
1. Mystery Necklace

I was running through the dark forest as I heard something approach me from behind. I turned around just in time to see a giant wolf with big golden eyes diving for me. I screamed and ducked into a bush. I ran the opposite direction of the wolf trying not to get eaten. I was pushing branches out of my way while running. I was lost in this dark creepy story, and now I had a giant wolf after me. If my night wasn't bad before, it just got a lot worse.

I kept running and running until I reached a clearing. It was breath taking. At the center of the clearing was a lake. The lake was reflecting the full moon in its clear waters. I was just mesmerized by its beauty. It was like I was in a trance, the lake was just calling me. I was walking towards the lake when I noticed that the lake wasn't clear at all. In fact, it had a purple tint to it that I hadn't noticed before. Well that was strange. Why hadn't I noticed it before?

I walked closer to the lake to get a better view of it and to inspect it. As I was inspecting the lake waters, I felt my thoughts get all foggy .I couldn't even think straight . It felt like something was controlling my mind as I knelled down and leaned forward over the edge of the lake. My face was almost touching the water when I heard a growl behind me. I immediately closed my eyes trying to concentrate. My mind was still foggy, but my body sensed a threat. My body froze over the water. My mind was so cloudy but I was trying to force myself to snap out of it.

The growl behind me got louder and I was starting to panic. It felt like my mind was slipping from my grasp. As I opened my eyes, I noticed a necklace at the bottom of the lake. It had a purple stone in the middle of it. The stone was glowing and the more I looked at it, the more I wanted to swim to the bottom and grab it.

When I heard the growl right next to my ear, my knees gave out as my body went into the water. The icy cold water was just what I needed to get my thoughts back. Because I heard the growl behind me, I swam to the middle of the lake. When I reached the middle of the lake, I looked around the clearing for the wolf but I saw nothing. I swear I heard a growl behind me. I decided to stay in the water for a few more minutes just in case the wolf decided to come out of no where. I wouldn't want to get eaten just because I had impatience.

I waited for about an hour in the water, hating the fact that my skin was going to look like a raisin. I was debating whether I can stand my skin completely turning into a raisin or just getting out of the water. I had waited long enough. An hour is very long when you are just floating. I swam back to shore, and was getting out of the water when I felt my mind get all fuzzy again. I was looking around trying to find the source of the fogginess when I spotted the necklace again. It was really glowing now. The temptation to dive down and get it was too strong now.

My body was urging me to go back into the cold water and get that necklace. The stone in the middle of it was glowing and getting brighter by the second. I was slowly getting back into the water. The water was up to my knees when I saw a wolf getting out of the forest and into the clearing. My body froze and I didn't know what to do. Do I dive in for the necklace and possibly drown trying to get it? Or do I focus on getting away from that wolf, that is now getting closer as I'm thinking?

Why was I thinking like this? Any regular person would value their life over a stupid glowing necklace. Either this place was starting to get with me , the necklace is cursed or something, or I was going crazy for staying in the lake for so long. I looked up and I saw the wolf getting closer and closer. I decided to just leave the stupid necklace behind and run for my life like a regular human being. I knew I only had one shot of running from this wolf, or I would become his midnight snack.

I had to somehow dodge the wolf, trick him,and go in the opposite direction. I decided to just go straight for the wolf and trick it, like I ain't afraid of it. Gathering all the courage I had left, I ran straight towards the giant wolf.It looked confused for like a couple a seconds after I ran straight passed it., but after a couple of seconds, it ran after me. I screamed as I ran into the woods. Probably stupid, but I was scared, I had a giant wolf after me .As I heard paws behind me, I ran with all the strength I had. I was running with everything in me, when I saw a castle over a hill.

The castle was going to be my safe house if I reached it on time. I would say there was about 400 meters between me and the castle. I was already tired from running so much, but it was either run or get eaten. I was panting but I had cut the distance from 400 meters to at least 100 meters. Just as I was about the go unto the castle grounds, I felt something grab my shirt and and yank me back. I screamed as I saw the wolf had caught up with me and was about to eat me. He lunged for me when-