
The Jester God

Ryuota Tensei a 'normal student' in Kouh. He is the best friend of Issei

OrdinaryWriter131 · Cómic
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1 Chs

The Black Knight of Death


Ryuota Tensei a teenager in his 2nd year of highschool at Kouh. He always wear a helmet that blocks of all his head so people could not see him. Many students thought he hid it because he had disfigured face. But no really knows about, not even his best friend Issei one of the 3 pervert trio. He doesn't talked that much ti other beside Issei but he is smart. No he is super smart he has an IQ of 267 and has always been top 1 in the whole country. Many colleges had offer him full tuition but he had never accepted any because of Issei. He acts like an older brother of Issei from 1st grade they had been friends.

Ryuota POV

"Ryu! Ryu! Look!" yelled a familiar voice at me wait know the only one to call me that is that idiot.

"What is it" I replied. "I have a girlfriend!" yelled Issei.

What that he got a girlfriend!? Am I dreaming "Oh yeah who is it? Is she 2d?" I asked thinking if what I said is true or not.

"What no! She is real and her name is Yuma and she is like an angel that fell from Heaven to be my fated one! he said.

I look at him then sigh because if he was lying I would know considering he sucks at lying. "Okay but do you even love her and does she really like you?" I asked him because I don'twant him to feel bad when she broke his heart if they ever break up.

"Yes I do love her and she does love me because she was stuttering when she confessed to me.

"Yeah okay well I gotta go home and get ready for my trip to America so be back in a month" I said with a bit of a sad tone for having to leave him alone.

"Okay make sure to call when you land and bring stuff from there. Also take pic of hot girls there too!" He said to me with a loud yell at the last part.

"Yeah no I not gonna take pictures of hot girls." I said and then sigh at his behavior. Then I left and went home.


Timeskip 1 month later

Ryota was riding a cab back at Kouh and texting Issei that he was coming back. But he didn't get a replied so Ryu was getting worried Issei usually replied to his text. Then later he called but it didn't go through so he was getting worried. Later he reach his house at around 9 to 10pm and ran to his house to put his stuff and then ran to Issei's which was a block away. Then he knock the door but it didn't open si he waited the he heard a noise. Later the door open and it was Issei but he looked like he has been crying.

Ryota POV

"Are you alright Issei?" I asked looking at him up and down and saw a red dragon looking gauntlet on his arm. Fuck he is in the supernatural world. "Did a Devil beat or was a Fallen?" I asked as he look at me with wide eyes.

"Ho-How did you know?" he asked in a shock tone.

"Issei-kun are you alright!" asked a voice behind him but I can't see because of the light.

"I'm okay it's only Ryuota, you know my best friend I was talking about Asia-chan" he said. as I saw a figure walking up to the door and saw her. She had blond hair looked so innocent but then I felt devil aura around from her. Wait no it's also from Issei.

"Hello Ryuota-san" said Asia as she bowed to show respect to me and I bow as well.

"So can you tell me what happened while I was gone Issei?" I asked him.

10 minutes later

"So Riser beat her and now he is gonna marry her and you want to crash the party?" I asked as he nodded. "Okay I will help since you asked me but remember no knows who I am, ok?" and they just nodded. "Okay well just wait a few minutes I get my gear" I said as I ran home.

12 minutes later

I came back to Issei's house as I knocked the door. Then the door open revealing to them what I am wearing.

Issei POV

I open the door and then saw a black armoured figure with red light glowing on it's chest. The figure look like a demon that came from hell as it gave the aura of don't fuck with me.

"So you gonna let me in or stare at me" it said as I knew by that voice who it was.

"Yeah sorry Ryuota-san it's just you look way too badass" I said admiring the armour.

Ryuota POV

I walked in his house then I saw a red light glowing as a sliver haired maid walked out.