

Lex did not get too close, just in case she had some kind of treasure which might detect him. But even so, he had to be close enough that she was within sight, for his spirit sense could not detect her at all. Even his soul sense could not detect her.

In fact, he highly suspected that if his affinity for Glyphs had not drastically increased since he got the heart of a dragon, he would not have been able to sense her through his bloodline tracking Glyphs either.

Now that she was in front of him, though, Lex was not worried. Instead, he wanted to see what kind of trouble she had gotten herself into. After all, of his sisters, he was the least familiar with Liz, so a little friendly spying would not hurt.

"Looks like they haven't found you either," she whispered, retaining a thick, authentic British accent. "But we can't continue like this. Otherwise we'll end up spending hours here, and eventually we'll get caught."