
7 a deal

Do not tell anyone your goals

Play your game in secret

This is what I learned in the worst way possible from my previous life

Why this bitch is so powerful


How lucky am i

But damn it I'm not afraid of her

I will never be afraid of her and ask her to spar my life

If she wants blood, I love blood

But I will not bow or ask her to let me go hahahahahhahahahahahaha

I can't imagine myself on my knees

asking for my life

This would be the worst joke in history

Before you think she except me do this

I will tear her intestines from the inside of her body

I will rip her body into small pieces and feed it to the white tigers

But first why not play with her a little bit

This is going to be fun

Hahaha hahaha

I must know where I am now and how I get out of here I think she has all the secrets

This damned demon girl

But No one told me that demons were so beautiful

"I don't need to tell you How much I adore mind games and deception"

So Let's see what we can do

I sat on the ground I saw her looking at me with anger

I whispered faintly

" Where are we? "

It looked like her face is going to explode from anger

She's a funny girl

"Weren't you going to kill me a second ago ?"

I stood on my feet and started laughing hard

I approached her and whispered in her ear

"How do I kill a girl with such beauty? Do you want me to demand by humanity forever?"

Her cheeks turned into a light red color

Girl's are easily

I was laughing on the insider

But I can't deny her beauty

I'm still the joker I kill anyone without thinking twice

When I felt that she turned her angry face on again

I smiled and I took two steps back this girl looks more beautiful when she's angry

I looked around me trying to figure out where I was

Somehow I'm in inside a very large room

With a giant balcony

I can see the beautiful moon and the beautiful black night

I felt Yama behind me I felt like she would burn the world out because of her anger

Her name is really weird

But cute

"Tell me what is this place, and who are you?"

She looked at me and hid her feelings of anger with complete professionalism

Then said to me

" why would I tell you anything?"

Hahaha hahaha

This bitch wants to play

Let's play

"So that I tell you how I got into this place?"

She looked at me with a meaningful look

she turned around and said to me

"I am the daughter of the demons king and this is the eternal prison for demons"

I already know that she is the daughter of the

Demons king

But I didn't imagine that this place was a jail

The place is very large from the outside

There are sun, earth, and a whole forest

She looked at me and said

"Now tell me how you got here?"

She doesn't seem to know how to get out of here

So I'll tell her what happened to me

"I felt pain in my chest and something attracted me to this big tree so when I approached it I was pulled inside of it "

She didn't say anything but approached me

She put her hand on my chest

She began to say some strange words that I didn't understand

Her eyes turned red and his hair turned white A great energy began to emerge from her body I felt like I'm going to die because of this great energy coming in my chest

at that moment

Blood began to come out of her eyes and mouth

then an explosion of energy came from my chest and send her flying

After She hit the ground

She had a look of disappointed in her eyes

For a moment

After that look disappeared

She said angrily

"What are all these strange powers that your body possesses?"

When she turned her angry face on again

I smiled this girl truly looks more Beautiful when she's angry

But I don't have time for this bullshit

Besides, I didn't understand what she meant

she suddenly stood up and said Who the hell are you?

"Me it doesn't matter how Am I," I said while smiling

Now let's talk about you pretty girl

I want to know everything about you how did the daughter of the demons king ended up in prison

She wiped the blood off her pretty face

Ane With time the wound closed its SELF

she said to me

"I am 14 years old"

I didn't believe what she was saying she is my age and she's already level 60

She must be a genius among geniuses

How did someone come to have this much creative ability, development, and talent

If anyone from my village heard this, they would go completely mad

She said, sighing

"I know what you think this is what everyone else thinks to even my father and my brothers, of course, they thought I would be a threat to them so they conspired to kill me"

she remained silent for a second and then completed

"I am in the region of demons considered the greatest talent but the problem was my father had 10 wives each wife give birth to a male child only my mother had me"

But I became the strongest among them in a short time

That's why they conspired against me and tried to kill me more than once


So this is how demons act

I guess they didn't disappoint

I looked in her eyes it was filled with sadness

"So What did you do?"

She said, while her eyes were filled with a great thirst for blood

"I just killed them"

Now I know why she was in this prison

Her father took advantage of what she did and locked her into this place

"How will we get out of here, Princess?"

Hahaha hahaha

Princess That's funny

"To get out of here I needed someone who could use the Kai and Mana at the same time when I touched your body I felt your strength and I knew you were a warrior and a magician so I will become your teacher develop your strength and at the end, we will get out of here"

Is this damn child mocking me

"Will not you be my teacher in a million years?

"Whatever happens even if I die here and now this will never happen, "I said this with great anger

I will not allow this child to be my teacher

This damn girl who the hell does she think she is

If this girl was in my real world I would have killed her in the worst way possible And enjoyed doing so I would have torn her from the inside

But I will do with her what is worse than that

I'll make her regret this one day

I looked at her angrily

"Ok I'm not going to be your teacher but you have to learn 3 new skills and specialization so that we can get out of here if you don't we can't get out of here no matter how hard you try"

" what do you mean "

"I will teach you the skill of sealing and the dimensions and the inner range and must have the specialization of the transformer to be manipulated, Manna"

Are you telling me that I can learn three new skills and a new specialty

At the end I can get out of here

you lucky lucky bastard

I guess lady luck is looking after me

Hahaha hahaha

This demon is useful after all

"I'm OK as long as I get out of here," I said as we headed to the door of the palace

" We must raise your strength a bit in both kai and Mana so now I will teach you the specialty now"

She moved forward

And I moved behind her

She began to explain to me Transform specialty

We exit the palace

She said that a transformer is a person who imagines the manna and imagines his shape integrated with it then he changes the shape of his manna

When he does his shape changes so he Transforms to anything he wants that will happen only if his control over his mana reaches the top

She was saying a lot of things and I was listening carefully

This is a new specialty after all

I have to learn it then the only thing that will remain is the anonymous specialty

Now we are in front of a giant mountain

We started climbing

It was tiring and it took us a lot of time

Half a day have passed before we reached the top of the mountain

when we did

She sat next to me and explained to me more about the transportation specialty

She was really beautiful

Why is she so close to me

Damn this bitch

Is she trying to seduce me?

I guess a little fun has never hurt anyone


I understood everything she said

And when she realized that I did She stood up and told me to follow her

we approached the edge of the mountain

She said to me with a low voice

"I'll show you the secret of transformation"

I didn't hear well because The altitude of the mountain was very high at ground level

so I approached her

She pointed her hand towards something

So I tried to see what was she pointing at

She approached my ears and whispered to me

"Control the shape of your manna "

She looked in my eyes

And smiled a malicious smile

she threw me from on top of the mountain

Damn you, crazy bitch!