, I'm going to be late!" Ethan exclaims, abandoning his half-eaten meal and clumsily depositing his plate on the dining table. He rushes toward the door, his sense of urgency palpable.

Rebecca reminds him with concern, "Oi, Ethan. Be careful."

"I will." Ethan replies, disappearing out the door in a flash.

Rebecca is left alone, her thoughts overwhelmed by the unfolding news.

The bus stop becomes Ethan's destination, and with sheer determination, he manages to reach it just in the nick of time. Among the sea of faces, he spots his best friend, Gabriel Wilson, a black-American boy exuding confidence with his smooth ebony complexion and piercing dark eyes. Gabriel pats the seat next to him, inviting Ethan to join him.

"So, what caused the delay this time? Did you oversleep?" Gabriel inquires, his playful tone betraying a hint of curiosity.

Ethan shakes his head, "No, not this time."

Gabriel persists, teasingly suggesting, "Did your super-hot sister keep you waiting again?"

"Dude, come on. That's my sister!" Ethan retorts, a tinge of annoyance evident in his voice.

Gabriel chuckles, speaking in a more casual manner, "Alright, fine. So, what had you running late, then?"

Ethan breaks the news to his friend, his voice laced with a mix of concern and intrigue, "I was watching the news, you know, 'The Reaper'. It's been five years, and this case is still all over the headlines."

Gabriel nods, sharing his own connection to the case, "Oh, that serial killer dude? My uncle and his guys are exhausted from it."

Ethan acknowledges Gabriel's family ties, remembering, "Right, your uncle is the police chief, isn't he?"

Gabriel confirms with a hint of pride, "Yep, that's him. But hey, speaking of news, have you heard about this new game?"

Ethan's curiosity piques, "Which one?"

A lighthearted conversation ensues between the two friends, effectively filling the time until their destination arrives. The bus finally comes to a halt, congregating a stream of students on the pavement, bracing themselves for another day of school.


In the bustling chaos of class 12-A, papers flutter through the air like confetti, voices chatter incessantly, and the noise is deafening. The students' homeroom teacher, Mrs. Freeman, opens the door and strides towards her desk. The moment she enters, a frustrated scream pierces the air, and the class abruptly falls silent, their attention fixated on their teacher. With swift movements, they scramble back to their assigned seats. The once turbulent class now stands as quiet as a graveyard. Clearing her throat, Mrs. Freeman begins addressing the class, her authoritative voice ringing out.

"Good morning, students. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend," she says, projecting her presence to the attentive room.

"Before we embark on today's lesson, I have two important announcements to make. Firstly, your finals are scheduled in the next two weeks, so it's crucial that you prepare diligently if you aspire to secure a spot in a reputable college. Secondly, after the lesson, I will distribute your scripts from last week's test. As you know, if you scored below fifty-five percent, you will be required to attend a two-hour math lesson with me after school for the remainder of this week. It seems like bad news for those who didn't meet the grade, I suppose. As for those who excelled, please continue the great work. Now, let's delve into the world of algebra..."

Time slips away as Mrs. Freeman delves into her extensive algebra lecture. At the end of the day, she navigates from desk to desk, delivering test scripts to each student. As she approaches Ethan's desk, she pauses briefly and leans in to whisper something to him. "Meet me after school today," she murmurs, before proceeding past him without handing him his script. Ethan's frustration is palpable. "Jeez, what now? TT-TT," he mutters under his breath.

The next class is P.E., and the two boys, Ethan and Gabriel, enter the gymnasium dressed in sportswear.

Gabriel grumbles, "Why on earth do we have to do gymnastics today? It's so challenging!"

Ethan teases him with a smirk, "Well, it's not my fault you're not as flexible as I am."

Gabriel scoffs, "Oh, forget you, Mr. 'I'm so good at gymnastics.' I prefer karate, thank you very much."

Their conversation is interrupted when they notice a group of students congregating on the other end of the hall. Their gym teacher, Mr. Bracers, catches sight of them and beckons them over.

Raising his hand, he calls out, "Hey, get over here! You won't be considered late if you give me 20 push-ups!"

Gabriel groans in exasperation, "Not again?"

The two boys rush to join the crowd of students and immediately drop to the floor, pushing themselves through the push-up routine. Mr. Bracers finally calls an end to their exercise, satisfied with their effort.

"Alright, I think that's enough. Just make sure you're not late again," he remarks sternly.

"Yes, sir," Ethan replies dutifully.

Gabriel, under his breath, mutters, "Bastard."

Mr. Bracers then directs his attention to Lisa Smith, a stunning young blonde with diamond blue eyes, gracefully perched on the balance beam. She executes a flawless backflip and lands, captivating the entire class, who erupt into thunderous applause.

"That's Lisa for you," one student exclaims with admiration. Another adds, "No wonder she's the school president."

Ethan peers through the crowd, awestruck. "Wow, Lisa really is something"

"Yeah, a show-off", Gabriel adds distastefully.

Mr. Bracers scans his clipboard, his eyes searching for the next participant. His gaze settles on Ethan, and swiftly, Ethan makes his way through the crowd, eager to showcase his skills.

"Ethan Drake?" Mr. Bracers calls out, and Ethan promptly responds, "Um, here, sir."

With a nod, Mr. Bracers instructs, "Alright, show me what you've got."

Ethan lets out a sigh before taking his place on the board. He proceeds to astound the audience with a series of unique and impressive acrobatic maneuvers.

Whispers ripple through the crowd as students recognize Ethan.

"Isn't that Ethan Drake?" one student asks in awe.

Another replies, "As in the Ethan Drake? The school's second prodigy. I've heard he turned down a position on the student council multiple times."

However, they fail to notice Gabriel's arrival in the area. Gabriel interjects, fiercely defending his friend, "And rumor has it that it's none of your business."

The two students, taken aback by Gabriel's unexpected presence, exchange surprised glances. "Jeez, no one's looking for a fight, Gabriel," one of them retorts.

Gabriel remains steadfast, his voice firm, "I'm not the one looking for a fight, but you clearly are."

Meanwhile, as Ethan continues his performance, he overhears the conversation and inwardly pleads with Gabriel not to escalate the situation.

"Gabriel, please don't start a fight…again" Ethan silently implores.

Recognizing the need to diffuse the tension, Ethan promptly concludes his presentation to a round of applause. He quickly intervenes, pulling Gabriel away from the brewing conflict.

"You shouldn't have done that," admonishes Ethan.

Gabriel responds, his voice calm, "Come on, it was obvious I wasn't going to fight them."

Ethan lets out an exasperated sigh, realizing the potential consequences they narrowly avoided.


As the school day draws to a close, Mrs. Freeman retreats to her office, seemingly fatigued from the day's events.

"What a day," Mrs. Freeman mutters under her breath.

A knock on her door interrupts her thoughts, and she invites the visitor inside.

"Come in," Mrs. Freeman calls out politely.

Ethan hesitates before entering the room, nervous about this post-school meeting.

"Um, you told me to come meet you after school, ma'am," he stammers.

Offering a reassuring tone, Mrs. Freeman gestures for him to take a seat.

"Oh, Mister Drake. Please, have a seat," she says with a measured tone.

Ethan sits down, noticing the frustration etched on Mrs. Freeman's face. She retrieves a paper from her desk drawer and slams it down onto the table.

"What is this, Mister Drake?" she asks, her tone tinged with annoyance.

Ethan picks up the paper, examining it carefully before answering, "Um, my test script?"

Mrs. Freeman raises an eyebrow, not impressed. "And what was your mark?" she inquires.

Ethan, trying to hide his nervousness, responds confidently, "Um, a hundred percent."

Mrs. Freeman's voice rings with urgency as she addresses Ethan. "Mister Drake, you have no idea how many prestigious universities, colleges, and esteemed institutes are clamoring for you to make a decision. It's quite a disturbance, honestly."

Ethan squirms, feeling the weight of Mrs. Freeman's expectation. "I apologize, Mrs. Freeman. I haven't made up my mind yet."

Mrs. Freeman sighs, her disappointment evident. "I have no choice but to accept your decision as your assigned homeroom teacher, but please, make it quickly."

As Ethan steps out of Mrs. Freeman's office and begins walking down the hallway, he encounters Lisa, who is leaning nonchalantly against a locker.

"Going home?" Lisa asks, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Ethan turns, surprised to see her. "Hey, Lisa. Yeah, I should head home for dinner."

A flash of pride crosses Lisa's face as she moves closer to Ethan. "Ethan, I want you to reconsider my offer," she declares.

Ethan's expression shifts from surprise to disappointment. "Lisa, I've already told you, it's a no."

Lisa persists, her voice filled with determination. "Think about it, Ethan. We could rule the school together"

Ethan shakes his head, realizing the futility of Lisa's proposal. "Isn't it a bit too late for that now?"

Lisa's confidence wavers for a moment, but she quickly regained her composure. "It's never too late for anything, dear."

An uncomfortable silence settles between them as Ethan tried to change the subject. "You know, Gabriel is really angry with you."

Lisa looks at Ethan, slightly puzzled, tilting her head in confusion. After a moment, she let out a sigh, disappointed. "When you have more important things to discuss, call me. You still have my number, right?"


In the cozy Drake household in New York City, Brooklyn, the clock strikes 8:00 pm as Elaine silently leaves Ethan's room. The gentle closing of the door signals the end of their nightly routine.

"Goodnight, Ethan," Elaine whispers softly, her voice filled with the warmth of a mother's love.

"Goodnight, Mom," Ethan replies, his voice tinged with a mixture of gratitude and exhaustion.

As the door clicks shut, Ethan finds himself lost in the cacophony of his own thoughts. The events of the day replay in his mind, and he can't help but revisit the words Lisa had spoken and Gabriel's ongoing resentment towards something that had transpired a year and a half ago.

"Gabriel's still mad about what happened," Ethan muses quietly, his voice barely audible amidst the silence of his room.

Deep in contemplation, Ethan gradually succumbs to the embrace of sleep. However, as the clock strikes 12:30 am, the tranquility of his slumber is shattered by a vivid and terrifying nightmare.

In his dream, Ethan finds himself sprinting through a dimly lit alley, desperation in his every pant and wheeze. A menacing humanoid figure pursues him, clutching a gleaming knife in its hands. Frantic and filled with fear, Ethan navigates the labyrinthine backstreets, attempting to evade his pursuer. Yet, his escape is futile when he reaches a dead end. With a rush of panic, Ethan turns back, but his voice deserts him, imprisoned within his own throat. It feels as if he is drowning, submerged in a dense, suffocating fluid. The silhouette closes in, casting a shadow that devours the moonlight, until all Ethan can perceive is an abyss of impenetrable darkness.

Startled, Ethan jolts upright in bed, cold sweat trickling down his forehead and permeating his entire body. His fingers tremble as he instinctively reaches for his clock, the small digital display revealing the hour to be 1:23 am.

"What the hell was that?"


Coming up next:

"Chapter 2: Investigation"