
The Ink Blotch Test

The backstory of Doctor Joseph Suarez, how he came who he is, where he came from, and his obstacles in early life. But later on in life, he is a psychologist who gets a call about a woman named Isabella Parker. But she was not mentally capable of calling and doing it herself? So who actually made the appointment? Little did Doctor Suarez know that woman was going to bring more with her and fall in love!

DaoistGf3dXc · Horror
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6 Chs

Joseph's Punishment & Goes Back To School.

Joseph is still stunned from last night. Unlucky for him though, his mother is still pissed off about his fighting. She made him do every chore and every errand she could think of. It didn't matter. Kathleen showed him exactly how pissed off she was. In the morning, she would pull out every dish from the cabinets, and expect him to hand wash, dry, and put away. Joseph had to drop off and pick up the dry cleaning, which was two miles away from the house. He had to pick up the groceries every day for what they wanted for dinner, the closest grocery store was six miles down the road. Then clean up after dinner, with no help. Joseph had to do it every day, as his punishment. The night before he returns to school at dinner, Kathleen asks "So, do you think you learned your lesson on fighting in school?" Joseph responds by nodding his head yes very quickly. She says "Good, should show you not to do it again." 

Kathleen is in the bedroom lying down. Antonio walks in dressed to go to sleep, he asks "Honey, don't you think you went a little too hard on him? She replies "My mother did it to me, I got out of hand a lot in middle school and high school." Antonio leans over and says "Oh yeah? How much out of hand?" He laughs, which causes Kathleen to laugh, she says "You want to see?" They then, spend two hours making sweet love to each other.

Joseph was lying in bed that night, wondering what would happen tomorrow at school. Would the whole school thank him for standing up for "the little guys"? Would Thomas want to "beat his face in" like he did when he was scrawny? Or would it be a normal day without Thomas? He didn't know every day holds something new and different. As he was closing his eyes that night, he was curious about what the future held, and how it actually will plan out. The next day, Joseph had the best day ever. He made at least four friends and those four friends' names were, Robert Miller, John Kaufman, Jonathan Campbell, and Noah Collins. 

They were friends until their junior year in high school. Noah had depression, he had tried everything, medicine, therapy, and nothing worked. Noah couldn't handle his problems anymore, and he ended up dying of suicide. Jonathan got involved with the wrong friends outside of Joseph and John, and he got addicted to drugs. He overdosed on cocaine not long into their junior year. Robert saw that his friends were dropping like flies and left Joseph and John abruptly. Then there were two, well that was until after graduation. John left to go to college in Montana, he's going to Montana State University to pursue his dream of engineering.