
Go Boom

I'm going to turn myself into a bomb. Yes your ears aren't broken. With my Mana sense i have been experimenting. At 1m i can almost keep it up indefinitely, but i get mental fatigue because there is soo much information going to my head but if i exclude my body the information drops down to almost nothing compared to before. The best part is within this 1m radius i can then start to control the mana in the air itself drawing it closer or pushing it away. Never really eliminating it because its in the grass, the tree, the ground even the little insects.

Then i started to look at my body itself, not as a hole but jou my hand or finger and i found that my sell each has tiny tiny bit of mana. But why soo little? So for a hole day a kept looking at 1 sell, as mana went in and out as my skill was still active. I ignored all the other information about my surroundings and just kept watch over this tiny little sell of myne.

Then i had the most crazy idea. What if i just try to fucus on the mana around me that is in the air and this 1 sell and try to push as much mana as possible into it? Crazy right? What if it pops? And what if about 1 Mana worth of enery is released into my finger?

Boom see you finger? But who am I? An immortal? But I'm not just that, observing my body for the last 2 week i have discovered that I'm in a state of stasis. That hair i plucked to see what color my hair was. Its back. How i look now is how i will look till the end of time. Not a sell more or a sell less.

I have been pulling hair and making little cuts on my finger and i think I'm 99% sure I'm correct. My body can put itself back together as long as there is mana. How many sell is in the human body trillions. The average human has between 10 and 100 trillion sells. If i can put 1 mana in each sell. Fuck. Not even 1 even if its 0.1 thats 1 to 10 trillion mana my body has.

I got chillls, I'll be a walk bomb. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. If i pull this off. Fuck leveling. Its would take me years but my mana control and body would be out of this world. Hahaha, Imagine facing mr level 900 dragon? Like take my fire ball of over 10 trillion mama hahaha. That's overkill but you get thet idea.

Why can't others do this? Well they age, there sells die. They would constantly have mini mana explosions all over there body even races with long lives they to die at some point and they would have to put constantly put more mana in new sells.

Okay let's try 1 sell and see how it goes. That's how it began slowly taking mana from around me and super charing this 1 sell in my body... 0.1...0.2...0.3...

It's been a day and a half. I have stoped at 1.9. I can feel it i can push it to 2 but my control over mana is definitely not good enough, i can make a mistake any second and it wil pop. Okay on to the next experiment. I'll only use this sell to make as fire ball and completely drain it. Then I'll be able to see how it reverts back to normal.

Nice, okay after emptying the cell its automatically sucked up about 1.3 Mana.

Okay let's push it to 1.9 again and see if its can automatically suck up more or is 1.3 the natural limit. So i repeated the process over and over to puch the limits of my little sell.

It's the 4th day after I have started with this little experiment of myne and if made some ground. The sell acts like a muscle the more i push it the more it stretches and holds. But 2 is the natural limit of my sells. This 1 sell now hols 2 but anymore and it wil explode. If my guess is correct, and i level up my body will become stronger and I'll be ability to hold much much more. But at level 1000 how much can i hold in just 1 sell? Won't i suck the hole universe empty of mana? So i have made a decision. I'm going to full every sell, hair, bone with just 1 mana. Everything within my body will hold just 1. And i have to keep it balanced or my bones could break under the pressure of my spuper charged muscles.

That's when it began, i sat underneath an tree and closed my eyes. I spread my mana sense at 2 meters and start to super charge my body.

1 finger at a time, every sell, bone, tendon and even blood vessels. Everything was was stuffed with 1.3 Mana, the sell would naturally release the 0.3 overtime and settle at a comfortable 1 mana.

Day by day month after month and year by year a man and a tree stay side by side alone ons the open grassy planes.

But its was not just the man that was being changed, the amount of mana that he radiated was so much at began changing his surroundings. For every 1.3 he took in he exhausted 0.3 over time and as his mana control grew the more sell he could super charge at a time the more the exhausted.

26 years, 3 moths and 12 days, since the 21 year old youth closed his eye, they opened for the first time.