
Planck Protos

It was thus that the warbringer finished his final task, his purposes known only to himself, from the realm of Crystal. His last appearance in these lands, for a long time at least, was filled with the sounds of celebrations, and the walls around him were adorned in marigold and roses and flowers unknown.

In the streets the crowds of people rejoiced for all the free boons that had befallen them, a timely reprieve during tough times. In the homes of nobles and dignitaries and other important personages, he was discussed in hushed tones and whispers - the mysteries surrounding him were just too great to be ignored.

For all intents and purposes, his actions showed no indication of malice or an ulterior motive. Yet all the same, as he departed those lands, he stayed true to his name, and the ongoing war entered a new level the likes of which those lands had never witnessed.