

With times Aditya , Shivani, Me , Rishi ,Akhil , all started flocking together. Unlike us Akhil's girlfriend Atlanta never came close to us. May be she was reserved or may be dnt like us but she used to avoid flocking to us and all this reach a height when we came to know that she lost her interest on Akhil. Akhil was like chocolate boy every girl dreamed of. He had a long list of girl friends but may be Atlanta had a different place in his life. He tried to cut his alnar and median nerve for her as if he dnt want to live further. Hopefully Rishi and Aditya reached on time and rescued him. I still remember that incident , it was Akhil who was bleeded but it was Rishi who fainted.

On the other hand, Aditya and Shivani were friends from many years. Aditya supported her in her every step. He used to took her to Maligaon gymnasium and he did it everyday for 3 months. He used to ride the bike very fast so that Shivani hold him tight. They kissed before they realized that they were in love on their way to Goa. With times they shared many things and finally realized their feeling on their way to Diphu. I still remember once we went to Bangalore for an tournament. Aditya was not participating with us in that tournament but was travelling as Bangalore was the venue of the Camp for the upcoming World Championship. I noticed Aditya and Shivani sleeping side seats of the adjacent berth of the train so that they could talk when everyone else fell asleep. After Reaching out their he had to move to another place apart from where we are staying . Shivani was upset as she might not see him again for few months now. But the incident happened next was unexpected for all of us. Next day we heard the news that Aditya wants to leave the camp and wanted to move back. We all were surprised as he was ignoring the most awaited opportunity. After that dozens of news flourished in the market , some declared him to be a coward and was afraid of facing the world championship, some declared him to be the Romeo who refused to live without his Juliet and some said he had issue with his age. I never understood what was the actual reason behind it and I never asked him about it as according to me if he'd decided to leave that opportunity then there might be really an issue beside it. Whatever it was, it made him more prominent in the world of gymnastic specially in Assam. People started discussing about him although might be as a hero or villain. Shivani was too upset with these entire incidences. But all these draw a new height to their relation.

I often noticed them fighting but still after every fight he used to drop her to her home . They walked miles together . once she told me that they used to bought a coke every day irrespective of the fight they had and used to shared it.

Their love was so fantasizing that I dreamed to be a couple like them. They were just to perfect for each other.