
The Invincible Young Master

"You either Die a Villain or Live long enough to see yourself as a Hero." ~Probably Spark

Lucky_duck · Oriental
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29 Chs

Chapter 4 - Kieran

Kieran, known throughout the empire as the "Battle Maniac," had arrived.

Kieran's reputation preceded him. As one of the emperor's strongest general, his name was synonymous with unstoppable force and unyielding prowess. He was a legend on the empire's borders, a warrior whose battle exploits were recounted with awe and respect. Tales of his victories spread far and wide—enemy forces trembled at the mere mention of his name, while his allies celebrated his unrelenting spirit and invincibility in battle.

Kieran's piercing gaze finally settled on the woman standing beside Marquis William, his eyes swirling with a mix of anger and disdain. The storm brewing within him was palpable, sending ripples of tension through the already hushed hall.

"You b*stard," Kieran's voice cut through the silence like a blade, sharp and unyielding.


Gasps of shock and astonishment echoed across the room. The dignified guests, who had been engaged in polite conversation and superficial pleasantries, now found themselves frozen, their attention riveted on the unexpected confrontation. Low whispers and murmurs quickly filled the air as everyone tried to process what they had just witnessed.

"He cursed at the duke's heir," one guest murmured, eyes wide in disbelief.

"Even though he's a general under the emperor, that's still too much," another whispered, shaking their head in disbelief.

"What will Marquis William do?" a voice queried anxiously, capturing the collective uncertainty of the crowd.

Kieran's lips curled into a sinister smile, a stark contrast to the typically composed and reserved demeanor of a high-ranking commander. His expression conveyed a dangerous blend of contempt and satisfaction as if he had been waiting for this moment to unleash his wrath.

Marquis William's face tightened, but he maintained a semblance of composure. The fiery insult from Kieran, while shocking to all present did not seem to surprise him as much as it did the others. His eyes flickered to the woman beside him, who had paled under the intense scrutiny.

"What's the meaning of this, Kieran?" Marquis William's voice was measured but held a sharp edge, demanding an explanation without displaying weakness.

"No, you give me an explanation," Kieran shot back, his voice vibrating with raw emotion. "Why is she here?"

The room fell into an even deeper silence, the tension so thick it seemed to stifle the air. Whispers and murmurs broke out among the guests, all of whom were stunned by Kieran's audacity and the revelation of his connection to the woman at William's side.

Not many knew the full story behind Kieran's sudden rage, but those familiar with the general's past understood the depth of his anguish. Kieran and Julie had been childhood sweethearts, their bond forged through years of shared dreams and promises. She was to be his soon-to-be wife, their engagement a long-awaited union of hearts.

However, when Kieran returned from a victorious campaign at the empire's borders, eager to reunite with Julie, he was met with an unexpected and bitter shock. His heart full of anticipation, he had ridden directly to the Brice family estate, eager to see her after his long absence.

But upon reaching the Brice mansion, he was denied entry by the household staff. Confused and growing increasingly anxious, he demanded answers. The truth hit him like a physical blow: Julie, his beloved fiancée, had been engaged to another—Marquis William, the heir to Duke Red.

The news was a brutal betrayal, one that sent him into a blind rage. Without pausing to consider the consequences, Kieran grabbed the reins of his warhorse and galloped straight to the Marquis's estate, his mind consumed by the need for answers and the desire to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his.

William, who had maintained a stoic silence thus far, stepped forward, placing himself protectively in front of Julie.

"Julie is here because she chose to be," he said firmly. "You need to accept that, Kieran."

Kieran's eyes flared with rage.

"Chose? Was it really her choice?" he spat, glaring at William. "Or was she coerced, forced into this arrangement for your benefit?"

William's face tightened, his grip on Julie's hand momentarily faltering.

"Julie is under no coercion. She is free to make her own decisions," he stated firmly, striving to maintain a composed facade despite the escalating tension.

Kieran's presence was imposing, a stark reminder of his reputation as one of the empire's fiercest generals, known for his ruthless exploits on the battlefield. Yet, William showed no fear. This was his family's estate, where the Duke Red's influence held sway, and he was confident in his position of power.

As the atmosphere grew more charged, the guards, clad in their gleaming armor, stormed into the hall, surrounding General Kieran. Their commander, a burly man with a commanding voice, stepped forward.

"Stop this act, General Kieran," he bellowed, his voice echoing through the now-silent hall.

Kieran, undeterred, scoffed at the guard commander.

"An ant dares to stop me?" His voice dripped with disdain.

Suddenly, an invisible pressure filled the room as Kieran's aura began to seep out, an almost tangible force that bore down on everyone present. The guards, unprepared for the overwhelming power, fell to their knees, gasping for breath. It was a demonstration of his might, a silent declaration of his superiority. This was the power of an ascendant—a being who stood far above the masses.

William's eyes narrowed as he watched Kieran advance, a cold determination replacing the initial shock.

"Are you rebelling against the empire?" he shouted, his voice a mix of authority and desperation. The general's intentions seemed clear, and William's hand instinctively moved to the hilt of his sword.

"Rebelling? What are you saying?" Kieran replied, his tone mocking. "I'm merely cleaning the empire of its trash."

He continued his menacing advance, his eyes locked onto William with an intensity that spoke of deep-seated rage.

Seeing no other option, William released Julie's hand and drew his sword, the blade catching the light as it left its scabbard. Though recently awakened, William had trained rigorously and was confident in his ability to defend himself. He squared his shoulders, readying himself for what was to come.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" William challenged, his voice steady despite the growing fear in the room. "If we fight here, this entire building could collapse. Many innocent lives will be lost. Can you take responsibility for the deaths of these noblemen?"

Kieran's expression remained unchanged, his eyes blazing with a fury that seemed unquenchable.

"The death of one or two nobodies won't make a difference to the empire," he spat, his disdain for the assembled nobles clear.

William's grip tightened on his sword, his mind racing for a solution.

"Even if the son of Duke Dwight is involved? I'm sure you don't want another dukedom as an enemy," he countered, hoping to leverage Spark's presence to defuse the situation.

At the mention of the Dwights, Kieran paused, his eyes shifting to the side where Spark stood.

Amidst the tension, Spark waved nonchalantly, a casual grin on his face as if he were merely a spectator to the unfolding drama.

Kieran's eyes narrowed.

"It's you…Are you also with them?" he demanded, his voice hardening as he addressed Spark directly.

Spark raised his hands in a gesture of mock surrender, his expression one of amused detachment.

"Hey, hey, don't drag me into this pit of fire," he said, his tone light and unperturbed. "I'm only here on invitation. No need to involve me in your... domestic disputes."

Domestic Dispute XD

Lucky_duckcreators' thoughts