

"So where are you taking me?" I asked Alex as we drove around town. Its been at least 30 minutes and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable in the dress but I'd dressed to impress and that is exactly what I plan to do.

Speaking of impressing, Alex obviously wasn't. He didn't compliment me at all. He just sat there focusing on the road his face expressionless. "You'll see when we get there, it's a surprise".

After another 10 minutes we pulled up in what looked like a luxurious hotel. We found a reserved parking space labeled with Alex's name. I must say I was impressed but I played it cool.

He got out of the car and jogged around to my side and opened the door. He bowed as he gestured me to come out. How charming? He slung my hand over his as we walked through the entrance to the reception.

" Good evening Sir, how may I help you" the young man at the desk addressed Alex.