
The Ink Blotch Test

The backstory of Doctor Joseph Suarez, how he came who he is, where he came from, and his obstacles in early life. But later on in life, he is a psychologist who gets a call about a woman named Isabella Parker. But she was not mentally capable of calling and doing it herself? So who actually made the appointment? Little did Doctor Suarez know that woman was going to bring more with her and fall in love!

DaoistGf3dXc · Horror
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6 Chs

Stand Up For Yourself!

The next day at school, Joseph sees Laura walk over to Robert. He notices Laura is much shorter than Robert. Meanwhile, Laura tells Robert "Stop beating up my brother, you couldn't help yourself, could you! By the way, the only reason I broke up with you is because my dad said you weren't good enough for me! Maybe with the next girl, you EVER date, be better." She taps him on the chest when saying be better, swings her hair behind her, and walks on her way. 

When they come home from school, Antonio is already, ready to teach Joseph how to defend himself. Antonio says "First, you need to build up some muscle, then we can worry about the next steps." Joseph asks "Dad, can I use your weights instead of going to a gym?" Antonio allows him too. In the first two weeks, Antonio is telling Joseph about what he needs to eat to "bulk up." After a month Antonio dont have to tell him what to eat. Two months later, Joseph uses all the equipment Antonio has. Another month later, Antonio is finally teaching him how to fight back and defend himself. Antonio says "Son, block your face, left, right, kick." In less than six months, Joseph had gained two hundred and forty pounds of pure muscle. He has also gone through a growth spurt. He is not six foot three. But now it's time to move on to seventh grade. 

Over the summer, nobody at school had seen what Joseph had turned into. This year was going to be different or what he thought anyway. Thomas and Benjamin were eighth graders now with Robert in high school, they were "the bullies" but this year was going to be different. Joseph was taller than them, but he wondered if was he stronger than them. Joseph looked like he belonged in high school, and he was only thirteen! He has contacts now too, the next step was to get new clothes. Thomas and Benjamin would tease Joseph. Thomas said "Hey Joseph, how's your whore of a sister? Why don't you tell her to come blow me?" Joseph had enough of their shit! He said "Why don't you come say it to my face? What, you're too much of a bitch to do it?" He ran down the hallway to grab Thomas's shoulder. Thomas said, "Boy, you want me to mess your face up again, don't you?" Joseph said, "Then hit me, you little bitch!" Joseph threw the first punch, Thomas tried to punch him, but Joseph blocked it. Thomas then knew that Joseph had learned how to fight, and backed off. A teacher had still broken up the fight, and they both got suspended. 

Kathleen picked up Joseph. Joseph said "Mom, he called Laura a whore, what was I supposed to do? Let him keep running his mouth? No, he told me to tell Laura to come blow him, I got tired of his… crap." Kathleen exclaimed "Joseph, I understand you sticking up for Laura! But a fight! What's a fight going to solve? NOTHING! I also know that you were going to say that you got tired of his shit too!" Things just keep getting worse than better for Joseph. When Laura gets home, she asks "What are you doing at home already?" Joseph answers " I got into a fight. Thomas called you a whore. Then he told me to tell you to come blow him. I'm suspended for a week! For sticking up for you." Laura squeezes Joseph so he almost can't breathe. Laura said "Thank you, for sticking up for me. It shouldn't have caused you to get suspended though." Joseph explained "I threw the first punch Laura. Looking back at it now, I think I should have waited for him to punch first. Now, I think, well I'm pretty sure I'm going to be grounded!" 

At dinner, Kathleen looks over at Joseph. She asks "Do you have anything to tell your father?" Joseph hesitates "Dad, I got into a fight at school… Thomas was saying that Laura was a whore, and told me to tell her to come blow him. I didn't know what else to do, I wasn't going to let him keep talking about her without her being able to defend herself!" Antonio bursts out laughing, he said "Kathleen, honey you think I'm going to punish him because he got into a fight defending his sisters' beautiful name? No, if anything I'm going to high-five him. He did something most children are afraid to do. I'm proud of you son!" Antonio high-fives Joseph. Meanwhile, Joseph is stunned. His father had never told him "I'm proud of you" he's only heard him say it to Laura.