
The Innovator: A CEO's New World to Game

Alexander Cross, a ruthless and cunning CEO, finds his life cut short by a twist of fate. Reincarnated into an advanced world as an orphan, he is stripped of his wealth and power. Now faced with a second chance at life, he must confront his dark past, navigate a society filled with wonders and dangers, and seek redemption in a journey that holds the promise of rags to riches. "The Innovator" is a captivating tale of self-discovery and redemption, where advanced technology meets the complexities of the human soul.

_Blue · Ciencia y ficción
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19 Chs

Increasing Momentum

As Alexander slowly woke up in his room, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation about the opportunity he had just been offered. Being part of Psi's faction meant delving into a world of intrigue, danger, and secrets. The potential for knowledge, power, and influence was immense, but so were the risks.

He sat up in bed, mulling over the information he had learned during the virtual meeting. The mission ahead was complex and would require careful planning and collaboration with his new team members. Alexander knew he had a lot to prove, especially as Theta's partner, and he wanted to make a meaningful contribution to the faction's objectives.

As he got ready for the day, Alexander contemplated how he could best utilize this opportunity. He knew that gaining Psi's trust and proving his worth would be essential. He also recognized that each member of the group brought unique skills to the table, and finding his niche would be crucial.

Alexander decided that the first step was to fully immerse himself in the world of information and technology. He needed to be well-versed in the latest advancements in cybernetics and data manipulation. This would not only make him a valuable asset to Theta but also to the entire faction.

He also understood that building strong relationships with his team members was essential. Trust and cooperation were the cornerstones of their success. Alexander resolved to be reliable, loyal, and communicative, ensuring that his teammates could count on him in any situation.

Alexander remembered his experiences in his past life, wherein he had strived because of a principle he lived by. This is his principle of trust.

Generally, trust is a two-way function where a person proves he is trustworthy and the other person believes he is trustworthy. But to him, trust only functions one way: if only others believe him to be trustworthy.

So he thought back about the plan of meeting up with the members of PSI's Team and how this could be a double-edged sword. In a world that is information-driven and where knowledge is power, meeting strangers from the internet face-to-face poses risks. He decided to keep his identity hidden.

To do this, he had the idea of embedding his Nexus Avatar Code into real-life holographic technology so that he could change his appearance realistically. But with his unpolished knowledge of the coding system of Neo-Aetheria, he seeks help again from Ethan.

As Alexander pondered his plan to embed his Nexus Avatar Code into real-life holographic technology, he knew he needed Ethan's expertise to bring the idea to fruition. The notion of changing his appearance realistically through holographic technology would not only protect his identity but also give him an advantage in his interactions with the members of Psi's faction.

Excited about the possibilities, Alexander made his way to the orphanage where Ethan lived. The orphanage was a place that held a special meaning for both of them, as it was where they got acquainted. It had become a haven for those in need, and Ethan had taken it upon himself to provide a safe space for the children of Aeonia.

As Alexander arrived at the orphanage, he was greeted warmly by the children, who had grown to know and admire him during his visits. He smiled at their enthusiasm and playfulness, grateful for the innocence they represented in a city filled with complexities.

Inside the orphanage, Alexander found Ethan in the midst of reading some academic papers for educational purposes. The walls were adorned with various technological inventions that brought knowledge and entertainment to the children.

"Hey, Ethan," Alexander began, keeping his voice casual. "I was thinking about holographic technology today, and it reminded me of the time when we first met. You know, when you got your hands on that holographic tech and we had so much fun trying it out."

Ethan's eyes lit up with fond memories. "Oh, yeah! I remember that day. It was amazing to see how realistic those holograms could be. I got the tech from a friend of mine who works in the tech district. They are always tinkering with the latest gadgets and managed to get their hands on some cutting-edge holographic gear."

Alexander nodded, trying to hide his excitement. "That's fascinating! Do you think your friend would be willing to share some more holographic tech with us? I'm curious to explore the latest advancements in that field."

Ethan scratched his head, considering the idea. "Well, I can ask, but they are usually quite protective of their tech. Still, it won't hurt to try. We could head to the tech district later and see if they have anything new to show us."

"Great, thanks, Ethan!" Alexander replied with a smile, trying to contain his eagerness. "I'd really appreciate it. And you know, it might be useful for me to know more about holographic technology for my Nexus avatar, too."

Ethan nodded, seeing the logic in Alexander's request. "Makes sense. Understanding how holographic tech works can definitely add more depth to your avatar's appearance. Let's hope my friend is willing to share some knowledge with us."

As the day went on, Alexander and Ethan spent time with the children, engaging in various activities and sharing laughter. When the opportunity arose, Alexander subtly steered the conversation back to holographic technology, asking more about its applications and intricacies without giving away his true intentions.

As the sun began to set, Ethan turned to Alexander with a grin. "Alright, buddy, I managed to get in touch with my friend. They agreed to meet us in the tech district tomorrow afternoon. They might not be able to share the latest holographic gear, but they said they could give us a crash course in how it works."

"That's perfect!" Alexander replied, his heart pounding with excitement. "Learning more about the technology will be incredibly helpful, even if we can't get the latest gear. Thanks for arranging this, Ethan."

Ethan waved it off with a smile. "No problem, Alex. I'm always up for exploring new tech, and I know you are too. It's going to be a fun and informative adventure!"

Alexander grinned, appreciating Ethan's enthusiasm. "Absolutely! I can't wait to see what we learn."

As the two friends continued to chat and play with the children, Alexander felt a renewed sense of purpose. His plan to embed the Nexus Avatar Code into real-life holographic technology was well underway, and he was determined to make the most of this opportunity to gather information and protect his identity in the world of intrigue and danger he was about to enter.

The next day, Alexander and Ethan ventured into the bustling tech district of Neo-Aetheria. The area was a haven for tech enthusiasts and inventors, where the latest gadgets and innovations were on display. The air hummed with the sound of drones and hoverboards, and holographic displays adorned the storefronts, showcasing various futuristic products.

As they walked through the district, Alexander's eyes were drawn to a shop with a holographic projector on display. The holographic images projected by the device were incredibly lifelike, and he knew this was the perfect technology to bring his plan to fruition.

"Ethan, look at this!" Alexander exclaimed, pointing at the holographic projector. "This is exactly what I need to embed my Nexus Avatar Code into real-life holographic tech. It's sophisticated enough to allow for realistic changes in appearance."

Ethan examined the holographic projector with interest, nodding in agreement. "You're right, Alex. This device has some impressive capabilities. I think it's a great choice for your plan."

As they entered the shop, the owner, a tech-savvy individual with augmented reality glasses, greeted them. "Welcome! How can I assist you today?"

Alexander explained his interest in the holographic projector and his desire to understand its capabilities better. "I'm fascinated by holographic technology, and I'd love to learn more about how it works and how it can be customized for specific applications."

The owner, intrigued by Alexander's enthusiasm, was more than happy to showcase the device's features. "This projector utilizes advanced holographic rendering algorithms and AI-driven neural networks to produce images. It's equipped with a multi-spectrum light engine that enables precise color reproduction and lifelike details."

Ethan, always curious about technology, chimed in with questions. "How easy is it to customize the holographic images displayed by the projector?"

The owner smiled. "Customization is one of its strong points. The device comes with an intuitive coding interface that allows users to create their own holographic content. You can manipulate appearance, change facial features, attire, and even simulate complex movements. It's often used for virtual assistants, entertainment, and educational purposes."

Alexander's excitement grew as he saw the potential of the holographic projector for his plan. "This is exactly what I need," he said, trying to keep his true intentions veiled. "I want to experiment with creating lifelike avatars, but I need some guidance on the coding part. Can you show me how to access the coding interface?"

The owner gladly obliged, leading Alexander and Ethan to a terminal connected to the holographic projector. He explained the basics of the coding language used and demonstrated how to create and modify holographic content.

Over the next few hours, Alexander absorbed as much information as he could. He was a quick learner, and with Ethan's assistance, he began to grasp the intricacies of the coding system. They practiced creating simple holographic avatars and making subtle changes to their appearances.

As the afternoon sun started to dip, Alexander thanked the owner for his guidance and made the decision to purchase the holographic projector. The shop owner was pleased with their enthusiasm and even offered to provide additional support if needed.

With the holographic projector in hand, Alexander and Ethan made their way back to the orphanage. Excitement filled Alexander's heart as he knew that this technology was the key to protecting his identity and gathering information about Psi's faction.

Once they were back at the orphanage, Alexander wasted no time experimenting with the holographic projector.

"Look, Ethan!" Alexander said, activating the projector. His holographic image shimmered into view, showing completely different images.

Ethan's eyes widened in amazement. "That's incredible, Alex! You did it!"

Alexander smiled, grateful for Ethan's support. "Thanks, Ethan."

Ethan nodded, happy to have helped Alexander. "You're welcome, Alex. Just be careful; it can be addicting sometimes, like playing games."

Alexander nodded, understanding the importance of trust in their new venture. "You're right, Ethan. I seem to have acquired your influence on techy stuff, huh?"

As the day came to a close, Alexander felt the urge to go back to his room and play with the technology he had just acquired.

With a sense of anticipation and excitement, Alexander made his way back to his room, holographic projector in hand. The room was a small, private space where he could focus on his experiments without any distractions. He carefully placed the holographic projector on a desk and powered it up.

Sitting down in front of the terminal, Alexander started to work on his plan to embed his Nexus Avatar Code into the holographic technology. He accessed the coding interface of the projector, feeling a mix of nervousness and eagerness as he prepared to tinker with the advanced technology.

Drawing from his knowledge of coding and the Nexus Avatar Code, Alexander began the process of transferring his unique digital identity into the holographic projector. He had to be meticulous, covering the codes with different layers of realistic imagery to integrate seamlessly and securely.

At first, it seemed like a daunting task, but with each line of code he wrote, Alexander grew more confident in his abilities. He carefully adapted the Nexus Avatar Code to match the holographic technology's specifications, making sure that his virtual self could interact seamlessly with the real world.

Hours passed as Alexander painstakingly worked on the coding, ensuring that every aspect of his Nexus Avatar Code was seamlessly integrated with the holographic technology. His determination to protect his identity and immerse himself in the world of Psi's faction fueled his focus and dedication.

Finally, as the last lines of code were written, Alexander took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was the moment of truth. He initiated the process of uploading his customized Nexus Avatar Code into the holographic projector.

As the upload progress bar filled, Alexander's heart raced with anticipation. He hoped that his unpolished knowledge of the coding system of Neo-Aetheria had not led to any errors or glitches.

To his relief, the upload completed smoothly, and a message appeared on the terminal, indicating that the holographic projector was now synchronized with his Nexus Avatar Code.

With a sense of excitement, Alexander activated the holographic projection. He watched with bated breath as the holographic image shimmered into view. It was him—his Nexus Avatar. But this time, it was so much more than a mere digital representation.

The holographic image standing before him was realistic to the finest details. His features, attire, and even subtle expressions were replicated with astonishing accuracy. It was as if he had stepped out of the virtual world into the real one.

"Now with some last changes, Alexander whispered excitedly.

With a few deft adjustments to the coding interface, Alexander modified the holographic projection. His appearance gradually transformed into that of a completely different person—a new identity altogether.

Gone was the familiar face of Alexander, and in its place emerged a young man with a different hairstyle, distinct facial features, and a set of clothes that suited his new persona. The realism of the holographic technology was astounding; however, the changing feature of the code cannot be applied, leaving Alexander with a permanent Holo-face in the real world.

"For the last and final modification..." Alexander said with a hopeful and determined tone.

"I just need this device to fit in my pockets. But how?"

As Alexander pondered over how to make the holographic projector portable enough to fit in his pockets, he glanced out the window. The cityscape was bathed in the warm hues of the rising sun, and the new day seemed to bring with it a surge of inspiration.

He observed the different devices people used on the streets—compact communication devices, miniature drones, and other handheld gadgets. It struck him that the key to achieving his goal might lie in miniaturizing the holographic projector.

His mind started racing with more ideas. He could potentially use a combination of nanocircuitry and advanced materials to create a compact version of the projector without sacrificing its capabilities.

Alexander felt exhilarated by the possibilities that lay before him, but he also knew that he needed rest to continue his work effectively. The process of embedding his Nexus Avatar Code into the holographic technology had taken a toll on him, both mentally and physically.

As he stared out the window again, Alexander realized that he had been working tirelessly for hours without a break. The sun had risen and a new day had begun, but he was starting to feel exhaustion creeping in. His excitement was tempered by the need for sleep.

"I should get some rest," Alexander murmured to himself, rubbing his tired eyes. "I've made significant progress today, and I'll be able to continue tomorrow with a fresh mind."

He powered down the holographic projector and carefully stored it in a secure drawer, ensuring that his new identity remained hidden from prying eyes. Then, with a sigh, he crawled into bed, feeling the comfort of the soft sheets enveloping him.

As he lay there, Alexander's thoughts still revolved around the possibilities of holographic technology. He was determined to figure out a way to miniaturize the projector, but he knew it would take time and careful consideration. Rest was crucial to ensuring that he could continue his work effectively.

With each passing minute, his exhaustion grew, and soon his eyelids began to feel heavy. He could not afford another night in the Nexus, even while his body was resting. His mind was exhausted, and diving into the Nexus overnight again could make him careless.