
The Journey of the Red Dragon Mario and Swordsman Luigi

Two cousins meet for an anniversary, exchange gifts, and get sucked into the mushroom kingdom as a result. See what adventures the bros may have in a new world.

Kevin_Martin_4147 · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Chapter 1 – Pipe Trouble and Landing

"Woah," Kevin responds as he sees hundreds of clear pipes in a pink cloud white background filled view.

"Wait, where's Sebas?" asks Kevin.

"Wait, there he is!" Kevin shouts, as he points to a different pipe going in a different direction.

"Are we seriously going to be separated? If that's the case, I promise Seba that I will find you," affirms Kevin, as he then proceeds to be dragged into a second green pipe.

"Oof" Kevin says as he lands on his face.

"Uh…where am I?" asks Kevin.

"There's a whole lot of big mushrooms around me, like a mushroom jungle of sorts." realizes Kevin, as he proceeds to look around him.

"Huh, that pipe is where I came from." he notes as he sees the end of a green pipe connected to a strange ruin.

"Welp, imma check it out, cause it's better than nothing" Kevin decides, as he climbs up mushrooms to get to the pipe.

"There, I made it, now let's just reach inside…" Kevin says, as he puts his hand close to the Pipe.

"Woom." A circular barrier appears, both around the pipe entrance and the pipe itself, blocking his hand, and any chance of returning to Brooklyn.

"Ugh, seriously! We go on a harmless vacation to Brooklyn cause we both study online, and on the day of our anniversary we get pipe isekai to Mushroom Land?!" shouts Kevin in frustration."

Due to that frustration, something begins to shine on Kevin's left arm.

"Huh, what now?!" asks Kevin, annoyed beyond belief.

On his arm, appears the very same Boosted Gear Sebas gave him, now glowing with a red ethereal energy.

"Wait…I have the boosted gear?" questions Kevin, looking all over his now gauntlet covered arm.

"Does that mean if I say the word 'Boost'..." Kevin questions.

[Boost] the gauntlet screams in a draconic male voice, instantly lighting up like a firework, as it activates its signature ability on voice command.

"Woah!!" shouts Kevin, as he feels his whole body undergo a powerful upgrade overall, a doubling in fact.

"So it's real…my power, physical capabilities, and everything else all doubled!" exclaims Kevin, overjoyed to have one of his favorite superpowers and abilities at the grasp of his fingertips.