
The Infinite Plunder System

Taking a little break, I'm busy and I want to work on an original novel and see how it turns out. The story of Shu Uchiha, a man reborn during the first year of Konoha with a system that allows him to take the power of anyone he defeats. There will be some R-18 in the future I am using this as my timeline for events https://keepyourpantsongohan.tumblr.com/post/170439568877/timeline-of-naruto-universe Also please check out https://www.webnovel.com/book/endless-path-infinite-cosmos_11766562205519505 written by Einlon. He has given me lots of advise for this book and has helped me realize many of my mistakes. Discord: https://discord.gg/bUEZnYWs If you wish to support me please do so @ https://www.patreon.com/ClutchShadow

Clutch_Shadow · Cómic
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33 Chs

He Returns

"Madara!" Hashirama stood up to leave the office.

"Lord Hokage" I said.


"Take your combat gear, this likely won't end well." I said while staring at him.

"Do you really think he has returned to fight" He says as a pained look appears across his face.

"…..Yes" I said solemnly.

"Alright….tell my Brother to take charge of the village while I'm gone and not to let anyone leave."

"I will, however when the fight dies down I will immediately use flying raijin to come to you."

"Shu" He said with a stern look.

"You can't stop me Lord Hokage, unless you want to seal my chakra." I said while dodging his look.

"Haaaaa…. Why do you have to be so stubborn. Take me to the front gate, your raijin will be faster."

"Ok." I said while reaching up and placing my hand on his lower back and activate the jutsu.

Madara was standing there alone with his blood red armour on his body and with his gunbai in his hand. He was staring at the gathering ninjas who were eyeing him warily. After a few minutes of waiting he saw Hashirama and Shu appear in front of the crowd. "Hashirama, today is the day we end it. You are a roadblock in my path, as long as you live I will never fulfill my own dream."

"Madara, can you just come back to the village. Take up your position as clan leader, the Uchiha need you."

"If they needed me they would have followed. All of them betrayed me, I gave them the chance to follow and none took it. When I am done there will be a new Uchiha and they will be the most powerful clan in the world. None will be able to stop us and we will never have to worry about our young dying on the battlefield, like my brother." He ended as a pained look spread across his face.

"Do we need to fight Madara."

"You can either come and fight me Hashirama or I will attack your dear village and burn it to the ground."

"Fine" he said, Before heading off in a northern direction from the village as Madara followed him.

A few seconds later Tobirama arrived after hearing the news. "Where is my brother," he asked while looking around "and Madara."

"They went to fight." I said. "Lord Hashirama told me to tell you to take charge of the village and not let anyone leave until he returns."

"Haaaa why doesn't my brother listen to me when I tell him things, he creates so many problems."

"Foresight and Nature"


"He isn't trying to erase the problem by just killing it off. He is trying to make the problem into a friend. It's a shame Madara was already too far gone after the death of Izuna."

"Are you saying it's my fault for Madara's fall?" Tobirama looks at me annoyed and surprised that I would say such a thing.

"Lord Tobirama you know just as well as anyone who looks at the Uchiha clan thoroughly that the Uchiha is the clan with the most love however they are cursed for it."

"Tch" He clicks his tongue, annoyed as he knows I'm right.

"I have a feeling we should prepare for a light show. This fight is likely going to affect this entire continent."

"You really think Madara is that powerful?"

"Our eyes are powerful, he's had 4 months alone and who knows what help he could have gotten. We've all heard of those giant monsters that wander the world, all Madara has to do is use his Mangekyo on one of those and it will make it several times harder for Lord Hokage to win."

"Hmmmm… if you are right we should seal it. I'll go get Mito, wait in the Hokage office for me."

"Ok" I said before using flying raijin to teleport to the Hokage office.

'10 Minutes Later'

"Hi little Shu, how've you been? I haven't seen you in a little while"

"Hi Lady Mito"

"You don't have to call me Lady, just call me Aunt Mito."


"So Shu, you believe Madara might have gotten help from one of them monsters." said Tobirama, who was standing off to the side.

"Yeah, the nearest one based on there patterns of appearance in the records would be the Nine Tails. If each tail represents its strength then it should be the most dangerous of these beasts"

"Nine tails…. Do you want me to seal it." Asked Mito

"If need be then yes." I said.

"Why not just kill it" said Tobirama

"Lord Tobirama, there are 9 magical creatures with extreme power that have no clans or relatives whatsoever. Most creatures instinct is to reproduce especially when nearing death yet they don't which means they likely won't be able to be killed, or they can be revived."


"Everything is troublesome to you if you can't stab it to death." Said Mito who has known Tobirama's personality for years

"You got that right Aunt Mito"

"Humph" was the last thing we heard as Tobirama turned his head and began to ignore us.

"Well this battle will last a while, when it starts to die down let's meet back here." I said while using flying raijin to leave.

"That little brat didn't even wait for us to answer him." Said Tobirama.

Leave the kid be Tobirama, Madara and Hashirama were his biggest role models. They both saved his life and he knows it, and now he just has to sit back while they kill each other"

"Tch…. fine"