
The joker and the Queen

Reina, living her lovely comfortable life as the next heir to her fathers throne, falling in love with a stranger with no royal blood. Her fate changes completely when she is taken away by the same man who had tried to kill her. Returning home only to find that her parents were gone neither is she aware if they were dead or alive. Fighting to her place In her home, she finds betrayal from people she had once considered "family"

Emoji_9 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
15 Chs


Zeus had Reina come out of there, with her dress bloody, she took off the gloves and stepped out.

"Clean this up and his wounds" Zeus ordered, "you come with me!" He said to Reina, looking furious and disappointed.

Reina gave Ares a deadly glare, he had the guts to go inform her father of her whereabouts! Walking past him, she followed her father, they went into Zeus' room and Hera was there watching, she had also just returned.

"What were you doing back there Reina?!" Zeus asked taking a sit on the sette behind him. "your daughter was tormenting the man!"

"That almost killed me Father!" she exclaimed sounding as respectful as she could, crossing her arms and sitting on another sette in the room huffing her chest.

"Who taught you all of that, you've been there once Reina, all your life!?" Zeus was next to her feeling stressed out from the situation, which could have possibly led to her practising this, the lord only knows what she'd had done if he hadn't shown up.

"Waylen," She said looking away.

Hera was dumbstruck, Waylen? He looks so innocent and was the quiet one among three of Donald's sons. Zeus looked up confused "Waylen? how, and ... and when?" Sighing a little.

Reina swallowed hard, contemplating whether to tell them or not, what would they think, it's all Ares's fault! just when she was starting to enjoy it. Sighing she started "A few years back, he took me to the dungeon to watch how they make criminals talk. He told me to try it out but only to someone who hurt me personally. Plus it's satisfy..."

"SATISFYING? Reina? do you hear yourself?"

"Yes Father, I was so close to getting to know who sent him, can I go back?" She asked impatiently.

"No!" His voice was stern and startling her a little "You are forbidden from ever going back there, , you dare not manipulate the guards or threaten them just so you can go in" He said and left not waiting for a reply. Reina had her mouth agape, how can she be forbidden? She just started visiting there, and she turned to her mother.

"Mother? Please don't allow this" She tried to plead. Hera was disappointed and thus, left the room as well, leaving Reina confused, what had she done wrong? they were going to do it eventually, what was wrong with an early start? She stormed out of the room to hers slamming the door.

"Prepare me a bath Lydia" She said, only to see that Lydia wasn't in the room as she thought. she stepped out and told to call for Lydia. Lydia showed up momenta later in a rush as they told her the princess was in a bad mood.

"My lady, you called"

"Prepare me a bath" not giving her a second look

Lydia hurriedly did what was told, it was rare to see the princess in a bad mood, and it doesn't always end well with people around her when she's mad. The water was hot enough, she made everything needed available for the princess "It's ready" she informed.

Reina went in without Lydia and shut the door. she sat in the tub sinking herself, the water calming her nerves. She closed her eyes to relax but that didn't last too long when disturbing images started to flash in her head, people screaming, they were a blur but she could hear the cries of children, and her head started to ache. was it possible to sweat inside water? because she was sweating profusely. She snapped her eyes open, snapping out of it and quickly got out, putting on her robe. Lydia came to help dry her hair, she wasn't oblivious to Reina's stressed look.

Hesitating a bit, Lydia gave it multiple thoughts before asking "My lady, is everything okay?" She asked hoping for an answer in return.

"I am not allowed in the dungeon anymore" Reina started fiddling with her fingers.

Confused, Lydia asked for the reason why she wasn't allowed in there, as far as she knows there is no rule that forbids the women of the Royal family from going down there.

"Because I was having deep conversations with the prisoner" she lied and Lydia caught her lie.

"You went to hurt him? Were you upset?"


Lydia shook her head and chuckled


"My lady, you're supposed to be a princess you know, class and everything, let the men do the work of tormenting prisoners"

Whipping her head to face Lydia Reina fumed "And where has it been stated that way"

Getting up from sitting, Lydia folded the towel "It hasn't, that's just how it is" Dropping the towel, she faced Reina again "You normally use the trees as your target range with your bow and arrow when you're upset... what changed?"

"Not as calming as this made me," Reina said and got into her bed "This was different" She had a look in her eyes that Lydia didn't like

"Did you have dinner yet?" she asked changing the subject.

"No, I'm not hungry"

"Okay, I'll leave you now, if you need anything I'll be here," She said and left closing the door.

Reina heaved a deep and heavy sigh, she switched off her lamps and turned to the other side to sleep. it wasn't that dark outside, and in no way was she going to be able to sleep at that moment.

Forcing her eyes close, drawing the duvet close to her body, she felt hot all of a sudden and let the duvet go. Feeling a chill run through her spine and sudden discomfort, she sat up and put the lamp back on, went to the windows and pushed it open, she stepped out to the terrace only to find someone standing there

"Princess" The voice echoed.

Reina felt that chill again, her instinct kicked in, it kept warning her to stay back or even run but she didn't listen "Who are you, show your face"

The man turned, she gasped her hands flew to her mouth, her eyes widening "Si... Silas? you?"

"Surprised? I hatched a plan princess, and I escaped you see" He said smiling and giving a little turn. He approached her lifting his clothes "We were not done" pointing to the wound that was still fresh and bloody

"Stay back!" she stepped back wanting to go back in. He caught her arm gripping it hard, "Let go" struggling to get herself away from him

"Where is the torment queen from earlier?" He smirked. using his thumb to press her wrist, her skin became pale, her eyes became hazy and soon enough she blacked out "Goodnight your Highness" was the last thing she heard before she fainted.