
Sense of community

The images Lex saw all faded from his memories, and were instead replaced by memories of various basic weapons. When he saw the spear, his mind stayed calm, as was the case with the bow, the dagger, the dart, and hundreds of variations of these weapons. He even saw some swords, but they were all kinds that Lex had never used before, or could not reconcile with the way he used swords.

But eventually, an image of the kind of sword Lex normally used, which he identified as a standard double-sided sword, and Lex's mind had some fluctuations. As if responding to his fluctuations, Lex continued to have visions of a war, though for some reason the details always eluded him.

Instead, what Lex retained was the experience of using the sword. He used it as a mortal, as a cultivator, as a soldier, and a bandit, and in countless other scenarios. He became accustomed to it, so much so that not having a sword felt strange and incomplete.