
The India that could be

Follow a young modern Indian guy into the complexities of ancient India.

maddymudda · Historia
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98 Chs


The first one to start the conversation was surprisingly the princess.

Ketaki " I was honestly surprised when your aide expressed your thoughts about meeting me this morning. "

Me " Yes. She does have a habit of jumping up unexpectedly on people, especially royalty."

Ketaki " So she is the same way with you."

Me " Definitely."

Ketaki " Thank God. I thought I was the one out of touch with interacting with people in your kingdom."

We both chuckled on her sigh.

Me " Do not misunderstand her. She is highly respectful and knows her own standing, it's just her personality that makes it sometimes seem like she is stepping out of the line."

I was worried that she might take offence to the way Adishri had presented the request and misunderstand her. All my worries however were without necessity.