
Chapter 6.WAY TO DEATH!

come to my place and then you can go to that place which I choose for you.

Kalish said: but I'm scared to go inside my house to take my clothes.

James said: ok don't take your clothes just come here, and I will prepare your clothes.

Kalish said: ok.

after that, he went to James' house and ready to go to that place which James chose. nobody knows about that place except James. at 9:30 pm James and Kalish went to the airport, James saw him and went home made tea for himself and drank it sip.. he thought about something and suddenly his phone rang and he saw his phone had a message. after seeing the message his face has a smile after that he calls her secretary (Sofiya) to tell her that his son is coming the day after tomorrow at 4 pm so, she has to book a hall for his well come party and also call the media for the celebration and we also introduce him as a new game developer.

7 JULY...

James went to his company and he had a little smile on his face, the staff talking to each other said: is something happened? Why mr. James seems happy today. Safiya walked there, the staff stopped her and asked her what the matter and she said his son come back from abroad and become part of our company soon. that's why he seems happy today. after that Sofiya went to James's office. first, she knocked on the door and said can I come in Sir James said: yes. She came inside the room and said sir this is today's schedule. today you have two meetings. first one at 11 am and the second one is 2 pm after that you went to the airport to receive your son.

James said; I know that! just go make sure that everything is perfect.

Shafiya said; ok sir.

after meetings, James went to the airport to receive his son. the airport is full of media who come to see James's son. (his son has quite an interesting character. he pretends happy with his father when some people are around but when there is nobody around them he treats his father like he is an enemy or doesn't want to see his face. but why? It has a reason but Sam is a very kind person he likes to help others and likes to play with a kid and after he completes his education he wants to work in engo to help poor people. and the best part is he likes Sofiya from the last year. because of her innocence and how she treats everyone so well) Sam came out from the airport. everyone welcomed him and clicked photos with him after that he went into the car James and Sam were only in the car.

James said: who's your trip to Japan? (last month Sam went to a Japan trip)

Sam said: hm... it's good.

James said: do you know that tonight I'll introduce you as a new game developer.

sam(with an angry voice): did I ask you to do that ha!!.

James (with a little anger): so! what do you want to do? you want to work an engo to help those poor people and waste your education ha!!. our company is best overall in the world. everyone wants to work in our company and you want to work in that engo with low salaries?

sam said (with full confidence): yes! I want to work in the engo because I don't want to be part of your company.

James said: but why?

sam said: really! do you want to know the reason?

James said: if you don't work as a game developer then I'll make sure that you'll never see your friend again, and you know that I can do anything.

sam said(with anger ): see you never changed! you just want to make money. you never try to know how others feel and what they want, that's why Mom...

Before he say anything the car driver said sir we reached the hall. they both got out of the car and walked toward the hall.

In the way of Hall.

James said: so, what is your decision? do you want to see your friend or ...

Sam said(with a little anger and smirk): ok I'll work as you want.

as James wants he introduces his son as a new gaming developer of his company he seems happy after what he did, but Sam is not happy at all that's why he leaves the party but James doesn't care about it. he just enjoyed the party after some time Kalish called him he picked up his phone and said hello! but there is another person on the phone. that person said with a deep voice: hello sir it's me you remember my voice.

James said: who are you?

That person with a smirk said: I think you don't remember my voice oh!! it's ok but I tell you something very important that your friend is on his way to death .....