
The Journey of Raven Akuma (Classroom of the elite)(COTE)(Male OC)

Raven Akuma. When he is wronged by the world he gains a second chance. In this new world he will not repeat the same mistakes. This time it would be different. He would make sure of it. That event would never happen again.

CodeBreakCamel · Cómic
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2 Chs

The Advanced Nurturing High School

When text is in [] it refers to the Main Characters thoughts.

A young man is standing outside a school building. He has a slight smile strewn across his face as he stares at the building. He is surprised when he feels someone bump shoulders with him.

"What are you doing?"

He hears a voice come from behind him. He tuns around to see a black haired woman who was now on the ground. The boy bent down gathering her things.


The boy says as he gives the woman her things.

He moves past the other individuals in the area as he approaches his designated class. Class 1D. The young man entered the classroom. He looked to his left at all his future classmates. Eventually, his vision locked in on one of them.

Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. [So that's the guy in the flesh. In person he doesn't look like much more than an average high school boy. Of course, that's all a façade.] he thought to himself. He approached the man and chose to sit next to him beside the window. Ayanokoji didn't chose to initate conversation so the boy decided not to attempt to start a conversation with him yet either.

The classroom was lively with discussion. Ayanokoji was talking with a girl with long black hair. The girl looked the man's way noticing him from earlier when he had bumped into her. [She must be Horikita.] The man observed the classroom identifying each student. [System show Status].


Name: Unknown

Age: 15

Height: 5'6

Race: Human

Private Points: 0

Class Points: 1000

System Points: 0

Inventory: Welcome Bonus x1

Skills: Nothing at the moment

[Use Welcome Bonus x1]

Welcome Bonus x1 used. User gained the following items. 5x Primary school knowledge, 5x Middle school knowledge, 3x Subject Tuition Knowledge, 5x Supreme tickets.

[What does the Knowledge do?]

It transfers the knowledge of the maximum amount of concepts the user could learn in the most possible subjects at that level (at elementary school, middle school etc). The subject tuition knowledge on the other hand gives the user mastery level knowledge about a subject.

[Can items be transferred to others?]

Items can be transferred however system windows, explanations and descriptions will not be transferred. Upon transferring the item, if it could be activated, it will immediately be activated. The one who receives the item will have to figure out how to use the item without the systems assistance.

[What are system points for?]

System points are used to buy items in the system shop. In the system shop the user can buy items and abilities. The available items and abilities range from all sorts of different types of media.

[What are Supreme Tickets?]

A Supreme Ticket is a very powerful item that lets the user pick any item from the shop out to be used.

[Open System Shop]

A blue screened window popped up in front of the boy with the text System Shop written on it. Judging by how his peers weren't freaking out it would appear he is the only one who can see the screen.

[How many items are available for purchase?]

The system shop resets at the start of every month. Inside the system shop are 30 items/abilities per month.

[Will items/abilities available this month be available next month?]

User does not have access to that information.


After taking some time to sort through the items. The user decides on some items.

[I would like to purchase the following: 1x Conquerors Haki - Master Level, 1x Armament Haki - Master Level, 1x Observation Haki - Master Level, 1x Survival Skills bundle and 1x Combat Mastery]

Is user sure he wants these items?


Purchase complete. User has lost 5x supreme tickets.

[I feel different. I can see the environment around me clearer, hear my surroundings more precisely. This must be Observation Haki.]

Would the user like to activate the knowledge of how to use Haki as well as the survival skills bundle and combat mastery? It is recommended to do this in a private place.

[I'll activate it later. Oh, and system.]

What is it?

[What's your name?]

I have no name.

[Hmm. I'll give you a name.]

The man paused for a moment.

[Claudius sounds good.]

Very well. I will now respond to the name Claudius.

Suddenly a boy gets up from his seat. Snapping the boy out of his conversation. He turns around revealing his blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Everyone, may I have your attention, please?"

"I was hoping we could all introduce ourselves, to get better acquainted early on the first day."

"The teacher doesn't seem to be here yet as well."

[Introductions huh, I can do an introduction. Wait a second, How do I introduce myself? It's not like I can introduce myself in English. I mean, I can understand Japanese but I barely know anything in speaking. In other words... I'm fucked.] 

Before he knew it, it had become his turn to speak.

"Next up... you!" Hirata spoke while pointing at the boy.

[Alright. It's now or never. I don't want to use my old name in this life. This life will be completely different from my old one.]

"Uh.. I'm Akuma Raven.. Uh... It's nice to meet you... Umm... I like to read books in my free time Ah... I'm relatively good at academics and sports... so ... I look forward to studying with you in the future."

After the speech, there was a moment of silence. Followed by a light set of claps.

[That went about as terribly as I thought it would.]

[Well, at least I'm not alone. She didn't even bother to introduce himself and Ayanokyoji's introduction was about as bad as mine.]

"Everyone... On your seats." the teacher said as she walked in.

"I'm the homeroom teacher for Class D, Chabashira Sae."

"There will be no changing of classes in this school."

[Well, that's a lie]

"I will be your homeroom teacher for the next three years until you graduate."

"First I'll hand out the school rulebook."

She spoke as she handed out the school rulebooks.

"We have special rules in this school. First, you will live in dorms, and while in school, your ability to leave the campus and contact the outside world will be limited. But, fear not. This school has a variety of facilities lined up. All your daily needs can be found here, including entertainment. To buy things, you will use points stored in the school's official computer system. In this school, you can buy anything using points. Points are allotted on the first day of each month. One point equals one yen. You have already been allotted 100,000 points for this month."

Raven begins phasing out what Chabashira is saying.

[If the class has 1000 class points. We gain about 100 personal points for every one class point. Claudius, can personal points be converted into system points.]

They can. 1 personal point = 1 system point.

[Hmm... should I tell the class about class points? If I do then we'd get to retain most of the 1000 class points. This would mean I'd keep getting personal points which I can convert to system points. On the other hand, if I don't tell them. I can do whatever I want in class for the month. For now, I'll keep the info to myself.]

The day continued as classes got over. 

[I should buy some necessities.] Raven thought as he approached a general goods store. Inside he saw the two people he was sitting next to. It appeared they were having a conversation. He ended up in the aisle they were in. He said nothing as he stood in front of Horikita. Who was in the process of loading up her shopping cart.

"What are you doing here?" she said as she glared at Raven.

"Getting groceries."

"Then go get them."

"I need stuff from behind you. You're blocking the aisle."

Raven spoke in favour of Ayanokoji who shared the same sentiment.

"Both of you should wait."

"We are." Raven spoke.

Trying to cut the awkwardness of the situation, Raven turned to talk to Ayanokoji.

"Hello again, it's Ayanokoji san right?"

"Yes. You must be Akuma san."

"That's me. I have to say, I feel like we're brothers in arms after we both bombed our introductions."

"Unfortunately, that is correct Akuma san."

"You don't look that bothered by it though."

"You don't look bothered by it either."

"Eh... You know what they say right, what's done is done."

"I guess."

"By the way Ayanokoji san, can I call you Koji san from now on?"

"A nickname, isn't that the sort of thing only friends have?"

"Do you not want to be friends?"

"Hmm... I'm not against being friends."

"Then from now on we're friends, Koji san."

Ayanokoji felt dazed. Granted his face still showed no emotion.

"What's wrong?" 

"I didn't think making a friend would be this easy."

"You speak like a loner who has never made any friends before.... nevermind that makes complete sense." Horikita speaks. Entering the conversation.

"At least Koji san tried to introduce himself."

"...Maybe it would have been better if you adopted her approach." Koji speaks.

"Koji san! I'm defending you here."

Ayanokoji said nothing.

"You're a loner." Horikita said.

"Like you're any better."

"Incorrect. I'm alone because I chose to be alone. You are alone because you can't make friends."

"Friends? I've already made two of them on the first day."

"Really? Enlighten me, who're these so called friends."

"Well, there's Koji san and wait... what's your name?"

"Me? I do not need friends. You are not my friend."

"Not yet."

She turns around to leave.


"What is it."

"If we're going to sit next to each other for the next three years at least tell me your name."

She sighed. Before speaking.

"It's Horikita Suzune." she spoke as she left the building.

Horikita and Ayanokoji left the store. Sudo had made a commotion outside the store. Choosing not to get involved Raven waited outside for the commotion to get over, took his groceries and left.

He went to his dorm room. Upon entering he collapsed on his bed

[What a day.]

[Claudius transfer knowledge of how to use all types of haki, combat mastery and survival skills.]

In an instant the knowledge had been transferred into Raven's brain. The information overlord caused him to feel nauseated. To the point where he ended up puking.

[Claudius! What's with this terrible Nausea!]

User was warned to be in a private place before activating this for this very reason.

The user has obtained a large chunk of information all at once. Hence the users brain has reacted in this way due to the information overload. This is a one time event however, in the future the user will not experience such side effects. By the way, while I transferred the knowledge of combat mastery. I did not do the physical changes yet. Before I do those, it's recommended you have a bath.

[If you say so.]

Raven goes to have a bath. In the shower Claudius speaks up.

User can use the ameneties features of the system. This will include a complete detox that will push out any dirt, unwanted material etc out the users body.

[Claudius! Don't scare me while I'm having a shower. Though I'd like to activate that feature.]

My apologies, activating detox.

Layers of dirt began to flow out Raven's skin. The black layer's had began to fall onto the ground of the shower.

This is an apt time to activate the physical changes of combat mastery.

[Activate the changes]

Raven felt his body change and contort. His physique grew more muscular while his skin grew cleaner from the detox. The process of his body contorting was painful but Raven pushed through it. Finishing the shower Raven stepped out with a towel on his body.

His skin was noticeably pristine. His body had become muscular as well. Raven looked far better then the average high school boy now. He had a slight smile on his face once more. He put on some regular clothes. It was night by now. 

[I'm tired, I think I'll go grab some cola from a vending machine, it's a good time for a night walk as well.]

"Before I go, Claudius I'd like to use 2x Elementary school knowledge, 2x Middle school knowledge and 2x Subject tuition knowledge."

What subjects would user like to chose?

[Well, it makes sense to chose Japanese, that way I can actually communicate. Apart from that I'll chose history cause I don't know much about Japanese history either.]

User can only use 1x Elementary school Knowledge/ 1x Middle school Knowledge using any more will be a waste at the user will not gain any more knowledge as the maximum amount of knowledge learnable at that level has already been transferred.

"Then what's the point of having 5 of each."

User can transfer the knowledge to someone else as stated earlier, user can sell the item as well.

"I'll use one of each for now along with my chosen subject tuition knowledge transfer the knowledge."

Information transferred 

This time Raven didn't feel such large nausea rather he just felt a little migraine. In addition he did feel tired after so much information had been transferred to his brain. Though he was happy to now be able to communicate properly in Japanese. Plus he'd probably never have to worry about studies considering his knowledge on all subjects had now been vastly increased.

Going down the stairs, Raven went on his walk. As he approached the vending machine to get a drink he heard a voice.

"Suzune, I didn't expect you to follow me here." Manabu said.

"Brother... I'm not the failure I was back then."

"I came here to catch up with you."

Raven peaked the corner to observe the situation.

[This isn't supposed to happen yet. Is my presence messing up the timeline?]

"Catch up?" Manabu asked questioningly. 

"You still haven't even realized your own shortcomings." Manabu said.

"You were a fool to choose this school." Manabu said.

"I'll reach class A soon!"

"When I do..."

"Impossible." Manabu spoke.

"I will... make it there."

"What an unreasonable sister you are..." Manabu spoke turning around to face her.

Manabu gripped her arm against the wall.

"My little sister assigned to Class D..."

"And I'm the one who bears the shame of it."

"Leave this school right now."

"...Brother... I..."

Manabu stares her in the eye.

"You have neither the right nor the ability to aim for something higher."

"You must learn..."

He speaks as he move his other arm backwards.

[It seems I have to intervene.]

Raven grabs Manabu's hand pulling it back away from her.

"Prez, I can't let you do that."

"...Let her go."

"Stop it... Akuma kun."

[Horikita would never talk like that in class.]

Raven let's go of Manabu's hand.

Manabu whips his arm backwards in an atempt to hit Raven.

Raven dodges the blow. Manabu then tries to hit Raven with a kick. Raven deflects the kick using armament haki.

"Nice move. Do you practise something?'


"That reminds me, there were three students who entered by recommendation of Sakayanagi's recommendation. Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, Arisu Sakayanagi and Akuma Raven. You must be Akuma Raven?"

"That would be correct."

 "Hmm... to be recommended by the chairman, a commendable feat."

Raven looks directly at Manabu saying nothing.

"Why did you help Suzune?"

"She's... someone I have to protect."

Horikita slightly blushed.

"Suzune... I'm genuinely surprised to see you've made a friend."

"He's... not my friend."

"He's just a classmate."

"As usual, you've mistaken isolation for independence."


"If you want to ascend to a higher class... struggle with everything you have."

Manabu walked away from the pair.

Turning around the pair walked to the vending machine. Raven bought a drink.

Raven POV

"I guess you saw my awkward side." Horikita spoke while I was drinking my cola.

"I'm not disappointed. I'm happy to know that on the inside of your prickly exterior, you're a regular gir-"

Horikita began staring into my soul. Her eyes conveyed an I dare you to finish that sentence look.

"Nothing, ma'am"

Horikita looked away from me.

"Tsundere" I whispered under my breath..

"What was that?" Horikita said as her glare returned this time accompanied by a slight blush.


After a pause, Horikita spoke up.

"You're incredible."

"I know."

Horikita looked mildly annoyed by what I said.

"Why did you protect me?"

"What do you mean?" I spoke feigning ignorance.

"Well... earlier on, you said -you needed to uh... protect me." Horikita spoke embarrassingly. 

I found it cute though. It was just the reaction I was looking for.

I doubt I'd see Horikita like this again soon.

"What was that, I can't hear you. Could you repeat?"

Horikita was looking downwards out of embarrassment. She turned to face me.

"You sai-" she began before noticing the slight amused smile on my face.

"Hang on... you heard me from the start didn't you... bastard."

The smile on my face grew more.

"That's no way to talk to your saviour."

Horikita looked mildly annoyed.

"Be serious."

I paused, formulating my next sentence.

"I told you earlier didn't I?"

"You and Koji san are my friends."

"I'd never let my friends be harmed."

Horikita reacts to my statement with surprise.

"I don't recall agreeing to being friends."

"Your brother seems to think differently."

"I guess... we can be friends."

A pause happened again.

"Horikita san."

"What is it?"

"You want to reach class A?"

Horikita nodded her head.

"How badly do you want to reach Class A? What are you willing to sacrifice to reach that goal?"

Horikita's face turned into an expression of slight surprise. She took a small pause before resuming.

"Everything. I will reach Class A, no matter what I have to do to get there." She said with intense passion almost lighting her words aflame with the will of her voice.

3rd Person POV

Raven took a pause. Then an impulse began to run through him. An impulse to find a purpose. An impulse to fulfil this dream. His signature smile began to form on his face. He infused his voice with conquerors haki as he began to speak. His voice changed tone, he sounded different. Like he became a whole new person.

"Horikita Suzune. You have intrigued me. The only people capable of working with you to achieve such a goal are me or if you could convince him, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka. Thanks to you, I have found a purpose, you want to reach Class A? I will get you to Class A. Work with me and I will make you reach Class A."

Horikita felt surprised. She felt a little scared by his voice. It was like he changed completely into a different person. Nonetheless she didn't know why but when he spoke it was with complete conviction. It was as if he fully believed in what he said.

She took some time to formulate a response. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Raven pushed his finger onto her mouth keeping it closed. In response she bit his finger hoping to entice a reaction from Raven whose expression did not change from his signature smile.

Now she was really annoyed and maybe... she was perhaps slightly felt bad about biting his finger. Just as she was about to say something, Raven moved his finger away from her lips and pointed it to a corner from which Horikita spotted Ayanokoji. 

"Koji kun! Surprised to see you here." 

Ayanokoji looks at me, then Horikita, then the allyway.

"Am I... Interrupting something?"

Ayanokoji pieces together what may have happened.

"Nah, don't worry about it. We were just finishing our conversation. Right Horikita san."

Horikita looked into Raven's eyes, than Ayanokoji's eyes and sighed.

"For once. Akuma san is correct."

Raven did not respond to the challenge.

Ayanokoji feeling like he was getting in the middle of something. Quickly got his drink and left.

"I'm going to go back to my dorm now. See you tomorrow." he said in his usual apathetic voice.

Raven had used observation haki to sense him earlier. Otherwise, it'd have been near impossible to identify Ayanokoji who had completely masked his presence. Using observation haki once more he patiently waited until Ayanokoji had walked farther enough away.

Horikita had gotten up to go back to her dorm as well. Raven approached her from her side, getting closer... and closer... and closer until he had intruded her personal space. A ticked of Horikita threw a kick at him. Sidestepping the kick he used the gap between his arm and body to keep her leg restrained in the air. As he came close enough to her such that his head was only a few centimetres away from her. As he went closer to her, his lock of her kick which started at her foot, slowly went up her leg until, her thigh was stuck in between his arm and body. His hand was touching the underside of her soft thigh.

Horikita's face was completely flushed. This man seemed to gain joy from her embarrassment. The worst part was she couldn't say anything to him. She felt a hundred different insults and responses on the tip of her tongue but none of them would come out. Even worse, she had gotten herself into this predicament. If she had just landed her kick or not attempted to kick him at all, her thigh wouldn't be sandwiched between his arm and upper body right now. It all came together to make her feel so... vulnerable.

He whispered into her ear.

"I'll let you think it over. You can tell me tomorrow, what you think."

 He then let go of her thigh and walked towards his dorms.

Horikita felt annoyed as hell. Who did that bastard think he was? She would definitely get him back for this embarrassment the next day. Nonetheless she walked back towards her dorm room.

Meanwhile, Raven had just made it to his dorm.

[Claudius, I'd like to sell 2x of the elementary school knowledge and 2x of the middle school knowledge.]

User can sell the given items for a total of 100,000 system points.

[Sell it]


[Claudius I do not have any of the memories of this body, why is that?]

The user does not have access to the memories of this body due to the original inhabiter of the body blocking the memories. The user can buy memory recollection for 50,000 system points. The system will generate a summary of your previous memories.

[I'd like to purchase the memories.]

Item purchased.

The users body belonged to a boy who used to be part of a wealthy family known as ------. The users body was raised to succeed ownership of your family business. Then however one day, --------- -------, a man who the users bodies family used to work with had a fight with the users bodies parents. In this fight, the user's bodies parents were both killed in front of the user. The man was going to eliminate the previous owner of the users body as well however decided not to after realising the trauma of seeing the user's parents die melted with the rage the user felt causing him to go insane. The user's body grew up being friends with the ----- of the man who killed his parents( also known as --------- --------) as well as being friends with the ----- of his parents other close friend (also known as ----- ----------). After his parents death, the user spent most of his time alone. In a room, from which he never came out of. Under the supervision of his parents other close friend. This was until -------- ---------- decided to send him to The Advanced Nurturing High School.

Raven sat down on his bed trying to process the information he was given.

[What's with all the redacted information Claudius?]

The user does not have access to that information.

Raven went from siting to lying down on his bed thinking for a few minutes. Before he asked.

[Claudius, what happened to the consciousness of the person who used to inhabit this body.]

The user has entered very restricted territory. However, in an attempt to answer your question. The old owner of the users body has left an instinctual imprint on both the users current body and mind. Fret not however, the user can take solace in knowing the old owner of the users bodies consciousness is no longer present inside the users body.

Processing the information Raven feels both mentally and physically exhausted from the long first day he's had.

Pulling his blanket over him, Raven swiftly drifts away to sleep.


In the female dormitory in the dorm room of Horikita Suzune.

The girl is rolling over her bed under the blankets unable to get sleep. Eventually the girl grabs her pillow and shoves it on her face, such that the pillow is up to right below her eyes. 

"That bastard... he does all that and tells me to go think it over. How the hell does he expect me to go to sleep now. I swear, tomorrow he will feel my wrath."

She starts thinking before she thinks of something that makes her smile.

"I bet that bastard is wide awake right now. Struggling to get any sleep."

With that happy thought in mind, Horikita hugs the pillow by her side before finally drifting to sleep.

(Two minutes later, she throws her pillow at the ground)

Or maybe not?

Oh boy, it's finally done! 4265 words and all. Please, if you can, tell me what you think of the story. Am I progressing things too fast? Am I getting Horikita's character right? Honsestly, any comment telling me about how you think the first chapter was, or telling me the stuff you liked, the stuff you disliked etc would be very useful. That's all for this chapter, see you next chapter!

~Thanks for reading~

CodeBreakCamelcreators' thoughts