You know, looking back into my life, it was horrible. No one had thought to tend to me. No one gave a second glance once they walked past me. Father’s dead... Mother’s dead... Same as everyone around me, but all that changed when I was chosen. Chosen by who? “HIM” of course.
She had a flaming dress all around her. And a bow that was as red as blood in her hands. She lifted the bow and pulled the string with no arrows on it.
"Flaming arrows," she said as she let go of the string.
7 arrows came straight to me, and I tried to dodge some of them but couldn't dodge them all. It felt like a hot knife cutting through your skin, I wanted to cry out, but I held it in. I was busy dodging the barrage of arrows she kept shooting at me for about 5 minutes.
"Void, come out," I yelled.
As the last arrow was about to hit me, void came to my rescue. He carried me out to the shooting range and out of the smoke.
"Is that a dragon?" Someone said looking, up.
"No way, only true geniuses have mythical creatures as their soul,"
(* High Recovery *)
All the wounds on my body quickly healed themselves.
"Master she is overpowering you because of her transformation, and although it's not complete. Right now, She can kill you with ease."
"What should we do then?"
"I have a way to beat her, but it's dangerous."
Chapter 15
"I have a way, but it is dangerous," Void said with great concern.
"What is it?"
"Remember the second transformation we talked about?" he said as his voice was shaking.
"Yea… what about it?"
"Well, the second transformation doesn't really have a level requirement, or wait… It does have a level that they advise you to be at before you activate it, but you can try at any point," he explained.
(*wait then, why didn't he tell me?... No, there has to be another reason.*)
"What's the price?" I asked.
"Excruciating pain for the host, and it might not even work after all the effort is made," he explained.
*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh*
Three arrows were sent to me by that demon for a girl in her phoenix outfit. One scratched my cheek while the others missed me.
(*Wait, she has a phoenix outfit on*)
"Does that girl have the second transformation?" I asked void.
"Yes, although it is incomplete due to her mana not being sufficient."
"I will do it, activate the second transformation."
"Are you sure master?" void said in a worried voice.
"Once started, there is no turning back," he added.
"Start the transformation."
"Master, please think about this wisely."
"Yes Master," he responded.
I felt the energy in my body growing stronger and stronger than it became hard to control. I felt like my body was ripping apart slowly, slowly, little by little, I lost consciousness. A black ball surrounded my face just before I totally lost it, then my eyes were closed.
"Hey, Son wake up!" I heard.
(*This voice sounds familiar*)
I opened my eyes, and before me was my mother and father, and behind them was my cute little sister.
"Hey Son, How are you doing?"
I couldn't bring myself to talk, I tried to move, but my legs were not moving.
"I know you are disappointed in us."
"N-NO I am not" I managed to say.
"Oooo look, he can talk."
I have heard my father so much that I would recognize my father, but his attitude made him stand out more.
"Are you eating well Johnny?" My mother said as tears ran down her face.
"Y-Yes mom" I replied, trying hard to hold my tears in.
"Hey, say hi to your big bro," my dad said as he tried to pull my sister out from behind him.
"Big bro?" she said in a questioning tone.
"I don't have one," she then finished as she ran from my dad to my mom.
My eyes opened after I heard those words, my heart beating fast as I tried to convince myself that she didn't mean it.
"H-hey, it's me john!" I said, trying to get myself together.
"Come on Sasha it's your brother John," my mother said, trying to hold back her tears.
"He doesn't deserve to be my brother. He left you and dad to die when we were young, then let Uncle rape me. I hate people who think they can be what they don't deserve to be," she yelled out.
We were all silent, so silent the only things you could hear were my heartbeats and my mother's tears hitting the ground.
"B-but Sasha, I wasn't home when it happened, and I killed him after I figured it out." I tried to explain.
"YOU KILLED YOUR UNCLE?" my dad yelled.
"D-dad it was for Sasha. She was getting raped, please understand." I tried to explain without looking my father in the face.
"So you are the reason huh?"
"You are the reason we couldn't rest in peace."
Then the yelling started, everyone yelled the faults that I had throughout my life with each of them getting me sadder and them angrier, then one came straight to me.
"YOU ARE THE REASON WE ARE DEAD!!!!" my mother yelled.
Chapter 15 Ends
Author's Note:
Hey guys Sectra here,
I just wanted you guys to know that by May 31st I might not upload Chapters anymore till August 25th. Because I am using a school device for the upload as I do not have a device of my own. Although I had the option to charge you to read chapters so I could make some money. I don't believe it will be fair to push my problems on the ones enjoying my book.
I just wanted you to know this information and would love it if you could still stick around till I start uploading again in August of 2021, and if you feel like you would like to support me in any way ( you really don't have to ) please feel free to comment how you would like to.
Thank you for your patronage!!