
The Journey of the Red Dragon Mario and Swordsman Luigi

Two cousins meet for an anniversary, exchange gifts, and get sucked into the mushroom kingdom as a result. See what adventures the bros may have in a new world.

Kevin_Martin_4147 · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter 2 – Meeting a New Person and People

"Phew…" Kevin petered out, as his 50th workout completed since he arrived.

To explain what happened, after he activated his "Sacred Gear", he decided he was going to exploit it and get stronger quickly. This led to a week of training using the Boost feature and doing grueling exercises to increase his base power that the gauntlet could multiply for emergencies or even combat.

"Ok…so now I've gotta find civilization. Maybe they can lead me in the right direction for finding Sebas." Kevin decided, beginning to set out beyond the area nearby the Barrier Pipe landmark.

– 1-2 hours later –

"Ok, let's set up camp." Kevin chose, as he put all his supplies that were previously in his bag and now stored in his gauntlet subspace out into the field he now occupies.

"I guess I need wood to start a fire, and unlike the area near the Barrier Pipe, this place actually has trees and tall grass to start a fire with.

So, Kevin set off cutting down different trees surrounding him using singular boosts and fast enough motion to eventually carve them into firewood, not to mention grabbing enough tall grass for the beginnings of the fire.

"Now then, if I remember correctly, most dragons can breathe fire, I have a desire based weapon, and I certainly want to start a fire so…please ignite a small flame!!"

As he said his current desire, the gauntlet reacted by creating a magical flame the size of a baseball.

"Great!" exclaims Kevin.

"Woah, what's that, how'd you do that?" asks an unfamiliar voice.

"Huh…oh my God!!!" Kevin shouts, jumping away from the now acknowledged humanoid creature next to him.

"You…are you sapient & sentient?" asked Kevin, preparing for a fight just in case he proves wrong in his assumption.

"Wow, that's some high concept questions, though the answer is yes, because I am a Toad, a race of peaceful people who improve technologically and mentally every century!" answers Toad(?).

"I see…in that case, my name's Kevin, what's your name?" asks Kevin, now returning to a non-aggressive stance.

"It's no problem Kevin, and my names are Captain Toad & to close friends Miguel, but when in a crowd I am but a simple Toad." replies Captain Toad, who demonstrates his gear proving his title.

"No offense, but shouldn't you be called explorer toad because of the gear?" questions Kevin, as said gear is used primarily for exploration.

"Ah yes, me and explorer toad often get that complaint from people who meet one of us or both for the first time. To answer your question, we are both explorers, but I am the leader of the groups we both consist of, so my title is Captain, while his title remains an explorer." states Cap. Toad, while moving to lay by the now active campfire.

"So…you said you are part of the Toad race right? Two questions, firstly do you know what race I am, and second can you lead me to your civilization, as I have been out here for a week and am lost." – Kevin

"Oh yea, I can lead you to our kingdom, as for what you are, you're a human clear as day. Do you have amnesia or something?" asked Cap. Toad.

"No I thankfully do not, I was just wondering if humans existed in this world, or continent." replied Kevin as calmly as possible.

"I see…well you'll be glad to know that the leader of the Toads is a human too!" stated Toad, as he proceeds to get up and start getting ready to leave.

"Oh really, well I'd be glad to meet them." said Kevin, also hopping up and joining Toad.

And so, they made their way through the mushroom forest, climbing and jumping atop the mushrooms while avoiding stray trees. Eventually, they reached the entrance of the Mushroom Kingdom.

"Halt, who goes there? State your name, and if you have any, show identification!" exclaimed a guard Toad by the front gate.

"I'm Kevin the human."

"It's me, Captain Toad, and here's my ID."

"I see, very well you two may pass. Make sure to get the human an ID for when he's alone."

"Of course I will. Anyways, let's go meet the princess and the rest of the Toads Kevin!"

"Sure, and maybe she can help me find my cousin."

"Wait, you have a lost cousin?"

"Yeah, and having a ruler help look for him would be very convenient."

"Ok, then we'll ask her when we get there."