
The Introverted Witch

A school holiday trip turns bloody when a pack of werewolves attacks and it becomes a problem for Auroras when she's tasked to take care of the students. There is another student that's a vampire but he cannot do it alone. It's more of a problem because she's outed as a witch when no one knew her as one of the supernatural, and because she's an introvert and a wallflower, she is now everyone's favorite person when they didn't bother about her before. On the trip, she encounters Kane, an unwanted and dangerous being who was not supposed to be there. Through the connection, she becomes a chosen one and throughout her trials, she gives in. Away from home and everything she knows, Aurora has to survive on her own. With everything taken from her and the only help she has is from trading with daemons, she has to earn her freedom. Learning new skills on her way, things she's never dreamed were possible a year ago. From a witch who had to hide her power to a powerful sorceress, Aurora is at a loss though. Does she even understand what freedom means to a daemon? Can she fight against those who oppose her and does she even want to? *** Aurora is an introvert. Partly born and party grew more into an introvert as time went on. She is also a witch, which complicates things since witches are social beings. Hence the reason of covens. She wants both but cannot get either. On one hand, she has extra workload and on the other, it seems like the spirits have rejected her and so no coven wants her and that included the coven she was born in.

Rianta_Singh · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Chapter 13

The council's decision to remove her from the programs event was overthrown by the daemon family so here she was, getting ready for the run. It is said that a witch that is not caught within the first hour by the daemon family will be the one to be leaving with them and the rest of the events will be canceled unless there is more than one that escaped. Few have ever managed it but it's possible. Aurora just needs to know if she wants to fight or not... What does it matter if the daemons have her? She tried her hardest to belong here but could never manage it, maybe another world would be better. Yes, she thought, she would win this, if she cannot belong here and there's nothing here for her, she may as well leave this miserable place for good.

They were all dressed in camouflaged hiking clothes with the basic needs that would not last the whole event but enough to get you through the hour if you know what you doing, which she does, thank you, Alex! She hated going camping and hiking with him and his group of friends but this is the reward. She regrets ending her friendship, even if he moved away, she could still have kept in contact. Her friendless attitude kept his friends at bay as well but she doesn't care about them. Her heart should be beating fast by now but because she's still numb, she doesn't process fear the same way so when the whistle blew, she ran into the forest but the steepest path for two reasons, one because there would be less competition and two because it would get clearer later on as the leveled ground would steepen or go on longer. She stood away from the open and headed to the river to get rid of her scent, even if it was away from her goal, it would hide her but time is not on her side because the more they catch, the more they focus on the few hidden, like her. She groaned in frustration and felt like herself for a moment and wanted to scream because the stream was too low, she needs to follow the river down to reach its level but with no choice, she looked about, kept her cloaking all around her as she ran down then drove into the river and got out just as quickly. She tried to hear or see the other contestants but either they got caught or none of them thought about covering their scent. Aurora needed a rest from her constant running, she has no idea how much time has gone but it always seems longer than it actually is so she drank a few sips of water and moved in a fast walk. She wanted to eat but the bars they gave them were wrapped in foil wrappers so it would make too much noise so she just hoped she would be done soon, she regretted not having breakfast now when her stomach continuously growled. She saw a few meters ahead of the gold band which would mean she won if she passes but this would be the hardest part. She crept slowly, looking about but not making hasty decisions or game over. She was almost to the end when she saw him and froze. He was facing away from her but she would recognize that body and wings... Could it really be? Why did he follow her here? Or is he a part of this... He was turning toward her so she sprinted out to the clearing and just touched the ribbon when hands caught her and pulled her into a hard chest then the arms shifted and tightened "I got you now... Aurora..." he whispered in her ear and she didn't know whether he meant he caught her or because he is apart of the daemon family that would take her?

She blew out the air she held and collapsed on her bed. What a day it's been. It seems her new friends thought taking her shopping would cheer her up but it felt horrible walking into all that stores, she was like a zombie and everyone just stared at her. It would be safe to say, everyone in this town knew of her and her aunt's death, although why it was such a big deal, she has no idea, or maybe it's because she won the last event and will be leaving soon with the daemons. Yip that's probably it. She's been on the edge the whole day and the fact she's tired but cannot sleep has pretty much caused her to feel faint at the oddest of times, just weak until she sat down. Sometimes she'll be listening to a conversation and then her eyes just close and when she's back with a start and it wakes her up but all she can think is sleep... But she can't! Gosh, it's so frustrating.

Aurora's heart was racing so fast. Maybe she made a mistake winning. Why did she think it was such a good idea? Oh yeah, but she wasn't thinking plus she has a job to do, one that now includes her aunt's murder. She cannot do anything if she's in another world. She looked down from her balcony when she saw movement and was not surprised to see who it was, she gave out a sign. She needed to talk to him, it seemed this all began when she met him at the first event... She signaled him to wait and raced down. He seemed to want to chat otherwise why wait and look at her like that? She couldn't see his eyes but she could feel it and again it felt familiar. When she reached him, she was stuck when she got caught in that gaze of his. She now knew why it was so familiar, maybe it was because she just saw him the other day but his eyes and gaze is like Kane "Kane?" she took a chance but it cannot be a coincidence and when he turned his head and gave out a corner smile, a bit small and one that didn't reach his eyes, she knew she was right

"Took you long enough. So, you wanted to talk?" he leaned against the wall, tilted his head, and shifted his hands in his pocket

"Urm yeah..." gosh he is damn hot! "it is about me going to the Underworld with you and your family"

He nodded slowly for her to continue but his eyes sharpened and she knew he wouldn't like what she had to say

"I cannot go with you, at least not yet! Just let me explain!" she panicked and rushed her last words when she saw him straighten

"It's none negotiable Aurora, we leave tonight! Do not make this harder on yourself by fighting it, plus you wanted this" he was walking away but - she pulled his arm to stop him

"Please! You right, I chose it and I'm not changing my mind but I need to find out about my parents and aunt, they were murdered, I know it, please..." he seemed to be listening "I know I'm meant to help stop a war and I'll help but this is my price for being reasonable"

Kane looked so scary, he glared at me and came up to my face, and spoke in a whisper "If this is the price, you better be more than reasonable, I'll help you but you will accept to be bonded to me, is that understood?" she blinked and nodded with her beating heart in her throat. Bonded means marriage right? Well, it's in her best interest to be bonded to him than a slave in the Underworld.

She could not celebrate so soon, she might have won this round but she needs to get started as soon as possible but all her work is at home... She doesn't want to enter a place so full of memories but she cannot think of what else she could do, she could hardly think through the grief. There's so much going on and all at once, how can she go on like this? Maybe... Her aunt used to rub an ointment when she hurt herself to numb her pain, she could try to use it once she gets home. Aurora had the added problem of Kane coming along and he insisted that after she reached home, they will get the bond over with and that she will not be able to escape her destiny. She still has doubts that she's related to the heaman..? That saved the world centuries ago and he is the relative of the daemon that helped her but that can be figured out later. Although if she can prove she is not, maybe he will leave her be and in exchange, she will help him find the real relative. After all, it would be stopping war to do so.