
The Infinite Leveling Player

The player who took 10,000 years to destroy the Tutorial World.

EvilGodZ · Juegos
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38 Chs

Side Quest Completed

"Shut the fuck up, kid!" One of the prison guards said.

"Yeah, shut the fuck up! Who do you think you are to make a deal with us?!"

"Are you guys stupid? If your masters don't get the antidote on time, they will die, you know? So you better hurry up and release me now before it's too late."

"Hahaha! Nice try, kid! You think we are idiots who would fall for your trap?! Keep dreaming! You little piece of shit!"

"Oh, fine then. Just don't regret later when it's too late to save your masters."

As time went by, the situation got worse for the Elite Demons and they were slowly approaching their death.

During this time, Sol was just whistling or doing whatever weird noises to annoy the prison guards.

'It's about time they will have no choice but to accept my offer.' Sol thought.

Sure enough, as time went by, the demons became more and more desperate to find a way to save their masters. After searching for all kinds of methods, they realized they were running out of time and their only option now was to accept Sol's offer.

It was at this time, the metal door in front of Sol opened. And not too long later, a few demons with long beards came in, which Sol assumed they must be the demon doctors.

"I heard you said you know the recipe to make the antidote, is that true?" One of the demon doctors asked Sol curiously.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"If that's the case, we would like to make a deal with you, so tell us what you want in exchange for the recipe?"

"That's easy, I only need two things."

"Two things? What is it?"

"The first one is to release all the human slaves. As for the second… Hmm, let me think…"

"Second what? We are running out of time, so please tell us quickly."

"Wait… Ah! I remember now."

"What is it?"

"It's that fucking bitch! I believe her name is Ingrid or something."

"Ingrid? What about her?"

"I want that bitch dead! That is my second request."

With this, the demon doctors immediately informed the demon soldiers to search for Ingrid and kill her.

Unfortunately, Ingird had already left Darcia city quite some time ago, so there was no way they could find her easily.

"By the way, I want you guys to bring her dead body to me as proof, otherwise, it doesn't count." [Sol]

"No problem. In the meantime, can you please tell us the recipe now?"

"Of course, but you will have to release me first so I can move and make the antidote for you guys."


"What? You don't trust me?"

"Just give us the recipe, we will write it down."

"I will, but didn't you say you are running out of time? So isn't it better if I make the antidote myself as it would be faster since I have the knowledge of it?"

"That's… true…"

"Then hurry up and free me already, what are you hesitating for? Do you want your masters to die?"

"Of course not…"

"Then do as I say and stop wasting time."


With this, they removed the chain on Sol's feet and hands, and finally, he was now free to move around without any restraint.

"It's good to be able to move freely again." [Sol]

At first, Sol wanted to kill all the demons in this city, but he changed his mind because he already achieved his goal in taking revenge against the Elite Demons. All that was left was to wait for them to die and once they are dead, the side quest will be completed and he will receive his reward.


In the laboratory room, Sol wrote down the recipe for the demon doctors. Obviously, it was a fake made-up recipe.

With the recipe on hand, they immediately informed the demon soldiers to gather all the ingredients needed to make the antidote.

At this point in time, Sol was just enjoying his time in the castle trolling the demons.

'I guess I could troll them a bit before going to Azurion City.' Sol laughed inwardly.

In Terasia's room, Sol arrived to pay Terasia a visit.

Seeing Sol in her room, Terasia became terrified because she knew she was powerless to defend herself due to her sick body.

'This bastard! What is he doing here in my room?! And why are the soldiers not doing anything against him?! Wait… don't tell me they betray me?!' Terasia was confused.

"Yo, how are you doing? I heard you are very sick because of my poison," Sol said in a friendly manner.

Obviously Sol was being sarcastic and secretly enjoyed seeing Terasia suffer. He has no sympathy for Terasia because he hasn't forgotten what she has done to Valor, to him, this was just a payback for Valor's death.

"Y-You! What are you doing here?!" [Terasia]

Suddenly, Terasia coughed out blood.

"Woah! You okay? I think you better stop talking or else it might get worse," Sol said as he sat down on the bed next to Terasia and began touching her neck, "What a waste… you have a beautiful face, but too bad your heart is evil."

"Don't!" Terasia was furious and didn't like it that Sol was touching her neck.

"Don't what? You don't like me touching your neck?"

"You disgusting human trash! Don't touch me!"

"Calm down, I actually have some good news for you."

"G-Good news?!"

"Yes, wanna hear?"


"It's about Valor, do you remember him?"

The moment Sol mentioned Valor's name, Terasia could sensed murderous intent coming from Sol.

"V-Valor… what about him…?" Terasia replied in a fearful voice.

"Shut the fuck up and just die!" Sol was furious and without mercy, he started choking her hard.

"Stoop…! Kuggghh….! I can't breathe….!"

"You stupid bitch! This is for Valor!"

This lasted for a few minutes and eventually, she couldn't take it anymore and passed out and died.

Initially, Sol was planning to torture her slowly, but whenever he thought about Valor, he couldn't help but was enraged to the point he couldn't resist himself to kill her.

After killing Terasia, Sol stood up from the bed he was sitting on and left the room in a cold manner.

Outside of Terasia's room, the two demon guards who were guarding the room door asked what happened to Terasia, "Is everything okay?"

Sol lied to them and replied, "Yes, she's asleep right now, so close the door and don't make any noise."

"Yes, sir!"

Walking in the hallway, Sol was on his way to Zealot's room, just like how he killed Terasia, he was planning to do the same thing to Zealot.

'Zealot! your next!'

12 minutes later…

Zealot was killed by Sol, the same method that he used to kill Terasia with, choked to death. Naturally, there was nothing Zealot could do to prevent his death since he was too weak to fight back due to the poison weakening his body.

Going to one room after another, Sol murdered the Elite Demon one by one and eventually, all 8 Elite Demons are dead.


[You have slain the last Elite Demon, Belaros!]

[Side Quest completed!]

[You have received one Red Crystal!]

With this, he now has a total of 4 Red Crystals.

'Nice! Now I only need 6 more to unlock the System Shop.'

After completing the side quest in Darcia City, Sol's next destination was Azurion city, the capital city of Aegis kingdom.

However, before leaving, Sol changed his mind at the last minute. He figured it was better to get rid of all the demons here first before leaving, that's because he feared that if he let them live, there might be a chance they would search and hunt down those human slaves that escaped. So without mercy, he started going rampage in Darcia City and killed every demon on sight.

"What are you doing!?!"

"Why are you killing us!?!"

"Hahaha! Too bad! I changed my mind so you all are going to have to die now!" [Sol]

After who knows how much time has passed, many demons died while some managed to escape. Although Sol failed to get rid of all of them, it was good enough since he managed to reduce the demon population in this city to almost zero.

"Too bad some of them escape, but whatever, this should be good enough."

With this, Sol went to take a bath in the bathtub in one of the rooms in order to wash off the demons' blood that was on his body. After he was done cleaning himself, he then changed into a new pair of clothes, and just like that, he left Darcia City and began heading to Azurion City.