
The Journey of the Red Dragon Mario and Swordsman Luigi

Two cousins meet for an anniversary, exchange gifts, and get sucked into the mushroom kingdom as a result. See what adventures the bros may have in a new world.

Kevin_Martin_4147 · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter 5 – Bargain Work and Travel

"Hello princess. I'm ready to start working." states Kevin as he walks into the throne room.

"I see you have woken up. Indeed you shall begin, so go to the library and unpack all the new books. Here is the list for the rest of the locations."

"Got it." Kevin went to the library first, helping the librarian unpack all the new books from the other kingdoms, meeting Professor Toad as well.

He then went on to complete the other 9 tasks throughout the mushroom kingdom, fighting off rabbit shadow beasts that disturbed his sleep throughout the night, and trained his gear for a whole week.

– 1 week or more later –

"Alright princess, I've done every task on the list you gave me. Can we please go find my cousin?" Kevin carefully asked, now fully aware the princess is hundreds if not thousands of times stronger than him due to her experience.

"Hm…the people have indeed corroborated that you finished the ten trials, so I suppose we can start traveling now. Toadette, take care of the kingdom in my absence with the power of the Power Crown!" Peach agreed, while telling Toadette her orders.

Peach, Kevin, and Captain Toad then proceeded to head out from the castle and the Mushroom Kingdom to the great unknown, at least in Kevin's perspective. For the princess, this was simply a check up for the other kingdoms in addition to a high-value escort mission, which she had done many times before she became princess.

– 1 day of travel in the Mushroom Forest later –

"We have arrived at the checkpoint town between the Mushroom and Sarasa kingdoms." Peach announced as they proceeded to walk into town.

"Woah. This place is sick! The mixture of forest and desert life is so unique!" Kevin exclaimed as he took in the view of the town.

"Yup, it sure is. Anyway, Princess please show Kevin around town, I've gotta go talk to my explorer group in this town and check up on their progress." Toad announced, as he proceeded to dash off to the other side of town.

Princess Peach then took the lead to passionately show Kevin around the aptly named "Bridge Town", describing in detail the shops, restaurants, and activities that the town had to offer. They finished the tour with the bridge that fully connects the 2 kingdoms together, and what a sight it was.

"You know it was actually me and Daisy who made this bridge. We used our star power to forge every bit of metal, so it'd take somebody as strong as both me & Daisy to take it down, making it one of if not the best bridge in the world!" Peach boasted.

"Wow, that is impressive. Though are dark shadow beasts a part of its defense system?" asked Kevin as he pointed to multiple figures actually attacking the very bridge they were on.

"What! No they aren't, these must be random terrorists trying to ruin our efforts. Kevin, please assist me in getting rid of these bridge wreckers!" Peach demanded as she took flight via parasol.

"Ok ok, not so loud. Gauntlet, Boost me!" Kevin shouted, as his Gauntlet quickly sounded out a [Boost] and proceeded to launch himself towards the creatures.

The shadow rabbits noticed them and proceeded to attack, sensing that they were using powers that they could take.

"Destroy the humans and take their power!" the biggest rabbit there proclaimed, as everyone attacked in unison.

So the battle raged on, rabbit horde vs human princess and dragon. Between the two of them the horde was split and defeated in half, one rabbit at a time. The princess used her emotional powers to confuse and abuse her enemies into oblivion, while Kevin kept getting stronger with many a [Boost] to keep up with both the horde itself and the princess's speed and power.

"Damn you humans. More of us will come and take your power." the leader of the horde pitifully said, while dissipating to the great unknown.